Want free VIP time? Write an Article!
8 years ago
Current State of the Strip Club Scene in Atlanta
Many TSUCLers have asked me questions about various strip clubs in the Atlanta area, and have responded with requested information. But it is time to put together a more thorough description and article of the the strip club scene...
8 years ago
Public Transportation To Clubs Actual User Experiences
I initially debated writing this article figuring that someone with the wherewithal to support many club visits could also afford a set of wheels, and/or have enough horsepower in the company food chain to rate a company paid rental. I...
Any place that interests me.
8 years ago
Things Strip Club Customers Think
Having enjoyed TaraChristine's What Strippers Think article, she made me consider what's going through my mind while she has those profound thoughts. So with no further delay, here's what this one PL is thinking about in the stripclub.
Chicago, IL
8 years ago
The Horrid Bait-and-Switch of a ROB
Visiting a club can be a wonderful or a horrible experience. There may be a few in-betweens that are neither great nor terrible, but generally I either have an experience that I would love to repeat or an experience that...
Game recognize game man, game recognize game.
9 years ago
Why Patrons don’t Buy: A Guide for Entertainers
This is from a well-traveled and well-clubbed veteran patron’s perspective.
This is somewhat a response to the question, “She's Pretty, You Like Her, but Why Won't You Buy Dances From Her?”
It is personal preference. When I buy dances my first choice...
Game recognize game man, game recognize game.
9 years ago
Strip Club vs Night Club. Which is Cheaper? Better?
Strip club or regular dancefloor nightclub. Which is cheaper overall for pussy? Which is cheaper for a LD, LDK, and takeout?
Techniques to learn from night club creep (AKA PL2).
1st chat up and buy drinks for the men that escorted the...
New York
9 years ago
She's Pretty, You Like Her, but Why Won't You Buy Dances From Her?
The reason I'm posting this on here and NOT stripperweb (as i'm sure ya'll will tell me to do) is because I want the opinion of strip club patrons not other strippers. I want ya'll to tell me what you...
Want free VIP time? Write an Article!
8 years agoby