Worst Stripper Experience

avatar for rickdugan
After coming across so many mentions of bad stripper experiences I thought it might be helpful to come up with a compilation for the collective education and awareness of us TUSCLers.

My worst experiences have not been too bad by the standards of what I have seen here, but I will kick this off. Feel free to share both ITC and OTC.

Some years ago I had the old "watch my purse" con run on me. I was sitting at the bar with a new dancer and, after talking with her for some time, she asked me to watch her purse while she danced, which turned into a 20 minute span. Shortly after she comes back, she claimed that over $100 was missing from her purse (similar to what happened to someone else on here from what I was reading). Fortunately the manager and bartender believed me and it helped that I was a semi-regular at the club.

Also in my younger years, I took a stripper OTC and payed her upfront when we got to the room. She stayed clothed and gave me a BJ for about 20 seconds, then started to upsell me. Then she asked me if I had "party favors" (I am assuming coke or heroin) and took off when I told her no. For various reasons, I was in a bad position to make a scene about it. She was $350 richer while I got nothing other than an lesson in handling OTC (one of many hard earned in my years). Lesson learned.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I've been fortunate so far. Nothing even as bad as yours. Your ITC one happened to another guy while I was present, but it's never happened to me. I managed to learn from someone else's mistake instead of my own that time. :)

As for OTC, I have yet to do that with anyone I haven't first "interviewed" ITC, and I think that practice has saved me from disappointment. I've had OTC offers declined, and declined a few of my own, but so far, knock on wood, nobody has failed to show up or failed to get the job done once started.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Well, I was present for a dancer's pretty bad day.

She was new to the club, and better-looking than most of the other 8 or so working the day shift. As I sat on a nice, leather sofa opposit the stage and bar, I watched at the far end of the room where newbie cutie sat with a guy in his 50s. Presumably some discussion was taking place, then the guy stands up and walks 15 feet behind him to the very visible club ATM. I thought, wow, she must be good as in just a brief time she has the guy running to the ATM...

So, he comes back and they head to the club's famed "bubble room". The bubble room is so named because it is partially hidden behind those illuminated vertical water holders which have air bubbles rising within them. They come back after two songs, so it was pretty easy they had done the "2 for $60" deal. She joins him sitting a for a song or two before deciding he wasn't going to spend more money and moves on.

Simultaneously to this going on, two guys in their 20s had walked in and were sitting at a table with a dancer. The other dancer calls newbie cutie over when she walks by and joins the table at the open chair. She's there for ten minutes or so and then gets up and walks off. Other dancer and two guys head off to the bubble room. What happened?

Newbie cutie joins me and is EXTREMELY pissed off. One of the two guys bet her $60 she couldn't eat two packages of Saltine crackers in one minute. As soon as she said it I knew she'd been had, for I had heard of the Saltine bet before. Anyways, she was reluctant to do it, but the other dancer told her she had done it. Trusting in the other gal, she placed her money on the table alongside the guy's and the bet was on. Obviously, she didn't win and her money funded the trip for the two guys to the bubble room.

So, no sooner had she told me this (as she sat with me) then the bubble room session had ended and the other gal walked by (well not immediately in front of us, but with only one table inbetween.) Nevertheless, cutie-hottie-newbie blurted out "I'm gonna kick your ass!!" I tried to consol her and did give her some business -- but after I was done spending money with her she moved on. I, though, on adult daycare, was in hangout mode and would stay a little while longer...

So, this pair of guys come in. Scam assistant dancer drops in to hang with them in hopes the cash would soon flow. Scam assistant dancer leaves the guys temporarily to perform her set on stage. This is when (I should've said above) newbie-cutie leaves me to move in on the other gals business -- ie "The war is on!" Ultimately the other gal gets off stage and each dancer is now perched in one of the guy's laps in a face off stare down. I don't know whether the guys ever had a clue, but the tension was extremely high.

I thought about telling the manager before blood was shed, something I had encouraged newbie-cutie to do; I can't recall what her response was, but it was something along the lines of making me think not to do so myself either. I guess I got a phone call to rejoin the group around that time and that's how I left. I wonder whether the Reno Police Report the next day had any mention of an altercation occurring at the Fantasy Dolls the day prior???
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
ITC: While realitive new at the game ROB getting me to buy her $75 dress from boutique. She also got me smashed in VIP and conned me into giving her money for work on her car.

OTC: ROB taking $200 out of my pants pocket after sex when the rate negotiated was $110. She ran out of the room with it and my car keys then threw the keys at me from the door. This was totally unexpected as I had done her around two dozen times and the the session before had been great with a great dinner date. Her BF knew of our meetings and I believe he had her on drugs and was probably pimping her out. Watch your pants!
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
"Watch your pants!"

That's a great quote. LOL
avatar for FLDude62
15 years ago
I'll join the party and admit to a couple of bad ITC experiences. Both happened when I was VERY drunk.
Your judgement is impaired, and the girls know that. Never pay more than $60 for 2 songs in the "back room." It's just bumping and grinding anyway.
If someone mentions that the room is $250 and $250 for "me" run like hell and find a high quality escort if you wanna spend that kind of dough.
It's nothing but a business for them, and we guys get more bang for the buck when we coldly approach it the same way!
avatar for minnow
15 years ago
This was maybe my potential worst, but mainly serves to underscore the importance of being familiar with club ( knowing prices/customs beforehand), plus being a regular of sorts doesn't hurt.

This encounter was full of red flags/ booby traps:

1) Dancer demanded payment upfront in place where its not customary
2) Dancer asked for more than the normal dance price.

I stood up, saying that I'm not paying that price, and walked off. Dancer then ran after me, demanding some payment for her time. When I balked, she said she'd have me thrown out of club. She then had an exchange with housemom, pointing at me. Housemom went to bartender/ bouncer,the later looking at me with the "huh, not that guy" kind of look. Housemom came over to me saying that (trap#3)dancer accused me of an unsavory act, what really happened? I told her my side, including the attempted overcharge, housemom just nodded, and let me go about my business. I later heard that dancer pulled the same stunt with a "FOTO" ( friend of the owner) and got fired. I'm not sure that a total newbie would have fared as well as I did.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
We had a few dances a couple of nights. Then she starts crying because she is three months down on her rent. I paid it for her, directly to the landlord. Two weeks later we go to dinner and then out to a club where a lot of people we know in common hang out. She's working the room until she finds a guy to take her home. I blew up and told her to get her bag out of my car and her ass out of my life.
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
Other than dancers hustling for drinks and not giving me the full time on my lapdances, I don't have any really bad experiences at stripclubs. I will say that from reading posts on tuscl I have noticed that alot of hustling and scamming goes on in the champagne/vip room. The majority of the clubs I have been to did/do not have a Champagne room just a room for lapdances. I guess the Champagne room is one of the areas of a stripclub that carries the most Stripper bullshit.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Ouch SuperDude. You just further reinforced my belief in the pay after play system.

I once had a more minor attempt at something like that. The girl tried to get me to give her money that night for play tomorrow. She supposedly needed money for diapers and food. I said no but made sure to let her know that the money would be in her hands the next day if she actually wanted to deliver.

No surprise when my phone never rang the next day. I guess she wasn't really that hungry or overly lacking in diapers ;)
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Here’s an incident that happened a few years ago (when I was clubbing intermittently and before I had heard of TUSCL):

I’m in some dive club in the middle of nowhere. Dancer (one of only two in the place at the time) and I head to the back, have some high mileage dances, but no extras. Afterward I pay her the agreed upon amount. She takes it, and then wants to know where her tip is. I ask what she’s talking about. Turns out she wants $200 for “getting me off” as she so crudely put it. I demur, saying this was not part of our prior agreement. She’s incessant, finally says she’s going to go get a bouncer to make me pay up. I say ok, let’s go together, but I want to talk to the manager. As we’re heading to the manager’s office we go by the service entrance (which I had noticed before during a trip to the bathroom). I promptly bolt through the door, running to my car as the stripper yells for the bouncer. I gun the engine and peel out of the parking lot in hail of gravel like a bad Dukes of Hazzard episode. As I fishtail onto the highway I check the rear view mirror and see the stripper and bouncer standing in the parking lot. I kept glancing back, expecting them to hop into a car and give chance, but nothing happened and I made a clean getaway.

So, along with "Watch your pants!" I propose, “Always know where the emergency exit is.”
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
steve229, did/will you ever go back to that club?
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
lol Steve, never had an ITC experience quite so fucked up, but good advice.
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