
strippers and wedding rings

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:01 PM
Ok the husband knows she dances. He's cool. how many strippers actually wear their wedding ring? Wouldn't it be a relatively counter productive idea if she is trying to get my cash while letting me live a 10 minute fantasy? I say no way a dancer wears her ring. Opinions?


  • andersonsc
    15 years ago
    But would your average joe want to know she's married and KNOW its just an act from the start? Not talking about regulars.....talking college guys....bachelor parties....suckers. ya know?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Some dancers wear their rings. Some don't. Some that are not married wear them to discourage guys from hitting on them. I find that married ones are less likely to do FS.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Dancers do what they want to project the image they want.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    The only stripper rings I care about are belly, tongue and clit.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    Had a fave at a bikini club that was NOT married, and I knew this because I handled her divorce. She wore her wedding ring for three or four years afterward, and she said it freed her up to date OTC and have a "good excuse" to send the suckers packing after the session. She didn't want anyone sleeping over, didn't want to have to screw with breakfast and whatnot, and used "being married" to keep the strings unattached.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    A ring doesn't mean she is married. And I've seen rings on the "marriage" finger that aren't normal wedding rings. They mean nothing, IMHO.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    gatorfan: rings should only be worn on fingers. I have a friend (TUSCL buddy) that got his shirt torn by a belly ring. A former favorite pointed out that she did not need a tongue ring to give a good BJ. Clit rings are offensive. They not only make intercourse unpleasant but could also chip a tooth.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    JudyJudy wears a wedding ring. She's hot. When asked about the ring, she said "Why not?" Does the wedding ring dampen the fantasy, or merely let you know what the limits are?
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    I have never taken it off to dance. Not sure why I would........
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I think most dancers remove their wedding rings so as to not alter a PL' s fantasy of her "availability". It doesn't matter to me either way, really. I must admit I was a bit intrigued the few times I have seen a dancer wearing one.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    My ATF wears her wedding rings. Even when she meets me for sessions at motel (POP = $200). She is super in bed (been doing her a year about 2x a week), frankly I feel her being married is stabilizing influence vs ones I have seen who were on drugs with sleazebo BF they were supporting. As far as her hubby - I vote him Cuckhold of the Year. I have taken lots of bikini photos of her at motel and her rings flash bright. Sorry no photos of her yet as she is still active with me for sessions.
  • mr_33
    15 years ago
    I've never looked a dancer's fingers. Don't recall if I've ever seen a ring or not. Doesn't that happen more in bars where people are trying to find a mate? Could care less if she's married. Many share info about their kids readily.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    The issue about sharing stories about their kids makes me wonder - what is the most kids anystripper has ever tolf you she has? One told me she had six kids and she was 25 ---needed a job and was working at the club ---she definitely was hot and if I didn't know she had six kids I would have pursued her even furhter ---maybe would have even taken her up on the carry Out services she offered.
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    Interesting and timely topic for me. On a recent trip, a dancer noticed my wedding ring and commented "so you're married?" I answered yes and she held up her left hand to show me her wedding ring and diamond. First time I ever recall seeing that actually. When she gave me her phone #, she told me to please just hang up if a man answered. You gotta love the strip club scene!
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Magicrat -"just hang up if a man answers"- I would be worried about caller ID and a visit from said man
  • magicrat
    15 years ago
    steve and TB - thanks for the concern, but that's what prepaid cells are for. I do have one just for this purpose.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Now that's the kind of helpful hint that I come to this board for!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    True story, just happened. At work last Tuesday, a guy I work with found a ring. Not junk, but not a diamond or anything like that. It was covered in dirt as it was buried. He handed it to me and I just stuck it in my pocket. As I was reading TUSCL list a few minutes ago, my wife walks in and says, "What is this?" As I turn to look, she is holding the ring, all clean now since she had just washed it. For a split second, I could not think of where a ring would come from. Then I recalled. Anyway, all is well.
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