"Got into vegas at about 6:00pm. The rest of my group got in the next morning at 9:00am. Started drinking at my hotel bar for quite a while. At 11:00 started getting pretty drunk and bored. Had been to Spearmint Rhino before so called their number for a free ride and cover into the club. Place was not too busy on a Thursday. Lots and lots of girls but not overly busy like on weekends. Got there and had intentions of not getting too crazy. Ordered 2 beers for $16 and sat down. Turned down about a dozen offers for private dances. Ordered 2 more beers. Went to the bathroom, turned down more girls. Left bathroom and saw a very hot skinny blonde girl with fake tits. She stopped me. I initially turned her down. She made me grab her ass. I grabbed her ass. We then went into the private area. Dance was 1/2 hour for $200 and I also needed to buy 2 drinks. I told the girl that both drinks are mine. So I ordered a shot and a beer. Dance proceeded. Once done she asked if I wanted to go again. I said yes, with another shot and beer. This continued for 2.5 hours for a total of 5 dances. I blacked out for a while at some point in there. My bill ended up being $1320 when all was said and done. The club gave me a free limo ride back to my hotel when I left. That was very nice of them."
I heard that Vegas clubs offer free Limo service, and you don't pay cover if you use their pickup.Is there any minimum amount that you need to spend in the club after taking Limo ride or you can leave whenever you like?
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