There’s no question dancers have a lot on their plate. Taking their clothes off. Dealing with guys that have had a few too many. A few recent articles have been addressed at the customer. Taking the time to shower put on some deodorant, freshen up the breath. Us guys fall short sometimes and we can be difficult at times. But this article is about the dancer from a random guys perspective.
As a dancer your appearance is the most important part of attracting a potential customer. Every guy had something current he is looking for and the options are plentiful. Curly or straight hair. Skin tone. Eye color. Boob size. Long hair. short hair wavy hair. No hair. Size. Shape. Some of these things can be changed. Most can not. Boobs can be made larger. Or smaller. Wrinkled can be smoothed. Lips can be filled. Although often guys are looking for one particular type, every guy has a different perspective.
Most importantly smile. If you seem happy then the customer will be more likely to engage. If you look like you are miserable, or if you are complaining about how slow it is, how stingy the guys you just talked to were, those negative vibes may kill otter any interest.
Talk to us. Ask us about our day. “Wanna dance” is not a full sentence. Learn the language. Don’t take it personally if the guy rejects you. There have been many times a girls response to a rejection totally impacts the likelihood of future dances. The dancer who’s face turns sour will unlikely be getting future dances. Not right now maybe later could turn into asking for multiple dances on the next meeting
As s customer I can not even begin to grasp the journey if s dancer to make the transformation from plain hometown girl to stripper in heels. One of my favorite things is to notice the dancer as she walks in at the beginning of her shift. Perhaps bundled in a puffy jacket. Sometimes in sweats. Sometimes jeans and a tank. Usually carrying a duffel or even a suitcase. They go into the dressing room. Time passes it may be 10 minutes it may be 60/90 minutes. Eventually they emerge 4-6 inches taller (in heels) and appearing as a different person.
Fragrance is an important consideration. One of my favorites wears a unique scent that would know it was her if my eyes were closed. Other girls choose body sprays or no fragrance at all. Some girls might decide against deodorant. In a woman this can be pleasant as pheromones may be involved. But there is one last hurdle. It’s the first time in the dance that she bends over. Fresh is good. Perfumed is okay. Clean or smelling like her favorite soap is amazing. But when that bottom half smells like the juice that leaks out of a trash truck on a hot July afternoon. Just why. Dance can’t be over soon enough. And there will not be seconds. Ladies keep that booty fresh. Please.
A few weeks ago, a dancer I had had many dances and several VIP's with over more than a year not only had a bad attitude but also a rotten smelling botttom half. Not sure how long it might be before I give her another chance. We all have bad days, maybe her bad attitude was the result of knowing her pussy/ass smelled so bad that day.
Amen on the juice that leaks out of a trash truck. Absolute get me the hell out of here time. I've had regulars that it only took one time and I couldn't bring myself to ever try again.
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