First Visit to a Strip Club

avatar for Okeigh
As the outdoor lights faded, the darkness enveloped me as I entered in a dark corridor. I still remember my pulse pounding throughout my ears, racing, and sweaty palms as I timidly handed my ID to the bouncer. At the time, I had seen exactly one set of real boobs, had sex with one person, and was exposed solely to porn. I was, in dealing with sex a novice and I wanted to experience something new. As the bouncer’s eyes scanned over me, I have to say I probably looked like an addict who hadn’t had a fix in far too long. So it was with me.

Entering the floor was a realization of my every desire. Perfection took many forms, and every one tantalized my eyes and gave life to so many imaginations utilizing the easel of pornography compounded with my eager fascination. I remember the first set of bolt-ons on a tan, blue-eyed blond vixen and how I wanted all of her. Being the newb I was, tipping with a twenty on stage I was able to secure private company with this platinum enchantress. As I was escorted to the throne of pleasure that was my private booth, my pulse rang through my ears and into my pants. I was thoroughly hard like I’d never felt before. The blush on my face and the standing attention of my groin was quite obvious. The clear-eyed succubus observed, “...first time?” My voice was stolen, every breath a battle, and it was all I could do to simply nod which was repaid with a crimson smile bathed with a wisp of the tongue.

I sat. Prices were discussed and, not realizing anything but my soul crushing lust, I again nodded as her delicate skin began to massage mine. I was drunk with desire. My hands wandered freely and explored all of the many secrets which I’d only ever knew through the glowing light of a monitor. As my hand disappeared under what little garment this goddess had adorned, a flowing warmth began to swell even faster than my own excitement. Groans and sweat, grinding and fondling progressed into a salient moment when my zipper parted, and I was exposed. She greeted my enthusiastic friend with a warm hand, dancing and stroking as Poor Some Sugar On Me seemed to play on repeat. I could not take it any longer. She saw me wince, and almost as quickly her mouth comforted my throbbing member as I climaxed as if she was swallowing my soul. My senses were confabulated. As the room spun, I slowing returned to the realm of the reality as the seductress reposed on my lap nursing me back to life. When I could stand, monies were exchanged and I spilled out of that darkened cloister reborn. Then I got a burrito lol.

I have looked back on that moment with satisfaction throughout my journey. I have enjoyed my existence and SCs have been a delightful thread in my life’s tapestry.


last comment
avatar for BigPoppa99
6 years ago
Beautifully written.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
great stuff. so well written i could picture it in my head.

thanks for sharing
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
up until the ‘zipper parted’ ( I wasn’t that lucky...) you described my first real sc experience.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
" Then I got a burrito ". Hilarious. Get a good job kid. This is an expensive hobby.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Great story telling, You had a a great first experience. Mine was much tamer.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Great story telling, You had a a great first experience. Mine was much tamer.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Great story telling, You had a a great first experience. Mine was much tamer.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Great story telling, You had a a great first experience. Mine was much tamer.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Great story telling, You had a a great first experience. Mine was much tamer.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
Sorry about multiple posts
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Okeigh said "Holy shit! My article is getting a ton of responses!

avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
And I thought feeling a boob was a good 1st dance. Damm.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Excellent stuff!

Very good job!

My first strip club visit was mostly monosyllabic.
avatar for George123789
6 years ago
Damn! What an experience-didn’t feel that until I had been mongering for acouple years.
avatar for vajmon
6 years ago
Well written article... for Penthouse forum. Not to rain on the party, but this dude has posted absolutely no reviews. There's no useful info in this article, zero! How about going to an actual strip club and then writing a review of a real experience instead fantasizing about something seen on the Spice channel!
avatar for Okeigh
6 years ago
Thanks everyone for enjoying my first experience. I wrote while I was bored at work and may write more. @vajmon, apologies for not including anything useful to you. Please let me know how I can write articles for your benefit. Thanks
avatar for Ridemysaddle
6 years ago
What is the Spice channel? Is Gordon Ramsey yelling at people there?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
he didn’t intend to write a review.
he wrote an article.
and a good one at that.
avatar for JAprufrock
6 years ago
Outstanding story and told expertly.
Couple questions: How long ago was this? How old were you? How much did the VIP session cost?
Some mongering experiences are so unforgettable that it feels great to relive them not only in your mind but in a forum such as this.
I sort of know how you felt, I was 17 and in high school when I had my first SC experience (a raunchy Detroit bar that didn't check ID as long as you looked close enough to 21), and it was the first time I saw naked breasts.
Alas, the only thing I touched that night was myself when I got home, thinking about how great women looked topless.
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