Up The Stairway To The Sex Industry: Escorting/Companionship

I’ve never had a regular 9 - 5 job, never worked for an Employer or had the position of anything besides self-employed or an independent contractor. I’ve pretty much always used myself as entertainment - both in general gigs and adult gigs. There are jobs that I’ve done in the past where I was definitely naive, taken advantage of, and rolled with some punches either because I either really wanted the money or was afraid of getting the other person upset. I’ve taken long breaks from said work after getting fed up or finding something better, but then I would eventually return smarter, more efficient, and more assertive with my limitations regardless as to if it affected my money or not.
I get questions all the time as to whether I’ve done anything else besides dancing.
Guys: Enjoy this personal history lesson of living and learning through sex work.
Girls: If you’ve ever considered any of this work, I’d advise you to learn from my experiences and use them to prepare yourself if and when you start.
Both: Feel free to ask me questions after reading, but I won’t answer anything too incriminating nor will I share any personal links.
This is what I’ll be writing about where the order will be when I tried each line of work. I’ll put down my “then” experiences when I was a beginner, then I’ll put down my “now” experiences - obviously referring to how I handle the work now that I’m seasoned enough to know better.
If this segment doesn’t interest you, just find another in my articles to read as an alternative.
This will be a VERY lengthy and mildly explicit article. I hope this entertains or at least intrigues you;
Webcam Modeling
Lingerie/Nude Modeling
Adult Films
Exotic Dancing
2 ) Escorting/Companionship
THEN: [Late 2011]
This started shortly after my experimentation with webcam modeling as a socially awkward and sexually inexperienced college kid. I know what you’re thinking; how can you jump from the starting end of the spectrum all the way to this? Once you read the backstory, you’ll understand.
I was riding my roommate’s bike to pick up some coffees for all of us. It had a basket upfront, so carrying a tray of 4 drinks shouldn’t have been an issue. Long story short, as I was about to ride off back home with the coffee, I hit a bump in the concrete which caused the clutch of the basket to break open and cause all the coffee to fall and splash everywhere. I haven’t even made it out of the shopping lot yet. I started cleaning up the mess on the ground while this white van pulls over in the business lot right next to where I’m standing and two guys that look like renovators come out and start doing their spiel. The main guy looks over at me and asks if I need some help. He comes over and puts the basket back together while he tells his workmate to clean up the coffee cups off the ground.
Obviously, this man wants to do more than simply do a good deed for a stranger, and he starts asking me questions like if I was old enough to work, if I’m attending school, etc. Once I tell him I’m 18 years old and studying graphic design for my fine arts degree, I guess that gave him the mental okay to tell me I looked cute. He gives me his business card, which shows that he’s apparently some CEO/president of his own company which primarily worked with office supplies and shipments among other smaller hustles. He told me to send him an email with my resume and an up to date portfolio of my work, then give him a call to schedule him to interview me. We part ways, I tell my roommate there will be no coffee but I may have scored a job. When I get there, I email him my artwork and call him to see what he thinks, and he tells me to bring a physical portfolio to the interview and if all went well, I’d expect cash payments for projects. It would be at the office in his house, and once he learned I had no transportation, he offered to pick me up. Telling my roommate everything, she was pretty convinced I was going to get murdered or trafficked but didn’t talk me out of going. I did a lot of research from the info on the card he gave me, and he seemed legit enough. Had a lengthy LinkedIn account that showed his business, a sales position, as well as a government job, had several business records on Yellow/Whitpages, and then, of course, I spotted a montage of photos of him - professional and portrait style - all linked to his work pages. Apparently, he did frequent business in New York and Miami as well. For simplicity and obviously no name drops, I’ll nickname him Italy. Because well… he’s Italian.
The day comes for the interview and I dress business casual with my organized portfolio in hand, and he’s sitting outside in a Lexus SUV dressed in a suit and tie waving me over to get in the car. On the way to his place, the conversation was pretty straight to the point. His current graphics and displays were highly outdated and he’s been thinking of hiring a new designer for a while… why he wanted a designer-in-learning with no other work experience was beyond me. Plus he had some other ideas that he wanted to inquire about designing if I was “comfortable with the topic” and I simply said that I won’t know until I see. We go through a gated community maze to make it to his house and it is massive. There are two guys doing yard work in his lot and they simply wave at him while only giving me a quick glance before getting back to their tasks. He walks me in and directs me to his office/study.
The office is huge and beside his shockingly outdated computer setup is a beefed out surveillance system where you could watch cameras all outside the house and a large number of rooms that I didn’t know the property could hold. He asks to look at my portfolio and I give it to him to let him judge. The only issue I had (totally logical and stupid of me) was that I didn’t have any of the ‘Before” or progress photos, only the finished products. They looked very good, but I didn’t provide any proof or show what exactly I did to get to the end designs. I had photoshop and illustrator files on my thumb drive, which I stupidly left at home. Not that we could have viewed them anyway because he had no Adobe programs on his computer. We set that issue on the side of the table for now (literally) and spoke about what he was looking for in hiring a graphic designer.
Then we got to the part where he asked if I wanted to talk about the other project he briefly mentioned in the car ride and I said sure. He asks if I’m okay with discussing adult content or porn and I’m like “Absolutely!” He goes on his computer and pulls up a folder full of multiple shots of various girls posing in lingerie to fully nude and spread eagle. I thought these were just random models he found online, but I didn’t know these were girls that he knew or ‘worked’ with. He asked me if I had capabilities of editing their bodies - stuff like putting certain outfits on them, removing blemishes or flaws, increasing bust/hip size or decreasing waist size, the whole nine yards, and I said yeah, that’s easy. I’m not sure if he bought my confidence because he went back to the issue of the portfolio not being convincing enough to really buy my word. Planned poorly on my part, and any other position that he would have asked about my experience with were all taken… all but one.
After the given that he didn’t want me to be his graphic designer and I suppose figuring that I wasn’t a close-minded conservative snitch or whatever, he finally brings up the big picture. He says that he knows I need a job soon, have very limited money for school, no car, so on forth, so there’s something that I could do for “VERY big money”. Putting my attention back on the girls posing on his computer monitor, he says that all of those girls work for him however many nights a week they want but most only meet up for a couple of nights, they meet up with some clientele that he has connections with and they spend time entertaining them, partying with them, making them “feel good”. He asks me how much money I would like if I were to take this kind of position and I say I never even thought of that and wouldn’t know what to even ask as far as money goes or what to do with these guys. I thought to myself… maybe (literally) dancing for them? Giving massages? It didn’t ring through my mind yet that this was just one big hooker ring. Just like Flo from Progressive, he responds “Name your price.”
Italy reached into his desk to pull out of a small safe and used the key to undo the lock. He opens the safe and it has a black pouch in it, and in that pouch he pulls out numerous stacks of money. Each stack was full of 20s, and each one amounted to $2000. If I recall correctly, he just casually pulled out 10 grand from that pouch. To tease even further, he pulled out a $20 from each stack and put them under a blacklight, used the money marker, and put each one on a money scale, I guess to show me that they weren’t fake (not that I knew at the time how to spot counterfeit bills.) “Go ahead, touch them.” I don’t know what I’m doing just stroking the texture of a stack of $20s and the back of my mind was telling me this was too good to be true. “Some of my girls can make this in one night.” He specifically held up two stacks as he made that remark.
“So… Do you think you could possibly entertain a client? Tonight?”
Naturally, I wasn’t sure how to immediately respond to this. Had I been a different girl (or maybe even the girl I am now) that was already experienced with this lifestyle and with sex in general, I probably would have been all over this offer, but of course, I was still on the edge. He can tell this just by looking at me and asks if I want something to drink to calm my nerves. I said okay and he gave me a glass of wine. Fun fact, this was my first time drinking as well (roommates didn’t throw any parties JUST yet.). It was a dry white wine. Disgusting, but I just grinned and bore it. With that, he tells me to follow him out of his office and into another room: the bedroom. It was the same bedroom all of those girls in the pictures were in.
He wanted to do some prep work and ask me some questions before I gave my final answer, I suppose. So he asks if he can see what I look like without clothes on and if he can take some photos and I said sure. I may have already stripped for strangers on the internet when I was camming, but this was the very first man in person to see me completely naked. While the fact that I was stripped in front of him didn’t bother me, the following observations he made were highly unusual. He looked at my face and said he could refer me to a dermatologist for the breakouts and irritation I was dealing with. He looked at my hair (just a cheap wig) and said he’d take me to get some real top dollar virgin Remy hair extensions. Observing the slight amount of pubic hair I had, he said that he’d be willing to pay for me to get laser hair removal treatments. Looked at my teeth and said I could start using those at-home whitening treatments. He looked at my tits and asked if I wanted to get my breasts done. In a nutshell, it was an INCREDIBLY superficial and judgemental moment. Not that I really knew him, but the persona he was showing now was very different from how it was in the office or when he was helping me clean up the coffee from the street. As he’s observing my body and taking pictures, the questions went on. Then he asked the million-dollar question. “Are you a virgin?”
An awkward silence followed. Then he laughed nervously and took a gulp of his wine, then claimed that he honestly could not tell. I think that was a lie but asked if he was serious. He said I seemed really mature for my age and virgin girls are usually oblivious to adult entertainment (I later learned in life and through means of the internet that this is pretty far from the truth.). I figured since I had no experience with sex that this job was, too, out of the picture - not that I was really sure that I wanted it or not. “But would you be willing to lose your virginity for this?” I laughed immediately out of reflex, but Italy was being dead serious. Initially, my response is no. I already knew that the sex-ed that I was given in school was pretty crappy, but I was running on the mindset that I at least wanted to save my first time having sex for someone I had a strong connection with - and there was at the time someone I was talking to that I had complete feelings for before I started polyamorous dating.
This story will be dragged out much longer than it needs to be before I can even get to the part where I start working if I type anymore about what happened between this moment and when I started business, so I’ll try to abridge the next 24 hours like this: We played a little bit after photos were taken but nothing too far, he passed me some money as we left the house, I went home so my roommate could see I wasn’t murdered, we texted that night and set up to meet again the next evening, I helped him with some computer tech stuff, we get a little tipsy after, then we hooked up all the way, and that was my first time having sex.
Although everything happened extremely quick, I was NOT coerced or forced into anything I didn’t want to do. That statement applies to that moment along with when I started ‘working’ with him. There was a lot of confusion running through my mind, but it was a “What am I supposed to do next?” type of confusion and not a “How do I get out of here/stop this?” type.
Fast forward to a month or so later, after I’ve had a few other times to casually date or hookup and explore my sexuality throughout college life, I text him and tell him I think I’m ready to take him up on his offer.
Italy was pretty much like a one-man agency. I didn’t have to come over to his place until he texted me and let me know there was somebody interested in meeting me. He was the one that sent photos, details, set the date/time of the meeting, verified that everything would be cool (safety, recent sexual health, all that fun stuff), and that’s when he picked me up and took me to his house to hang out and relax briefly before the big meets happened. I never met a complete stranger or someone he didn’t know personally, but sometimes he let me have a glass of wine or two as well as a Xanax if he sensed that I was anxious.
My very first client was… his nephew. As strange as it may sound, this was a grown man in his early 30s (Italy was in his early 50s at the time but appeared to be in his early 30s himself. Taking care of your body and a cosmetic procedure here and there does that I suppose.) who appeared to be very well aware of Italy’s side hustle, so interaction wasn’t too awkward at all. The only awkward thing was he didn’t bring any protection when things started to get hot and he simply said “Uhh… I was just gonna pull out.” No. Thankfully I had a rubber on me and he didn’t protest against using it, and at the end of it all he simply commented “Hey, next time let's give pulling out a try. I haven’t knocked anyone up yet and don’t plan to.” There wasn’t a next time with him.
This all happened in Italy’s bedroom with the door shut while Italy himself minded his business elsewhere in the house. I took a shower afterward and met up with him later after his nephew already left. He had dinner prepared for us and he split the money while I was eating. He kept a Benjamin for himself while he handed over two Bens to me.
I’ll say right now that despite that he seemed to lure me with the stacks of money in that pouch when we first met, for as long as I worked with him, I never saw that amount of money go in my pocket - not even a quarter of it. He said it was because I had some ‘strict’ limitations on what I was willing to do, but if I wanted to catch some big fish like the other girls, there were a number of things that I had to expand my horizons to (greek anyone?). So for as long as I settled with my plain old meet-greet-vanilla technique, I wouldn’t be increasing my earning potential. The pressure was on for a long while after that, but I never did more than what I wanted to do.
Even with that considered, the money he gave me was still enough to cover a few expenses I ran into throughout school, as well as some non-school related expenses including a pregnancy scare or two and some court fees after one of my roommates dragged me into some legal trouble. No matter what the costs were that I was facing, he was quick to help a little or a lot with our get-togethers.
And… even with ALL of that considered, despite that he labeled me as an entertainer, companion, escort, playmate, whatever he was in the mood for, I can honestly say that this was not any of those things. This was just straight up hooking.
I never saw any of the guys he sent my way more than once, hardly any conversation was had for more than 5 minutes of getting together, and half of the meets weren’t always in a discreet indoor location but in the car in the middle of the night in some empty parking lot where we always looked out for surveillance or passerby drivers. I never dreamed of making more than $100 a pop unless I spent some time with Italy beforehand (Ahh, sloppy seconds.) All of his friends or acquaintances had some high profile jobs, yet it all still felt like something that would happen through a Backpage ad. This was how I sort of made it throughout school, and my roommates or anybody else I knew never found out about it. He’s invited me to fly up with him to New York numerous times for “better earning potential”, but I never had the flexibility in my schedule being a full-time student to do that. Plus, after getting the gist of his personality outside of all of this, I could only deal with hanging out with him one night at a time. He was a slight energy vampire who eventually caught feelings, and after about a year of meeting up, I temporarily ghosted him. I could never fall for a man like him. The handful of times I saw him afterward were usually years in between each other and he’d always beg me to stay in contact with him, but each time we hung out usually reminded me of why I didn’t want to be close to him anymore. Once I did my time with school and moved back in with my grandparents, that was the last time I made any money with him ever again.
[Late 2018 to Present]
In case you all were wondering, the last time I saw Italy was probably November of 2018. He texted me out of nowhere to see how I was doing since it’s been at least 5 years since I saw or heard from him last. We met the night after just for the fun of hanging out. His personality was… pretty unchanged. He did ask me at some point during the evening if I ever thought about returning to the old hustle we used to have back when I was in school - and I straight up told him that we’d have to do some negotiating of the income and split if I ever did, because the years of dancing, generous regulars, having two long term sugar daddies (one of which has helped me expand my number of reviews on here.) as well as researching and exploring independent companionship has gotten me spoiled as far as work goes - or at least it’s taught me how to earn more and work independently compared to how I was with Italy. My response actually surprised him, but he said he was proud of how I’ve “matured” after all these years. I had no interest in continuing that ‘hustle’ with him though.
Back during our time working together, I was only taking what I could because I literally had no other means of income being a jobless, carless, and co-dependent college kid. But since then I’ve taken the time to adapt to a better earning-potential environment through dancing, learn exactly what some customers were commonly looking for besides a pretty girl on their lap for 3 minutes at at time and turn that knowledge into mutually beneficial agreements which allowed us to see each other long term and not have to worry about a club or someone wanting a cut of their generosity (which was more than what these tricks were paying even before the cut was taken).
Then after all that I figured… Why stop there? I had almost forgotten that there was a community of people that actually did this for a living and had their presence and platforms online.
I eventually lost contact with both of my primary sugar daddies - one for critical health reasons he had to prioritize and the other fell into a very deep depression after his mother’s passing, majority of the ones I’ve met off of SA either didn’t click well with me/vice versa or their availability was significantly low and I saw them maybe once or twice a month. I’m humble as fuck and almost never send the first text to see if a meet-up is possible. At some point, I told myself to stop daydreaming and fantasizing about becoming a companion and go ahead and initiate the process.
This was several months after the ballbusting FOSTA/SESTA bill passed, so all of the popular escorting websites slowly but surely started to re-appear either with a different server domain or with restrictions to U.S. providers, so it wasn’t too hard for me to get an idea on where I’d like my presence and how I wanted to present myself. What I did not want was to become a high volume provider off of Backpage/Skip The Games/etc and put in minimal effort in my presentation and expectations just to make a quick buck. I wanted my schedule flexibility as well as my earning potential to be the same if not more than what I was making when I was in a long term sugar relationship. So I did a fuck ton of research, even personally spoke to two high-end providers that had a big social media platform about their experiences, and eventually picked the sites that I wanted to put myself out on.
After asking myself questions to figure out this side gig (How often did I want to see clients? What kind of clients did I want to reach out to? Am I fetish friendly? How big did I want my presence online? Just how strict should my screening be? Am I willing to travel? etc), that’s how I began to set my profiles up, as well as making some investments.
I only joined websites where the providers HAVE to verify their identities before posting their public profile, bonus points if they screened clients before they could contact me. This lowers the amount of time answering messages received that are along the lines of “send pics/facetime me to show you’re real”, but there are still the rare occasions I get them anyway.
Why would guys suspect I’m not real? Because the only photos I post are professional shots. High resolution boudoir/lingerie pictures. I want higher end clientele to reach out to me, so I feel I have to present and train myself as such (I’ll never understand how some girls are charging $600 for an hour of their time while their profile picture is a mirror selfie of them standing in an absolutely filthy/dirty room while they pose in a baggy t-shirt and Fruit Of The Loom hiphugger briefs with bedhead, but if that’s working out for them, more power to them I guess.) So I’ve gotten back into freelance modeling to help with the quality appearance. But this might look stereotypical to some lurkers, so I have my normal social media pages linked where I share more candid/amateur lewdity so they can see I have a personality attached to the looks. Other investments include body/skin treatments by my dermatologist or my surgeon’s esthetician to keep breakouts and skin irritation as low as possible, casual dresswear (I’ve got more than enough lingerie throughout dancing) because 95% of clients don’t want me coming out publicly to meet them like a disco ball at a cattle farm, secondary/burner phone number, STD testing every 3 months because I’m polyamorous and this gives everyone I’m sexually or romantically involved with a peace of mind, and of course the fruits and labor (literally) of keeping my physique well maintained, mental health stable, and energy levels high.
I don’t like the idea of seeing multiple guys in a day. Definitely no judgement to those who do this full-time and see numerous clients a day, but I just don’t feel the motivation for that. For this reason, I charge higher than the average in my area (I’d rather see one custy for $500 than see five custies at $100 a piece.) as well as market as outcall only. This lowers my local potential but I prefer it that way because 98% of the locals that have messaged me seem to have no tact or intelligence regarding this process. I end up ignoring them or tell them to find someone else because I always suspect they’re cops. This means that 95% of the guys that reach out are travelers, but the other 5% that are locals ended up becoming regulars. I might go out… once or maybe twice a week to go on a date, which is fine by me because I only want this to be a part-time/occasional thing to give my monthly earnings a boost. I still very much enjoy dancing, but this helps a lot when we’re going through a dry spell in business at the clubs.
I have no issues with fetishes. From observation and experience, these are the top dollar guys. I’ve dealt with a lot of kink customers even before starting companionship while I was dancing and camming. But ’ve had experience with an impressive list since I started: feet, armpits, neck, stockings, high heels, used panty, Dom/Sub, DD/LG, cuckold, watersports (giving), raceplay and petplay. Some of these guys aren’t even hoping for intimacy during their date but just want the gratification of knowing that the provider won’t shame them for a fetish generally considered taboo that they have a high inclination for.
I believe the way I screen clients is reasonable but inflexible. Usually, some type of work profile (ie: LinkedIn) or verifiable provider references are the quickest and easiest ways to satisfy me. If they can’t provide that or it’s their first time ever reaching out to a companion, that’s when I have to get a little invasive. If they don’t want to share details then I simply don’t see them. I want my chances of running into a serial rapist or law enforcement to be an absolute 0% as I live alone with two cats and the thought of not coming back home to them is gut-wrenching. These are measures I only apply to contacts through my ads of course and not through SA meetups or an OTC agreement. I’m very well aware that this is not a norm in those particular communities, but this is the norm as far as the companionship business goes. I’ve never made a huge fuss about a guy not wanting to be screened but there are some providers that will actually blacklist the numbers or emails of guys that refuse screening so other girls will know who they are if they happen to be contacted by that same guy. Since I started this line of work, I have yet to have a run in with a bad client and I intend to keep it that way.
I have traveled to meet up with one custy so far. The funny thing is that I didn’t meet this guy from online, but rather he was a strip club customer I met in Daytona Beach that I’ve danced for during Bike Week/Biketoberfest for 4 years now. I only see him once every 3 months because he lives up north and he has rental properties scattered across the east coast that he has to tend to. I just happen to show him that I had profiles up and going, and he looked at them and said he had no qualms with taking me out as his provider. I guess he’s been wishing for OTC shenanigans for so long, but was too shy to ask about it. Long story short, my first travel-based date was a 2-night-1-day trip with him up in Boston/Salem and both of us had a phenomenal time. Traveling by itself is becoming a growing hobby of mine, so I feel that this will definitely increase the opportunity.
I for one enjoy this line of work very much. One thing I like about doing it independently as opposed to working under someone is that you don’t HAVE to reach a certain standard of beauty to be able to be a provider. I’ve seen girls of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, orientations, and lifestyles do this and some are very successful despite that they don’t match the typical ‘girl next door’ or supermodel look. Presentation is important, but letting your personality show is what makes a provider stand out in my honest opinion, because the common stereotype with this line of work is that it only attracts guys that are looking to rent out a Hollywood supermodel an hour at a time; Hell, if that’s what he’s looking for, fine, but there is a lot more selection that just supermodels, and it’s been proven that guys are looking for other selections besides supermodels. I myself am a decently tattooed woman of color, so I already know I’m not on the tip-top of statistics on what most guys seem to have a taste for - yet here I am, still making good secondary income from them. The other main thing I like? No splits/cuts. The earnings are mine and mine alone... until tax season.
And at the end of the day, just as I do coming home from the strip club, I hang up my purse, rip my earrings off, toss my wig off, throw my dress off, activate my PS4 controller with one hand while feeding my cats Fancy Feast kibble with the other like it ain’t nuthin but a G thang. After getting to the point where I’m at now where I don’t have to worry about presentation/rates/marketing/how to handle the different personalities/self-care/training my intellect, it’s like flipping a switch where I don’t even have to think about work until I get a text or email through my phone. In my normal, natural state of presence, nobody would look at me walking through the grocery store and imagine that this is what I do occasionally for work. But then again… I don’t think they would assume I’d do ANY of the other things I’ve done for work.
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last commentWow, I for 1 will keep reading.
Pretty-interesting story - going from an 18 y/o virgin to losing your virginity w/ Guido the pimp to escorting - seems like quite a leap. Is sex-work something that had always been on your mind or did it happen by circumstance?
I guess there are always guys out there like Italy on the prowl for young inexperienced girls he can bring into his "business" - but at least it didn't sound like he was a thug that forced girls into doing things they didn't want to do and take all their $$$ - I guess he was more like an "agent".
@Papi: At that age, sex work was something I started gaining respect for with my growing fondness of adult models and porn actresses. Back in 2011 was around the time where it was still pretty looked down upon to be promiscuous whether you were hurting anyone or not, but not being ashamed of your sexuality AND using it to earn money? I thought that was badass.
But this seemed entirely circumstantial as I can't think of how my life would turn if I never crossed paths with Italy. I never imagined MYSELF in any kind of position within the industry, especially considering I've never done anything close to sex, let alone sex itself until I met him. (A friend of my roommate tickled the idea of me being a stripper, but that doesn't even happen till years after I left school.) I was the outcast/ugly duckling for the entirety of grade school, so I kinda grew numb to the idea that no one would find me physically attractive enough to date (or in this case, exchange money for services). That idea got shattered and countered very quickly once I started college and all throughout.
Despite that Italy never forced anything on me or the other girls, he had some pretty vulgar personality traits and other shady ideals for fun and/or business purposes that have overall made him exhausting and unpleasant to be around just as a normal person.
Were you always attracted to women sexually growing up, or did it mostly come about after you got in the sex-industry?
Always have been attracted. :D
But my hook-ups with other girls growing up were pretty small in numbers, but after getting into the industry, that number has slowly but surely gone up. (Restricted to mongering and flings outside of work, of course. I never tried anything while on the job. A few girls I worked with have tried to get with me, but I wasn't attracted to them like that. Have yet to tag-team with another provider, but I'm totally down for it.)
Interesting evolution. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, Eve.