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13 years ago
Building the Perfect Strip Club Part 6, Business Practices
Review: I am discussing my ideas about strip club design and management and designing a sample club as an illustration. The parameters are: 4000sf storefront with 10 ft ceilings, lap dances and VIP allowed but no alcohol. ...
13 years ago
Kentucky Derby 2012 Strip Club Round Up
Updated for 2012, and taking the new laws into account.
Virtually all Louisville clubs have the "wanna buy the lady a drink" hustle. The only exception that I know of to this practice is PT's, downtown. You can still...
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
13 years ago
A Year Being a Regular: Part V
I deleted Alanna's number the next morning.
I've seen fools trip over themselves, toss logic out the window, and let stupidity take the driver's seat while they succumb to their siren's calls. The sweet nothings that flow so effortlessly from...
13 years ago
Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
The most litigated issue under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is whether an employee is an independent contractor or not. In this article, I would like to briefly discuss the issue of whether or not dancers should be classified...
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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13 years agoby