Man Shot in Buttocks After Dispute With Suspected Prostitute

avatar for samsung1
Wichita police are investigating after a shooting at an E. Kellogg hotel. Police were called to the Regency Inn just after midnight Tuesday morning. They found a 68-year-old man had picked up a 25-year-old woman at a bar.

Police say the man took her back to a hotel room where she demanded money for sex. He refused to pay her, so she called a 26-year-old man who showed up and threatened the 68-year-old.

Police say the 68-year-old man pulled out a small-caliber handgun and shot the other man in the buttocks.

He was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Police interviewed the 68-year-old, but he was not arrested.

YOU GO OLD TIMER! Poor guy thought he had won the lottery. That little punk is lucky he only got shot in the butt. I would have aimed a little further forward...The pimp got pimped.…


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avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
New item for OTC "overnite bag"- small caliber handgun. I'll put it alongside my condoms and toothpaste.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Another reason to exercise extra caution in OTC activites. Or not go OTC at all.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I have done OTC with 5 strippers. But I did not just meet them. They had to gain my trust and me theirs. I met one At the Goldrush Showbar in ATL several months ago. We did a VIP trip. She offered to come to my home for FS. Way too risky. I would not even give her my didgets. And I threw hers away. Just use some common sense.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Why "small caliber"? Why give 'em a chance to get up again?

9mm jacketed hollow points is about as small as I'd want to go. That's what I'm loading now.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

I was told nothing smaller than a .40 if you wish to not have to re-aim, so that is my choice.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
.45 M1911
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

In a carry weapon, weight vs. power is a key. Would be nice to hit them with a .50 from a lovely S&W, but that is a lot ungainly.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
While I pack serious heat, I have not had any problems with stripper BF or pimps. You have to be aware though that the man she is living with is probably aware of your otc activities with her. But bc she is supporting him, he is not going to cause you a problem.

The ideal situation of course is where she is in control and her BF (or husband) is not aware of her otc activity. These gals are are smarter than the others (they are not on drugs or supporting some sleazy BF)and are playing both sides of the ball. I have found their dependability and performance is superior in a session vs some gal who's probably on drugs supporting some loser BF. You have to realize that for a lot of them prostitution is their profession (whether itc or otc), thats what they do, and they make good money at it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Clubber: If it weren't for hollow points, I'd agree. Size *does* matter, but type of round can mitigate that to a certain extent.

SD: A full size 1911 frame is harder for me to conceal, because of my size. I can't put it inside my belt because of my extra padding, and hanging it on my belt causes a big bulge, even with an extra long shirt. I don't wear the right kind of clothes to make a shoulder type holster worthwhile.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I don't own a gun. I feel safe at home. CNN's Money Magazine rated it the 8th best place to live in the U.S. This was in part do to the low crime rate. I used to be a small game hunter. Ducks, etc. I had 2 shot guns. 12 gauge and 20 gauge. I gave it up and got rid of the guns when my kids were infants. I did not want any accidents.

I don't know how you could get away with taking a gun into a strip club. A lot of clubs are using detectors or pat downs. They would be difficult to hide during a lap dance. The dancer would freak and this would at least get you thrown out.
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
15 years ago
Why does this make me think of the movie Forrest Gump. When the 68 year old pulled the gun the girl should have shouted "Run Forrest! Run!"
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I've only been in one club here that had an obvious metal detector, and none have ever patted me down. I haven't been to every club in the area, though.

It's illegal in this area to carry a loaded gun, concealed or otherwise, into an establishment that serves alcohol by the drink, unless they make more than 50% of their gross from food.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Having been shot with a hollow point in my foot, I was "lucky" it hit a bone and my foot insides contained most of the fragments. Not a lot came out the bottom, but enough to create the hole. Likely kept me out of Vietnam and still makes a cool x-ray!
avatar for GRENDELZ
15 years ago
I just wanted to say that it seems like criminals are getting more desperate nowadays. Carrying a firearm isn't such a bad idea. Even myself, being a 5'10" 300lb ex-gang member. Have been accosted once or twice. People who know me don't fuck with me. People who don't, think twice. And straight-up crackheads don't even think nowadays. A lack of money has been turning some people to a life of crime. @SD used to have a 1911 compact commander. Now I carry a S&W M&P 9mm 16 shots of FMJ +P ammo will drop anyone.
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