First timers
Over the past couple months as things have continued to open up and restrictions begAn to ease, I've had an opportunity to rekindle my excitement for visiting the club. And that in addition to the pandemic, gave me some time to reflect. I thought I'd share some of my reflections for all the other users out there who are lurking and reading reviews, new to the hobby and might appreciate the thoughts of someone who is also relatively new. Especially those who are perhaps more shy or naturally cautious about things - as I am.
Quick background on me: I am definitely an introvert. The idea of strip clubs, though fascinating and so damn appealing, intimidated the hell out of me. I worried about safety, cleanliness, and judgment - all driven by overthinking things in my head.
If this sounds like you, then my advice is to stop overthinking things. There is a chance you might hate strip clubs and there's a chance you might end up enjoying them a lot. The only way to know for sure is to give it a shot. Which sounds like such a cliche life philosophy, but I suppose it's cliche for a reason.
And if you do go, go and just have fun. Don't overthink how you'll talk to a girl or what people will think. Don't overthink what you'll do in a VIP room or not, how to ask for extras or avoid them. You'll be surprised how humanizing such a seemingly superficial activity can be. Yes there's a lot of upsell and "marketing" and you should absolutely respect the girls' time with generosity - but at the end of the day everyone in there, stripper and patron alike, is a person. And in my experience going and treating them that way goes a long way in not only getting you extra attention and benefits in conversations, VIP rooms and LDs, but it just makes the experience more fun. At the end of the day, that's what it should be about: fun.
You'll have good experiences and bad experiences, but you'll learn. Giving it a shot is the first step. Be respectful, be safe, and be smart and let us know how things go.
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