Best way to ask for "EXTRA'S?"

avatar for Kprince
What is the best and most polite way to ask for any extra's? I think maybe just asking, "so, do you do anything extra?"

I wanted to know how some of you have asked for, and received bj's, and sex, when I have they asked me, so I didn't have a chance to ask them, haha.


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avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
If you go to clu known for extras, you dont even have to ask it's like Nike, they just do it.
avatar for how
16 years ago
She: "Wanna dance?"
Me: "What do you have in mind?"


She: "Wanna dance?"
Me: "Just a dance?"

In other words, you might keep your questions very open-ended at first, to gauge whether she will steer the conversation in the direction you're hoping. If that fails, you can be more direct, or wait for another opportunity.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
Hey KPrince buddy!

Here is a thread with 24 replies of a similar question to yours.…

Best of luck to you!

Just don't be a sucker like me and ask the girl about doing something and if she tells you she will only do it in the Champagne room. Then when you take her there she won't do it and just laugh at what a sucker you were because she is getting your money for lying to you.
avatar for wallanon
16 years ago
Didn't we just see this thread? Isn't it still on the front page?
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Instead of listening to their, "Wanna dance?" BS, why not hit them first with, "Wanna fuck?".
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
Culbber, I tried that once just for fun. I got 2 Yeses, one no and one maybe. BTW I knew all of them well.
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
Wallanon, I've lost track. We've got 'Best way to ask for a dance?', 'Best way to ask for OTC?', 'Best way to ask for a cocktail?', I believe.

Coming soon: 'Best way to ask the board for the best way to ask for stuff?'
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