
Update on gridget.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, September 28, 2009 7:33 PM
She came home from the hospital today. They removed a part of her intestine. She should have only spent 2-3 days in the hospital but she developed an infection and spent 10 day there. She is on pain pills and antibiotics. She will need another 2-3 weeks to recover. She is in good spirits. She was surprised to find that the flowers I sent her 2 weeks ago were still alive. She was shocked to hear about TUSCL_Brother. She appreciates all the best wishes from you that know her. Now I am going go order some See's candy to be sent to her.


  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hope she can eat the "See's candy." And, with luck she'll be good as new in record speed. For your sake, I hope she isn't the stereotypical cold hearted stripper taking advantage. Some of those women are very good. It is like can we do that again? :)
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    jablake,She rarely strips anymore. She is an intermediate EMT now, working to become a flow blown paramedic. But she will drive the 50 miles to have lunch with me and hang with me at my favorite club, whenever I am in town.
    15 years ago
    Shadow, I don't know her but all the best. Not comforting to hear people developing infections at a place where we'd think it to be the cleanest!
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Hi shadowcat, Yes, from reading your posts I was aware that. My concern was once a stripper always a stripper. For example, a few years ago they had this horrible front page case. The man was married to the prostitute/stripper for like 7 years and was an excellent provider according to the newspaper story. I think the husband even had a couple of kids with her. He *thought* was the luckiest man on earth and on the surface it sure seemed like he was doing very well. BOOM! Police give him the bad news. His loving wife hired a hit man to kill him off. The husband was stunned because his wife LOVED him. Very depressing story if it was anything like what was reported. You think your wife loves you and she doesn't even bother with divorce---just go and pay someone a $100 or whatever to get you dead. :( Anyway, that is the exception, imo. I'm just overly cynical and distrusting----which is probably more costly normally than just getting burnt! Gridget is probably a wonderful person and like I said I'm overly cynical and distrusting.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Hospitals have more germs than anywhere; infections are common there. All the best to Gridget.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    G. is very fortunate to have a great friend like the 'cat! Hope she's better real soon!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I hope her the best. I wonder if a hospital has more germs than a SC?
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    We get attached to these ladies, don't we? I have a short list of girls I think about from time to time, and while I have lost touch with some, I hope they are ok. Shadowcat, glad to hear she is home. You gotta believe she appreciates your small favors.
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    What happened to Tuscl Brother? Did Gridget have diverticulitus?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    mitciv, Bro was covered on another topic. I can't divulge any more that that. As for gridget, I am not sure what the technical term for it is but she had an intestinal blockage.She was on a liquid from Aug 18th until she had the surgery. We met twice last month but did not do lunch. I have passed on my monthly Columbia trip this month because of her condition. Big stupid me. I didn't even think to ask her if she can now eat solids (candy etc). Next months trip is on hold until I know that she is back on her feet. We plan a trip to the RiverBanks Zoo in Columbia. It's only a 3 minute drive from my hotel and 4 from my favorite club.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I just added a recent photo of gridget to my profile page.I have 23 others but they are too reveling. For my eyes only. I promised to not share.
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Finally, a face to the infamous Gridget. :)
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    shadow, She looks just like your cat! No wait, I forgot to scroll down.
  • runnoft
    15 years ago
    Oh, so Gridget is a dancer? I thought she was your cat.
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