
How she became my ATF - 1

Monday, January 21, 2008 11:09 AM
Elsewhere I mentioned that, as promised, earlier today I wrote a very long blog on this subject.&nbsp; But when I tried to post it I had timed out and I couldn't.&nbsp; So I'm going to try again, except this time I'm going to do it in fairly short installments.<br /> <br /> As many of you already&nbsp;know, I've been going to strip clubs ocassionally for more than 40 years.&nbsp; I was never a regular but I enjoyed the few visits that I did make.&nbsp; Then about 12 years ago I went into a serious depression, caused or at least accompanied in part by a feeling of intense loneliness.&nbsp; I made a lot of changes in my life to try to deal with it.&nbsp; One of those changes was to start going to strip clubs regularly.<br /> <br /> I was spending a lot of time in Washington, DC, on business at the time, and I visited almost all of the clubs in the DC metro area in search of one that I liked (the DC clubs are pretty poor for the most part.)&nbsp; My search eventually took me to a little place in southern Maryland called Choo-Choo's.&nbsp; And I immediately liked it - it was different - small, dark, friendly, had some attractive young girls (some very young), and was inexpensive.&nbsp; Laps were $10 and were pretty good.&nbsp; I also liked that fact that it was no-alcohol (not every BYOB) which I considered a plus because I was drinking too much at the time.&nbsp; And it was open during the day, which I prefer when I can.&nbsp; So I Became a regular there.


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