Top 10 Rules of SC'ing

avatar for mmdv26
Stumbled upon this. Probably been posted here before, but just in case it hasn't....



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avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Most were common sense but here is one I dislike. These rules were made up by a stripper so of course they are bias against customers.

"Rule #5: Obey the Rules

Different clubs have different standards, but when a dancer tells you a rule, pay attention! Where I work, we have a strict "touch and go" policy. Touch a dancer and you go. Bouncers and managers can't see everything, but you never know who you are grabbing. You probably don't want to have to explain to your wife that your black eye resulted from grabbing the butt of a stripper with a mean left hook.

It took all my self control once not to tighten the tie around a short, fat man's little neck after he'd poked me with his wet, smelly cigar and asked me if I shaved all over. Instead, I smiled, stepped away, uttered a mild obscenity and left. When I'm not dancing, writing, or going to school, I study kick boxing.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Feminist writer talking to strippers at a no mileage club.

There are several local TV reporters I'd like to see go "undercover" as strippers as a wake up call.
avatar for how
15 years ago
Any club with a "touch and go" policy won't get any money from me...
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Rules 1 (time is money), 4 (leave the wife/gf at home) and 10 (tip) make sense, but the others are less absolute to me. The article reads as if it was a submission by a semi-newbie dancer with an agenda.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Can't say that I disagree with those rules. After all, they're mostly just common sense consideration. What the article fails to mention is that many of them apply in both directions. I've met a few dancers who would benefit just as much as
customers from a reminder of that from time to time.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I guess we're spoiled here in Florida, but I've never been to a "touch and go" club.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Where 'bout in Florida? That sure makes a difference.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Php - try Orlando
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Steve---yeah, I've heard the stories. Luckily I'm an hour from Tampa. LOL
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
The thing is...sometimes the dancers don't obey the club's rules. I was at a strip club in SE MA a few weeks ago with a clearly stated "touch-and-go" policy, and I saw many other customers violating that policy in the LD area with no one bothering them. The second dancer that I had a set of LDs with actually said to me during the first dance, "You can touch a little yanno..."

If I'm new to a particular club, I don't have a problem asking, "What's the deal with the LDs here", when I'm talking to a dancer. It's important to know what you're getting into beforehand.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Sometimes even when dancers do tell you that no touching is allowed they are only saying that because you are new and think you might be undercover cop asking a blunt question like that. I have had dancers tell me on the main area that no touching is allowed in lap dances but they did not mind my wandering hands.
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