
Part timers are more fun/veterans have higher mileage

Friday, March 19, 2010 12:39 AM
I've been to my favorite club a lot lately, and I've learned which girls are there full time and which are part time. There is a difference, generally. The full time dancers need this money to survive. Expensive lifestyles, drug habits, loser boyfriends, whatever. So they push the Champagne rooms and usually provide the highest mileage. They're not usually ones for chatting, in my experience. It's business. The downside is they usually aren't much fun, because they don't like the job. The part timers are doing it for different reasons. Either they need a some extra money OR they are thrill seeking. I know one dancer who works full time at a regular job 5 days a week, and dances only on the weekends. When I've seen her @ the club, she's been a blast. Funny, cute, sexy as hell, and obviously having a fun time. Another girl works a real job and goes to school. She dances to satisfy her need to be an exhibitionist. She's also a lot of fun. Likes to spank me. LOL.


  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Avoid lifers at all costs.
  • squirreldog
    14 years ago
    ok, good info but do you call a 40 year old a lifer? some of the best girls i hav had are the older ones. but i am not sure that is true for all???
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    "Lifer" is not necessarily a consequence of age. If they have had jobs and experiences beyond stripping or if they have ambitions beyond strippers, then the less likely they are to be "lifers". Some older girls are not lifers, and some young ones are the day they start.
  • squirreldog
    14 years ago
    i would agree that the girls that enjoy what they do are the most fun. even if they are not the hottest girls. that being said, a girl that is part time could be the better trip but my problem in huntsville is every club has soo much turnover. man i have only seen a few girls more than one but most girls are new for some reason. you can't figure them out.
  • squirreldog
    14 years ago
    one thing i have found is that as far as high mileage, most of the time you just dont know untile you try. agree???
  • squirreldog
    14 years ago
    recently i met a newbie at a local club. first of all she could not dance, second, all she did was talk about the other girls selling snatch to make their money, and third, she was married and claimed to be broke. go figure? i felt sorry for her but only because she was clueless.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I met one stripper bitching about how she applied "everywhere" in town and no one hired her. I joked "even Mcd's?" and she's like "yeah even they won't hire me"... what a loser. I ended up declining her for the next 2fer1.
  • trailer12b1
    14 years ago
    saw a girl with braces and just could not get a dance with her. She was 18 i am sure but just way to young. anyone else?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^trailer12b1, ^ Yeah I agree the braces are a deal breaker for me. I asked one how much they costs and she's like "I don't know, I am under my parent's insurance and they pay for it"...that kind of made me think she was too young still to be lap dancing...so I declined getting a dance from her.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    A part-time stripper? Aren't they all?
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    samsung, A former fave of mine told me her father took her to the club where I first met her when she finished high school and didn't have a job. He told her to go in and apply. She had been there for 7 years when I first saw her.
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