Getting a job at a strip club is not always an easy thing to accomplish. It took me 3 tries before I got hired at the club I really wanted. You have to remember that a strip club constantly girls coming in and out the door looking for work. If you follow my advice, you will greatly increase your chances of getting hired. Don’t make the needless mistakes that countless other girls make when trying to get hired at a strip club. What I am telling you to do has worked very well. I was very stubburn at first and diddn't want change my style. I finally figured out it's not about me, it's about the guys that come into the club and providing them with the fantasy they were seeking. I’ve already listed on this site the different categories of adult clubs. Depending on where you live and how comfortable you are will help you make the decision on which club to audition at. The first thing you are going to want to do is find an adult club in your area. A good place to look is <a href="">The Ultimate Strip Club List</a> Their site has an up to date list of every club in the United States. Perhaps you already have an idea of which club you want to work at? If that’s the case then you’re ready to begin the process. The following advice is rock solid. I’ve worked with hundreds of girls over the years and can tell you first hand the things managers and owners look for when hiring an exotic dancer. Ladies it’s a complete myth that you have to be super skinny and tall with a big chest to get hired at a strip club. Some of the biggest money makers I have ever known in the country are average looking girls who do a fantastic job of dressing themselves up, looking their best and being sweet while at work! There is one girl in particular I know who gave the most clean dances and made more money than anyone at our club and honestly, if you saw her on the street you would have no clue she was an exotic dancer. Boob Implants, hair extensions and being thin can help but it is not always necessary if you present yourself in the right manner. </p> <p>Here are some tips that will get you hired at a strip club!</p> <p>1. Start out by getting yourself some comfortable heels, a nice dress or gown and some thong underwear. Not all thongs are cut the same so be sure to make sure it looks good on you for the audition. Even if you are auditioning at a nude club or a club that does not require you to wear a dress for the audition…..GET A GOWN ANYWAY! As I alluded to this earlier, you want to make a strong impression on the person judging the audition and looking your best is critical to getting the job! Call the club during their working hours and find out what days they hold auditions. Don’t leave them an email or leave them a voice message because they rarely if ever call back. Pick a day you want to audition and then make the preparations. This means getting your hair styled and your nails painted. If your skin is white and pasty, hit the tanning booth or lay out for a while. </p> <p>2. Ok so now you are looking great and ready to audition. When you arrive at the club, remember you are being judged from the very moment you walk thru the front door! You want to make a good impression on the girl at the front door because you never know the politics of the club. The girl at the door might just be best friends or dating the manager or owner and how you come across to her and others means a lot. After you get in the club, you will usually be told to go to the dressing rooms and meet the house mom. A house mom is basically just that! She is the mom of the club while you at work and she works hard to make sure the girls have everything they need back stage. Smile, be nice and when you get back there keep to yourself. Chances are other girls will be back there and be really curious about you and might assume you are coming from another club. Be polite and try to not get involved in any drama going on in the dressing room. (THERE IS USUALLY A LOT!) After you have had a chance to settle in, take a deep breath and change into your dress or gown. It’s completely okay that you are nervous. Believe it or not, strip clubs love girls who have never danced before! You might have to wait a while for someone to tell you it’s time to go on stage. Most clubs are not very prompt when it comes to auditions so, expect to be in the dressing room for a while!</p> <p><br /> 3. After you have changed you will probably be asked to walk out of the dressing room and go to a stage. At this point the owner, manager or person who does the hiring will be looking at you. When you are signaled, walk ever so softly to the audition stage. At this point you might be really nervous because you might be taking your clothes off for the first time. Trust me, in time you will get over it but at this point, just relax and don’t worry too much about being watched. Keep your body moving and flash a smile at the crowd and the person giving you the audition. You might be tempted to drop to the floor and do some kind of floor dance. My advice to you is DO NOT! Remember a lady doesn’t crawl around on the floor! It’s okay to do floor dances once you start working (If it’s allowed) but please do not do it during the audition. Ok so now it’s time to take off your clothes. Gently and slowly slip them off your body from top to bottom. Keep eye contact with the owner or manager but just a little bit! You want him to know the sultry side of you. At this point if you are feeling really nervous about taking off your clothes, so handle it mentally this way: Close your mind out to everything while you’re on stage and try to put yourself in a zone. Imagine you are dancing for your boyfriend or a guy you really like! You won’t have to be on stage long so this little trick can be useful if you use a little imagination. </p> <p> </p> <p> After a song or two on stage the house mom or manager will let you know if you’re hired. If they give you the old, “We will call you back later” that means you didn’t get the job. Very few clubs keep a stack of applications and tend to hire girls on the spot based on the audition. Just because you didn’t get hired doesn’t mean you can’t be an exotic dancer or work in a strip club. There are tons and tons of adult clubs out there and you just have to keep trying until you find a place to work! If you are out of shape and need to shed some weight-hit the gym and start eating healthy. It only takes a few moments to look online for good exercise routines that don’t involve going to the gym. If you already belong to a gym, please start using it. In a month or so, go back to the club and re-audition! What’s important is you never give up! </p> <p>If all else fails, drop me an email and I will give you some really good tips on weight loss, free of charge. Hopefully you found this information useful and if you follow it exactly as I’ve suggested, you will greatly increase your chances of getting hired at a strip club! Got anymore audition tips?<br /> drop me an email and if useful, I'll post them here! Most strip clubs are similar in how they go about auditioning girls and I haven't seen much of a difference between clubs.</p>
last commentThat's all you can do.