The internets, as my father calls it, are filled with bullshit. There are of course, many websites, chats, and reddits filled with advice. The do's and don'ts with strippers. If you are new to strip clubs and come across this page. My hope is this article will help you get a better experience for less money. Admittedly, this is advice for the new guy. No earthshaking revelations here for an experienced PL. Strip club advice falls into three categories... bullshit, true-but duh!, and valuable advice. This is the first of a few ARTICLES I will post focused on some common club situations and ways to maximize your experience. I'll be the first to admit that there are no experts in this field. Even dancers opinions can be taken with a grain of salt. I have found over the years that a few things will save you some money and some just won't. If your new to the game and trying to get some tips hope this will help.
With this obvious caveat.This will not be comprehensive and I welcome others comments. My club experience is almost exclusively in the more liberal club areas of the USA. LA, VEGAS, SANDIEGO, AND NEW ENGLAND. Places where the clubs commonly allow alcohol, contact lap dances, and/or full nude.
As always! with anyone's advice YMMV.
The goal here is to enjoy yourself, for less. Everyone has their own idea of fun. It may be to talk to a hot girl, a lap dance, or in some cases more... If you're an experienced strip club guy you have developed your own style for your visits. This is more about a newbie's visit to the club and some mistakes I see people make. This article,in particular, focuses on a common pop culture strip club mistake. I also added in a tip that sounds good yet really is kind of waste your money.
Everyone has seen it on TV movies or in person. Some guy blasts a bunch of money onto the stage. Making it rain cash on the girl on stage. Everyone cheers! Everyone is having great fun. You are sure that every dancer in the club is going to jump on his junk asap to get more of that sweet sweet cash.
Reality. It is often not worth it to make it rain. Let me explain. If you are looking to attract some quality talent for personal attention. It rarely works and is mostly a waste of money. Sure it gets attention, even can up the club vibe, but it's not going pay off in a private dance. Unless you're an NBA Allstar, and let's face it that guy is getting plenty of attention anyways!
Dancers don't give you credit for what you give on the stage. From her point of view she earned that money. She earned it on the stage. It might seem like a way to get that super special lap dance from someone, but don't belive it. The dancers rarely, if ever, look at it that way. Sure, it may get her spinning around for you, and it may inspire other PL to toss cash. MiR won't result in some magical stripper credit that you will cash in later. In fact the opposite sometimes. Blasting your cash onto the stage can make you look gullible, desperate, or an easy mark. My advice.. resist the urge to make it rain. Yes, there is always the possibility that it might get a dancer excited to get more money from you. More often than not, it doesn't change what is going to happen when they are off stage. Sure you spent money on her. They recognize spending as good, but from her perspective that is your choice. The girls don't credit the stage money in the VIP or for a simple LD. That money is for what they did on the stage. Which in their mind... you really really liked if you shot 100+ bucks all over the stage, . They appreciate it, but that is all. A small number may think you are a sucker and that may result in paying more money rather than less. After talking to a sampling of dancers about making it rain. I got three opinions consistently. 1. It's the customer showing off to get attention. 2.If I already have my day lined up with dances, this is bonus money. Otherwise not impressive 3. Almost always means a waste of my time.
No one ever said it makes the panties drop quick lol.
Curb your make it rain impulse. It is what we call in the brotherhood... A wallet extraction.
A less known but often offered bit of advice on the stage dance is... "I Drop a big bill on stage to get her attention, then walk away, they come to me."
In my experience dropping a twenty and walking away from the stage can work. More often than not, you just tossed your money for nothing. Dancers are watchful but this move is often not a standout move. Sure, on a slow day it tells the girl you're interested but only if they catch you doing it. IF there is anyone else at the stage. Often the GIRL ON STAGE doesn't know that you dropped a larger bill untill they are collecting them at the end of the set. So you probably won't even get the credit. IMO another waste of your cash.
So what is the way to let the girl on stage know your interested? I find the following method to be more effective than either making it rain or dropping 1 big denomination bill on the stage. both in results and cost.
Pick a girl you want to meet. When she is on her stage set go up to the stage. Have a reasonable amount of money to spend but stay on a budget.I generally keep. My wallet in my back pants pocket and put my budget cash in my shirt pocket. And Duh! There is a fine line between smart and cheap at the stage dance. You come across as cheap-ass.... you better hope she is bored or it's slow. Making a girl do back flips for a buck won't earn you any brownie POINTS. NOT with her,or the other girls who see you doing that. Steadily feed you preportioned cash to her, untill your out of money. Chat her up while feeding her the money. Don't just stare with a big grin on your face. (Although that's common lol) When the money is gone say something like... That was fun come and see me when your off stage.
That is much better for you than dropping a large bill, or flinging a wad of cash at her. It's kind of a meet and greet. A dancer gets a feel for you. Making them comfortable sends the right message. Also staying on her for her set and not drifting from girl to girl tells her that you spend and you're interested in her. Dancers won't give you a "I Like you" discount. You sure as hell can waste money getting her attention. Plus, it allows her to tell you that she has a regular guy on the hook and won't be free for a while. Saves wasted time and money you can move onto Plan B.
Overall... if someone catches your eye you don't have bang a 100 bucks out of your hands to impress the stripper of your choice. Dropping a 50 and walk away for her to find you later may work it may not. Although those strategies can work because money always talks in the club. I can't say it is the smart way to spend your money.
The smart money is getting more for your dollars by playing the game the right way. Teasing them slightly with money while they tease you with thier offerings. Less wasted cash on the stage. Less wasted time. It is a better way to get attention still providing you a good avenue to meet the girl who interests you that day, without blowing all your cash pre lap dance.
Agreed. Making it Rain is never a strategy for a serious PL. it’s always more about getting attention for the customer, which is usually the opposite of what a serious PL is looking for. Perhaps I don’t patronize the MIR clubs, but in an environment (Miami) where pro athletes and legitimate billionaires have been known to frequent, the only people I ever see make it rain are groups of frat boys on bachelor parties trying to impress one another. There is at least one club where I saw club employees making it rain to try to liven up the crowd.
MiR lol nice acronym. I was recently at a club in nj, a first visit fir me at this club, and there were at least three groups of idiots throwing money on the stage MiR style on a busy saturday night. End result? Most of the dancers ignored everyone, including those guys, while not on stage. if the aim of MiR is to get attention from the girl youre raining on, it rarely works. You are correct sir. I have seen it work before, with the dancer jumping onto a rainmakers lap immediately after the stageshow but that seems to be the exception and not the rule. Also, to me personally its disrespectful and some dancers see it that way too. Theyll take your money but if theyre getting pelted with wadded up singles theyre not going to like you extra lol Some notes on the subject: in some clubs, due to layout you cant stage tip because youre too far from the stage. In clubs with that setup say with the bar area between the stage and seats Throwing cash on stage is the only way to get the girl dancing a tip, mid-act. But if five other dudes are doing the same thing it earns you no points and shell still expect a tip once shes offstage. In my experience and observation, MiR is an expensive way to get attention from a dancer that only works maybe 10-20% of the time. Telling a dancer fresh off the stage that you liked her style or she put on a sexy show and politely asking if shes “doing dances tonight” while handing her a nice tip (10-20 will suffice) is a much cheaper option that works 70-80% of the time as long as she can hear you lol Good article, i think youre right on. I was watching these clowns throw money on the stage/at the dancers, get ignored as soon as she was done and then continue to throw money on the stage for the next girl and get ignored again and was amazed by the stupidity lol
last commentBut you are right, making it rain is not an efficient or effective way of engaging with strippers.
Theyll take your money but if theyre getting pelted with wadded up singles theyre not going to like you extra lol
Some notes on the subject: in some clubs, due to layout you cant stage tip because youre too far from the stage. In clubs with that setup say with the bar area between the stage and seats Throwing cash on stage is the only way to get the girl dancing a tip, mid-act. But if five other dudes are doing the same thing it earns you no points and shell still expect a tip once shes offstage.
In my experience and observation, MiR is an expensive way to get attention from a dancer that only works maybe 10-20% of the time.
Telling a dancer fresh off the stage that you liked her style or she put on a sexy show and politely asking if shes “doing dances tonight” while handing her a nice tip (10-20 will suffice) is a much cheaper option that works 70-80% of the time as long as she can hear you lol
Good article, i think youre right on. I was watching these clowns throw money on the stage/at the dancers, get ignored as soon as she was done and then continue to throw money on the stage for the next girl and get ignored again and was amazed by the stupidity lol