
Better late than never in TJ Zona Norte

avatar for besmitty

So lets get this out of the way...What I'm about to write is from previous trip in November and another in January. I am going to go back one week from today (Feb 21 & 22) and will be meeting a couple TUSCL TJ guys there. What I do when I go to TJ is I keep my "notepad" app open in my phone and when something strikes me, I write it down. I do this mainly so when I read this when I'm back in the States, I start to remember what happened lol. So here are two trips I never posted , one from Nov and one from Jan.

November 28/29

Blue line to San Ysidro $2.50. Goto customs crossing. I’m a gringo so they pull me aside for questions. "I’m headed to meet buddies at Caesar’s." put me in office and I’m guessing the usually shakedown for 20 or fmm for 30. Pull me out to talk to desk guy, asks same questions then ask who I’m meeting and I say my friends Henry Carlos and hopefully Peter can get there (all lies Obvs). He asks again where and I say Caesar’s on revolution st. He knows I been here before now and says just keep mask on when asked-and wash hands often have a good trip.

Need a new hk VIP card. Goto front desk and $60 get it with my free drink a pineapple juice (which I’ll get later, just hydrating until tonight). Drop stuff off to room and turn on ac. Head to my usual pharmacy to get water lube etc… the usual supplies needed for couple days. $20 . Drop off and time for HK. Never been here Sunday but no diff than Monday or Tuesday. Shave cream show just before 5pm with two not so entertaining women.

Wasn’t entertained by any girls working so I went for a walk which I’ll do a lot when I'm in TJ. Girl right outside hk (usually in my experience they’re the more high quality street girls… not quite hk/adelitas material but lots of times better than Chicago club for looks and she was too) usually from past experience they are more than typical SGs but cost lower than BGs. She quoted me $40 full service or 20 for sex but one position and keep top on. I opted for $40 bc usually it’s 60-80 before haggle. $40 for her looks for half hour full service was good enough for my “bang one out”. She wasn’t as good as a hk girl but did the job just fine. Have a great BJ and I didn’t want her to stop but didn’t want my time to run out either hahaha. About ten min bj and finished right on time after about four positions . Forgot to get a pic. Rookie mistake. LoL.

Time for traditional Chicago visit (they play American music often and do the traditional tequila shot coming in). $4 plus tip for a beer. Used to be three bucks and I still think it is but the guy went for the extra dollar I think and I didn’t care since not drinking much this trip. About ten customers here and thirty girls. Within ten min four have come up to me already. They do try hard to make money here which I like and they don’t push you for stuff, usually (til now as I was writing that hah) . Usually introduce themselves ask a few questions and then to the punch if you say no they say thanks and move along which I respect. Back to hk. I usually get a pineapple juice for my drink bc they give you a bottle of it. Not this time. Disappointed. I got the last place to sit which never had issues seating myself but it’s okay.

Decided to “sleep early” so I can be out at “last call” around 4/5am. Went to room around 8pm and just rested and quick nap. Got out of my room about 2am with some energy but realizing being sober with energy at 2am going to a bar where girls been drinking all day and night… well found myself a little bored at hk and now adelitas. Talked to a girl at hk (2 fichas bc she carried a good convo in English) but she was there to drink very notably. Came to adelitas and approached right away. Girl from Columbia. Pretty cute, very tall slender body but didn’t talk at all. I tried a couple times in Spanish and still nothing. Bye bye

Monday around 5 my buddy Hunter Henry met up with me. Freshen up and to HK we go. He is now a regular and has his own masero service, Carlos 113 I believe . We got a bottle, shocker. We started about 5:30 and half gone by 8:30, plus couple drinks mixed in. On pace for midnight but we will slow, though we are both leaving “early” compared to the norm. I just hooked up with another SG outside Cascadas. $50 half hour full service which let to a caliente session that resulted in torn wallpaper, damaged nightstand, broken glass and all her makeup broke and all over the floor. Was a good workout to say the least. I’ve had some very lucky and fortunate girls when I come to TJ vs what I've been reading other experiences with SGs in other posts. Henry has found a cute number since his atf couldn’t make it today. I’m glad he’s enjoying himself (who wouldn’t though?) as he was bummed right off the bat she wasn’t here or coming. He ordered a pizza. Subpar. Like a $4 frozen pizza from frys grocery store. Kinda like tombstone I’d say. Nothing is ever order in the future but it’s hard to beat when papa punta bought me chicken nuggets and paid a dancer to dip them and feed them to me. (read a previous article I've written for that story).

Ending at Chicago to wind down. No drink for me damn heartburn got the best of me. I saw the girl from last night but she hasn’t acknowledged me. Cross between Rachel rivers schoolgirl look and Franny Fanny (nickname of this girl I was involved with )…

Checked out at 3am from cascadas. Don’t get into shuttle for bout half hour which is always annoying. I crossed (30-40 min, no questions from border patrol agents) took blue line to the 992 bus and on my way to airport. Should be there right at 6am for 8am flight. From check out to airport three hours is pretty good I think.

6 on the dot and I’m already at the airport checked bag in through security and to my gate.

Jan 10/11 :

Meet my buddy "Q" at blue line. Catch up on fantasy football stuff. Get to border and Q's loud ass mouth cost me $30 ffm which I've never paid...thanks alot Q! Get to hk no prob via Escalade limo. Miguel my concierge doesn’t let me jump the line. Wtf. Wait fifteen min. This ain’t my turn in TJ I guess… wait I get my hotel room card and 8th floor. Wtf. Yea I waited bc he got me a suite. Two dollar bill Smitty spends his first $2 tip of the night. What was supposed to be 3 of us turned into 7. Good start. Joe finally makes the notebook and with his girl. She thinks I'm a Viking. SKOL. Slam my drink. I’ll do Viking things to her… not sure what that means…hunter Henry says I’ll find out…

For about an hour drinks come and go. It's like 8pm and I'm a good 1/3 prob closer to 1/2 the bottle of Bacardi Anejo into drinking (btw, as I said in prior posts, it's worth getting a bottle of this if you drink rum. Its $60 for 1 liter, plus 2 (used to be 4) mixers of your choice, thats before using discount if it's Monday/tuesday for 20% off.... Anyway I'm feeling a good buzz so I tell the group I'm going to go get some birria from the street food guys down the corner. I go upstairs to room to eat, I pop a cialis since it takes time to kick in, knowing once I get back downstairs, I'm ready to ARRIBA lol...so I thought....

I wake up on top of my bed. Food all spread out on the counter. Fully clothed... wtf?! I look at the phone and it's 7am. whoa, what happened?! My dumbass self took a sleeping pill instead of a cialis lol. I know this bc I have the same number I of C's when I came and one less sleeping pill. WOW lol. Well can't do much about it now. Knowing I leave today, I need to get energy and find some women.

I walk down to my typical breakfast spot...Praga cafe on Constitution (across the street from Caesar's). Small little cafe with good internet, coffee , and food. Allows me to just chill, check emails and catch up on some things. Well they don't open until 8am... whoops. At least I got a walk in. This does not seem like the best TJ trip so far... I go back to hotel, watch a movie, then head back to Praga. It's like 10am now. Get my berry smoothie ($4), Americana coffee ($2), and breakfast (usually about $8)... I'm satisfied. I did a bit more store shopping this time around. Looking for a bday gift for a friend. It was nice to spend a couple hours walking around the shops. On my way back to the hotel I see some decent SG's for possible arriba soon. I drop stuff off to hotel and back to HK around 1pm. Not much catching my eye but having a $4 dos XX. Then I see this sexy girl wearing one of those "sexy football jerseys"...cept it's phillip rivers lol. She cant be that good if she's endorsing Rivers haha She's on the side bar on a pole, im just watchin from my booth. I get up and tip her $2 bill. She smiles, thats about it. She never comes and sees me when done, which is okay.

I'll find her soon...well I didn't and She disappears which sucked, SG time I guess. I find a nice SG outside of HK . $40 half hour. She was pretty good. Think of it this way...she acted like she worked at HK, but half or third the price. Not bad. CBJ, CFS, multiple positions. quick cleanup and off we go. she had a room at Cascadas so she just went to her room instead of back to the Alley. Had to get one before heading home. Stop at HK on my way out and I found Phillip Rivers Chick lol, but I didn't have time to recharge and arriba, so I just went home. It was prob about 3pm and got shuttle service to border. No line to the building and small line inside. 20 min tops. Home to the states. Another trip in the books.


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avatar for Greanbeans
3 yrs ago

Yo smitty! I lol’d with the Viking comment… its the beard man. And wow! Sleep pills vs magic pill…🤣

Looking forward to hanging out…. SKÅL!!!

avatar for besmitty
3 yrs ago

@greebeans The Viking comment made my day. I think I had a beard when we first met then I shaved it...it's coming back though! Brining no sleeping pills this time, probably ha. Can't wait to join up again. I'll give you a buzz Sunday evening or Monday early on. I haven't quite cleared up when time I'm meeting with my other buddy Monday (prob meet in SD and blue line it down) . I just got a bunch of $2 bills for the trip though! SKOL!

avatar for Greanbeans
3 yrs ago

U $2-slut you!

I’ll be there Sunday. ATF (lol sounds funny coming from me) has been contacted.

Bottle will be ordered. All thats left to say…SKOL!!

avatar for besmitty
3 yrs ago

I was going to say the bottle is on me, but I knew you'd be there SINday lol. Yes I will not deny I'm the $2 bill slut...but they all claim they love me down there! SKOL

avatar for besmitty
3 yrs ago

@greenbeans.... also, did you see the new Alaska Airlines flight pass released today?? You'd prob benefit from it. $50 a month. flights all over the west coast (and to phoenix) from San Fran. Think it's $15 or so per flight but you get a carry on included. Not bad if you do more than 1 flight a month ...

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