
TJ Walk-through in the Era of Covid19

West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.

I relocated to Los Angeles for a job opportunity. Being relocated closer to Tijuana and not having visited in over a year I was anxious to scratch that itch. (Next week I am going to see a doctor about that itch…to see how I can increase it.) I had my first round of Covid vaccination and was a week away from my second round. (And I have a solid immune system or so it seems.) I thought it best to wait until I had received round two and had given it a few weeks to kick in. I read that in trials people were tested after two weeks and it was found that the vaccine was 64 percent effective after the first dose. In addition, I tested negative just a few days before my trip. You know where this is going; the itch had become too great to ignore, so I decided to drive down to San Diego and walk into TJ.

I looked into taking the train down to SD, but looking at the detail, I would have to ride a bus from Irvine to San Diego. I like trains. I hate busses. So I decided to rent a car and drive. Mistake. On all previous visits I flew into San Diego and took the trolly from there, arriving in TJ ready for action. Google maps said the drive was three hours and the train ride was 5.5 hours when I researched it. The train was only a little cheaper ($80 round trip) than the car rental, so logic said three hours in a car beats six hours on a trainbus.

Six and a half hours later, butt-sore, I pulled into the Iris Avenue trolly station parking lot, thinking I could get away with parking there overnight for free as described in some forums. Also, I was wrung out from dodging idiot drivers. I lived in LA for a few years and should have been prepared. However, the idiot factor has grown huge. (This from someone who is from the Central CA Land of Idiot Drivers.) Nobody in LA drives under 80, unless they are in a vehicle tracked by their employer (which my company vehicle is, so I am in the habit of following all the laws). Except on the 405, where they drive the speed limit, but that includes driving full speed on both shoulders. Try jumping off to an off ramp with a BMW bearing down on your rental Hyundai from the right.

There were spaces available in the parking lot, but a bunch of guys wandering around in yellow vests and other activity said parking in a paid lot would be cheap insurance when compared to the $500 deductible I had on the rental. Not to mention trying to explain to family why I was dealing with damage to a rental so far out-of-bounds. (Some family and friends know about my hobby, but there are some who do not and would be uncomfortably critical if they found out.) So, I opted for parking in the International lot across the border. I do not park in the lot behind Jack-in-the-Box, because typically traffic in that area is brutal. In after 6:00 pm and out after before 7:00 am cost me $36. (It was a Saturday and daylight savings didn’t help me.)

Reports were that there were long lines to cross the border by car. Looked like it was fast and easy when I walked over to the pedestrian crossing.
At the pedestrian crossing I was considering buying a 180-day visa. There were about a dozen nationals going through the Mexican side. Nobody in the visitor side. I walked up, showed my passport card, and was asked, “Where are you going? What is the purpose of your visit?” I replied, “Just to Tijuana to see a dentist about getting a tooth replaced.”

The Mexico Visa web site said Mexico was back open for visitors with no restrictions at the border. However, I thought it safer to say the visit was for medical reasons, just in case the guard had not received the memo. He waived me through without asking me to complete a visa form. Not wanting to look this gift (w)horse…I went to the X-ray belt that almost no one watches. Into Mexico past the uniformed children with automatic weapons and past the taxi touts. (Note to newbies. There are taxi drivers who offer rides as you are walking to the main street. These are typically rip-off drivers. They will spend 10 minutes or more trying to get their vehicles out of the parking area, and then try to charge you double+ for the fare.) I know the routine, so I go to the legitimate taxi stand and it usually it costs $5 to Hong Kong. If you think there is anything shady about the driver, be sure to ask the fare, as there are not meters. Look confident. Don’t say anything when you get out. Just hand the driver a 5-spot and exit. You might be able to negotiate for less, but I figure that the $5 fare is fair.

As an aside, the waiting area outside the new border crossing (which is closed) is covered in tents. I assume they are migrants waiting their turn to cross the border. Some of the other tent cities were pretty nasty looking. This one looked to be a little cleaner and better organized than most. Still a pitiful scene.
It was a short trip to Hotel Cascadas in a nearly-disabled vehicle with a driver who thought I was in a terrible hurry, based on the way he was driving. Usually I sit up front, as it seems like the fake police are less likely to stop us for some fake reason in an effort to extort real money from the gringo. I have never been stopped in a vehicle and it might be my false impression, but not this time. This time there was a plastic barrier between the driver and me; the back seat was the only option allowed.

Up the stairs to Hotel Cascadas, I was put through a metal detector. (If you have been under a rock for the past few weeks, you might have missed the reports that a puta was murdered there recently. A jealous boyfriend, maybe former client, cut a girl’s throat in the speakeasy. She bled out in seconds. He might have attacked the wrong girl. I hated the process, but understand the need. There was also a temperature check. Going into the club or the hotel, the process is the same…every time. One asshat affects the lives of thousands. I understand that the girl was mother to a small child. SUCKS! Some reports say that he is American. I hope they cut his balls off before they fuck his ass.

Got my room, a “deluxe” double bed. I usually get the double room, because they are in the newer part of the building and better appointed. This time it was on the third floor. I thought it was going to suck due to noise from the club, but I am told the Speakeasy is still in operation too, so it might have been a good choice. Of course, there was a group of punks that was partying with a few girls in the hallway that was disturbing. Don’t know why they were not in a room. I was going to try to shut them up, but I was curled up with my 26-year-old TLN and decided against getting into a confrontation with some punks.
Dropped my gear in the room and did a lap around the block. Some super-hot street girls were out. A much better crop than I have seen in the past. Some with masks. Some without. Not much into street girls, but this group made it tempting.
Next I went to Hong Kong. What a difference a year makes. The Miami room is now huge and on several levels. Half the area was empty. There are poles in the front of the room that were occupied. Guys, putas, and meseros wandering in-and-out…looking for in-and-out. Saw one of my trusted meseros, Daniel, wearing a mask and safety glasses. He recognized me despite the mask.

A little less than half of the girls were wearing masks. Of those, many were clear, so you could see their faces. Unfortunately, I like to kiss, so the mask is a drag. And it is just plain distracting. Many hot girls, but the vibe had that feeling of desperation that is off-putting.
The back of the upstairs area off the main floor was blocked off. There was a big crowd, but seating could be found. Downstairs I was greeted by two more meseros known-to-be-honest, Benito and Aldo. If I had stayed, it was good to know my old go-to guys are available. However, I continued to explore. I didn’t recognize any of the girls. OTHO, there were many stunners in HK.

I moved on to Las Chavaleas (SP?), the bar that has been taken over by HK. The music was Latin, but not the ear-splitting, weaponized volume I had experienced in the past when it was a separate club. It was sparsely populated by comparison and the girls looked similar to what I have seen there in the past. The layout is similar too. Most of the mongers did not wear masks.

I finished my HK walk-through and went on to Chicago Club. I had an OTC, TLN scheduled, so I wasn’t interested in arriba with any other girls. OK, I was interested, but knew better than to go into this TLN with less than full mojo.

CC was lively, but there were tables available. The ratio was along the lines of 1.5 girls for 1.0 guys. Most appeared to be natural…lots of A and B cups and some big girls. Layout was the same. Two stages going with dancers. Stage performances at CC tend to be more “conservative.” Likely because CC tends to keep stage dancers on stage longer. The dancers I saw vibed that they didn’t want to be there. I sat at the stage and tipped, but it wasn’t easy, as they spent most of their time looking at the floor or ceiling or into space, shifting their weight and calling it dancing. Most of the girls did not have masks.
An attractive puta jumped into my lap from the floor. She was pretty and had nice proportions, so I invited her to join me in a booth. We chatted briefly and quickly she started into a pitch for arriba. I just wanted to watch and get warmed up a little bit. She described how good she is in the room and popped her boobs out of the short dress she was wearing. Nice C-cups and dark nipples. I like sucking on nipples, so I went for it. She put up her hands, blocking my advance. Sometimes that happens and in the Covid Era maybe more so. In my past experience blocking was rare, so to me it was a flag. She let my hands roam all over and encouraged me to play with her boobs, but she was pushing hard for arriba to the point where it got annoying. One and done. I tipped her $5 for the groping and dismissed her. I think she would have been fun, but this was just a walk-through.

Finished my lap around the club, and a girl sitting at the bar called to me by name. I didn’t recognize her, but likely I had spent time with her, as her beautiful, fat ass hung off the stool. She pointed her butt at me and invited me to grope. I accepted. Soft, smooth, and meaty. Then she turned around and popped her boobs out for my pleasure. Again, I went in for a little taste and was blocked. She launched into a hard-press for arriba. I told her another time, as I was leaving. She got very aggressive. She wasn’t rude, but she was pushing hard describing how well she would treat me. I understand it, as she is a big girl and not everyone’s cup-of-tea, so she might be pushing desperation buttons. I tipped her a few dollars for the groping and left. This was around 7:00 and my TLN showed up about 7:30. About 9:00, after having dinner at La Perla with my TLN, we went to CC and it wasn’t much different. Two stages were active. All the booths were occupied, but there were many tables available.

Adelites was next. Looking good, but not a lot of changes to the layout or procedures. Puta-level also about the same. Maybe 40 putas and 20-30 mongers. A few stunners. Mostly middle range. A few that shook the earth. Later that evening, my TLN and I went in. Most of the tables were taken. A mesero directed us to a table along the back wall. We ordered drinks and shortly thereafter were told that we are in a VIP area and are required to order a bottle. No interest, so we found a table after some looking. Some of the tables were marked off for reasons of Covid, but clearly that was useless. Quickly bored, we left.

My TLN suggested Las Chavaleas. I met her in HK a few years ago when I was in the club during her shifts, she was great fun and after a few visits, I asked her for TLN. She treats me well with no attitude and a willingness to please, so I see her two out of three trips to TJ. In this case, due to Covid, I have not seen her in over a year. Great reunion.

A few years ago I tried to take her into HK with her on her day off. They wanted $180 and they made it a big deal to let her in! (We didn’t bite.) Maybe going through the Las Chavaleas door would be easier. Nope! Security directed us to the HK entrance and said we needed management approval. We knew where that was going, so we went up to the room. It was a better choice anyway. People watching is fun. Puta watching is great. (My TLN doesn’t mind, indeed sometimes encourages, my molesting her friends so the evenings can get pretty wild.) Anyway, cured of road buzz, we went up to the room.
You know the rest. Four sessions through the course of the night. The rest of the time chatting, snoozing, and snuggling. Having a naked, willing, hot, puta one third my age allowing me unlimited access has no equal.

Usually, she stays for 12+ hours. She asked if I remembered when I would stay with her for several days? I said of course, but I have a new job in a new city and just now that is not possible. She asked me to stay longer, but I was scheduled to work the next day, didn’t know if the Sunday traffic would be as brutal as the Saturday traffic, and the meter was running on the parking, so I left early (after a goodbye BJ).

I was also worried about the border crossing. There was only one crossing open. Signs on the highway said access (to vehicles) was limited. And I have seen the pedestrian lines extend around the block. I have Sentri, but it is annoying to get the nasty looks from a few who don’t know why I get to walk to the head of the line. (Doesn’t stop me, of course.) This trip there were new signs posted on the wall in English that said, “No Line Cutting.” I hoped that didn’t mean that I would have to wait in the pre-gate line with the rest of the people until I could cross. This time it wasn’t an issue, because there was no line to the gate.
Inside there were about 20 people waiting in the standard line and one person in the Sentri line. There was a dedicated staff member manning the Sentri line. (This isn’t always the case. Sometimes the aisle over is manned and the switch between standard and Sentri travelers causing a small delay.) The agent did not ask me any questions, but did ask me to stand in front of what I though was a camera, but it might have been a device to to take my temperature. (Another monger later confirmed that it is a camera.) I have to wonder what would have happened if it was a thermometer and I read high?

To the parking lot. The car was undamaged. Entering you use a credit card. Don’t tell anyone, but I usually leave that credit card in the car. If nothing else, I can get out of the parking lot if there are issues in Mexico, such as being robbed. There was no one at the booth at that time, so if there was an issue, I would have been screwed until someone showed up.

The drive back to LA was not nearly as slow, but I had to stay sharp. Most So Cal drivers have not mastered the complexity of turn signals. And the lines on the road are for measuring width, not for keeping your vehicle in line with the rest of the traffic. Carpool lanes are 24/7, so make sure your blowup doll is fully inflated.

Summary: Of course the biggest issue is Covid-19. Life contains a particle of risk, but if you are compromised in any way, stay away, as you will be exposed. Crossing the border was much easier than expected. Next time I will take the trainbus, as public transit must be easier than fighting traffic. Driving in LA/SD sucks beyond all reason. It is worse than in Texas. (If you have ever driven in Texas, you would understand, especially since the driving skills are about the same and most all the vehicles are bigger than you are.)


  • Smith1177
    4 years ago
    Hahahaha, "Six and a half hours later"..
  • tbot1102
    4 years ago
    You are my idol Tahoecruz. Great writeup...and you think of everything. Loved it. Good luck with your new job and hope to read more about your adventures. Any idea whether a day-trip is possible and worth it? I did a day trip way back in 2019....was worthwhile since I found a hot babe for a quickie on a Saturday morning.
  • EastCoaster
    4 years ago
    I always love a good travelogue, especially a well-written one about one of my favorite places to visit. Thanks for posting!
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    good report sir. this past year of covid19 has been so unusual... closed clubs, the speakeasy experiences, etc... definitely cut my own visits greatly. maybe only two dozen times this year. glad that things seem to be moving back toward normal. ( although it’s still a new normal).
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    oh about the trolley parking... i prefer the palm avenue stop. HUGE lot.
  • booji boy
    4 years ago
    Excellent and informative as always. I find San Diego infinitely more annoying than LA to drive through. The International lot by PedWest is worth the extra money to me because of the traffic, and many CBP employees park there so it's safe. You used to be able to get in by giving a phone number instead of a card if you want to pay cash... did they stop that?

    If the Amtrak station in LA ever becomes convenient to get to I would consider bypassing SD entirely, myself. Santa Fe station is across the street from the trolley.

    Quick note about the camera: it is in fact a camera, and its primary purpose is to check against the pic you provide when you apply for your passport/card. Not a big deal unless your ID is fake. :-)

    A few specific questions (not necessarily for you):

    Any intel on price changes? Is $100 truly the new normal?
    Has Hotel Jalos (the one above CC) been spruced up at all, or is it still nasty?
    Did any of the smaller clubs close over lack of business, or are they all still there?
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Reply to mongo inline:

    You used to be able to get in by giving a phone number instead of a card if you want to pay cash... did they stop that?
    You can use a phone number, but there was no one there to take the cash when I was leaving, so the CC was the better choice. Likely the attendant was out snoozing in the lot, but he wasn't immediately available.

    If the Amtrak station in LA ever becomes convenient to get to I would consider bypassing SD entirely, myself. Santa Fe station is across the street from the trolley.
    Actually, I have been working in Santa Barbara for a while. Didn't know that I would be stationed over there the following week and don't know if it will continue. However, there is a direct train from SB to SD, so I will take that route if I remain assigned to SB.

    A few specific questions (not necessarily for you):

    Any intel on price changes? Is $100 truly the new normal?
    Don't know myself, because I didn't take anyone arriba except my TLN.
    Has Hotel Jalos (the one above CC) been spruced up at all, or is it still nasty?
    Don't know myself, because I didn't take anyone arriba, but there also didn't seem to be any activity with regards to construction. I am considering getting a room at Jalos next visit for the convenience. If I do, I will report.
    Did any of the smaller clubs close over lack of business, or are they all still there?
    It looked like the smaller clubs were closed, but this question reminds me to check them out on the next visit. La Gloria and Playboy appeared to be open, but I didn't go in.
  • booji boy
    4 years ago

    If Jalos hasn't been updated, let me save you the wasted night by saying don't bother. The single rooms are worse than the old (two renovations ago) rooms at Cascadas, and the "deluxe" jacuzzi rooms are on a par with the Cascadas single rooms one reno ago. I grabbed a single room there a couple of years ago, got charged $10 more than the online price (they claimed they lost my reservation), and it was worse than using the lap dance booths in CC. :-)
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    jalos short time rooms sucks.
    (and I would guess that the overnight rooms are just as bad.)
    the sheets go flying off...
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