
How she became - 2

Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:47 AM
SNUGGLES<br /> <br /> On one of my very first visits to Choo Choo's (it may hve been my first visit, I'm not sure) I was seated at a table when a girl came up to me from behind and asked if I'd like company.&nbsp; She was very pleasant about it and not at all pushy, but I hadn't been there very long and&nbsp;hadn't seen her very well (the place is really dark) so I said no thanks and she went back to her seat.&nbsp; This was early evening, probably on a Tuesday, and the club was dead, I was practically the only customer there - although it's a popular club it typically doesn't get busy til later.&nbsp; But after sitting and watching for awhile and my eyes adjusting, I realized that she was easily the most attractive girl there.&nbsp; So I went over to her and asked her to join me.<br /> <br /> Her name was Snuggles (I kid you not, I'm not making this shit up, this all really happened.)&nbsp; She had just started working at Choo Choo's and didn't know anyone, I was her first customer.&nbsp; But she wasn't new to dancing, she was an experienced pro (and the reason I avoid experienced pros, but that's getting ahead of the story.)&nbsp; We sat and talked for awhile and then she went up on stage to dance.&nbsp;&nbsp;And unlike the other girls there, she could really dance - she was very graceful and feminine, a real girly-girl.&nbsp; And drop-dead gorgeous.&nbsp; With an incredibly pleasant and sexy demeanor and voice.&nbsp; She was a real pro, maybe the best I've ever encountered (I found out later that she had been a traveling feature dancer.&nbsp; I also found out later that she had had&nbsp;numerous plastic surgeries to craft her absolutely perfect body, but you sure couldn't tell it.)&nbsp; I was mesmerized and quickly became her regular, and I started going to see her every week.&nbsp; This was in early 1997, probably March or April.<br /> <br /> The first few months were wonderful, she couldn't have been any nicer to me.&nbsp; Whenever I arrived she immediately joined me.&nbsp; Her LDs were very intimate and enjoyable, and we sat and talked for hours.&nbsp; In fact one night I arrived&nbsp;shortly after&nbsp;her shift started (7pm - 2 am.)&nbsp; And she immediately joined me and said she didn't feel like working that night, would I spend the entire evening with her?&nbsp; I didn't have all that much money with me and I told her so and she said that's OK and I gave her what I had. which was maybe $200 or so. &nbsp; I stayed with her til the lights came on at 2 am, and the only time she moved from my side was to go on stage.<br /> <br /> &nbsp;By now&nbsp;I was hooked, the closest I've ever come to being an RIL.&nbsp; I was in the deepest part of my depression and hanging on to her like she was&nbsp;my life preserver.&nbsp; And then things gradually started to go south.&nbsp; She became very popular, the star of the club, and developed several other regulars.&nbsp;I tried to work it out with her so that I'd be there when none of her other regulars were,&nbsp;and that worked well for a bit.&nbsp; Then&nbsp;one of her customers, a guy not much older than her (she claimed to be 28 but was actually 30), started coming in every time she was working.&nbsp; And he started to monopolize her time.


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