Crazy Dancers?

avatar for McKigney
In my relatively short time as a PL at strip clubs, I'm kind of surprised I haven't run into more... uh, let's call them "reality-impaired" strippers. I'm pleased to say that most of the ladies I've spent time with in clubs seem to have been reasonably grounded, if not always the best decision-makers. Granted, I haven't been going to the clubs for as long as some of you, but in an occupation known to be rife with drug use and emotional damage, I'd expect to run into more weirdos than I have.

When I think of some of the lunatics I've encountered online - including the mental case on Twitter who angrily accused me of being Michael Stipe of the band R.E.M., who she claimed regularly reads her mind and torments her daily - I figure there must be a significant number of strippers with more than one screw loose. I just haven't run into that many.

I've probably just been lucky so far. I'm sure the more seasoned vets have amusing and/or horrifying stories they can share in the comments. Please do, I'd like to hear about it.

My few experiences with wacky dancers:

A ridiculously exquisite girl I met about a year ago laid out a case for her fervent belief that our current president was no longer alive, but that he had been taken out months earlier by rogue CIA agents. She claimed that when we see him giving speeches on TV, those are simply look-alikes, augmented by makeup and CGI. I did my best to nod attentively and seem like I was listening carefully, while admittedly being somewhat hypnotized by the remarkable traffic-stoppers crammed into her bikini top. Whatever you say, Gorgeous.

There was the quirky beauty in Dallas who claimed clairvoyant abilities and told me she was reading my aura. Apparently I have a "misty orange" quality to mine. No idea if that's good or bad. Maybe this doesn't exactly qualify her as crazy, but I wasn't buyin' it. Very pretty girl, but terrible lap dances, btw.

Up in Lansing, one stunner with a name that could be pronounced two ways (something along the lines of CaroLINE vs. CaroLYNN) was snuggling up with me in a cozy booth in the middle of our second really enjoyable dance... when I pronounced her name the wrong way.
The dances stopped.
She backed away, put her top back on, and accused me of being sent by the club owner to spy on her.
I apologized and told her I didn't know the guy. "Honest, I've only been here once before."
She refused to believe me and continued to accuse me of trying to get her fired. The owner hated her, and I was apparently his minion.
Fifteen seconds earlier, I was blissfully enjoying her spectacular body, and now she seemed on the edge of screaming obscenities at me. I paid what I owed for the dances and took off.

That's it for me, so feel free to tell me in the comments about the cuckoos, crackpots, and psychopaths you've run into.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
I encountered one who approached me, sat down and talked. She was telling me the cops pulled her over on a traffic violation just to look at her boufant. Told me about her drug paraphaneilia and showed it to me.

Just on the basis of her looks she would be great to bed. Watch how the colors bloom in her face and feel her whole body muscle contractions as I go off inside of her.

But no, she is telling me about all these squabbles she is having with her mother and the other dancers and the club management. She is telling me how they are trying to give her harder drugs.

I ask why she uses these drugs. She says in exasperation, "Because to do this job I have to have a buzz on."

So I told her, "Then you shouldn't do it."

Later another girl, Latina approached and we talked. She said, "Well you talked to that other girl", to see what my position on her was."

I said, "She talked to me." I just shook my head and said, "I could never go for a girl like that.


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Maybe should be in Discussion Board if you are looking for others to respond with their stories
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