Almost taken with the upsale

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I was at my favorite club tonight, and thought I take a test drive with a dancer I had seen before, but never felt compelled to talk to.  We talked a few minutes before she disapeared for a while.  When she finally came back all she wanted to do was get the LD on.  As she never really did anything for me before, I thought I would just get it over with.  You never know, maybe she would be the best I have had.  We take a spot in the back of the room and she just starts dancing, no waiting for the next song to start.  She started off slow I thought, more air then lap.  As she starts getting into it, she quietly whispers to me, "want me to take my panties off".  Well, of course I do, I am a guy.  Just as she starts to peel them off it dawns on me, she is trying to get me from a regular LD to a nude...slick, but I tell her she can keep them on.  She looks disapointed, but continues.  The first song ends with her lightly grinding on my lap and as the second song begins, she stands up to dance some when i realize she is going to dance as long as I let her, and like a taxicab, the fair will keep going to.  Since she is nowhere near my favorite and she just tried to take me once, i politely tap on her ass and tell her we are keeping this to one song.  She dresses and walks away. The best part is she worked this same trick on a guy i know just 10 minutes later, but she gets him for both the nude and the double song without him putting a stop to it. 


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