Lapdance from a porn star
A big-name pornstar will be featuring at a nearby club in several weeks. I'd like to get a lapdance from her (and am willing to pay a lot). I called the club and they said that feature dancers typically don't do lapdances. If I wanted to make this happen, what would be the best way to go about it? (Do I ask her directly or someone else, etc.)
Also keep in mind that the porn star is probably going to be swamped with attention. You won't get more than 30 seconds to talk to her at most and that will be with several other of the audience and security around.
Good luck though. Also check to see if she has a website and join it. You can email her through her website (most porn stars only post their email address to their paying members). Hopefully she has a blackberry and can get your introduction email.
I should have thought it through. A dancer who doesn't know me, who meets tons of people in clubs all the time is going to give me a once in a lifetime dance in the span of a 4-5min song. Ummm . . . no.
If you do get a dance I wish you luck. Whatever happens you should post your experience here! I'd love to hear about it.
I've only met one pornstar, and it was not at a club. Kobe Tai, and she was quite a charmer. Nothing special about the encounter, I just was favorably impressed by her personality.
I met one Playmate in LA: Deborah Driggs. Very sweet, and better looking in person than in pictures. (Saying something, the way those pix are treated with such care.)
I would ask her directly while you are at the club. Going to her website & seeing if she displays ads for OTC either there or elsewhere would be a good idea as well. You will likely have to pay big bucks for any encounter (ITC or OTC) that you get though.
"The porn star is Lisa Ann, BTW."
Ooooppppsss...I think you're out of luck on the OTC action then, given this video:…
Of course, according to *this video*, she's apparently had sex with a 16-year-old (?) & taken guys home from a strip club multiple times after giving them go figure:…
She's hot, but, if you get to meet her, tell her to get her boobs fixed so that both her nipples point straight ahead. Good luck!