
First (and Last) Tijuana Street Girl

West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
Been to Tijuana multiple times, but since I am not a wham-bam type of guy, I looked, but did not take up any street girls…until December 30.

Picked out a cute girl that stood near the entrance to Hong Kong. I had seen her several times before and by the time I got up the nerve to give her a try, it was cold, dark, and she had been standing her post for several hours. I thought she would appreciate being chosen from the 40-or-so others in the alley.

I approached and she was very direct. “Sex for $20.” I had not even asked her name. The first flag should have been her telling me her price in dollars. Almost everything I have read said the street girls negotiate in pesos. Indeed, there have been stories where the street girl accepted a lower fee in pesos, because they could not make the conversion to dollars.

I asked her name. Matia I think she said. I asked, “sin ropa (no clothes)?” She said, “five dollars.” Blow job? She said, “five dollars.” So to get her nude, a blow job, and sex we are now at $30. Easily within my price range and slightly high from what I had read elsewhere. “Twenty minutes,” she said several times. I kept telling myself, “it is just an experiment.” So we check in at the hotel desk where I had a room and up we go. I asked if I could take her picture. She said, “no. Pictures are bad.”

She asks for the money up front. I said I would pay after, and she got rather insistent about being paid up front. Again, information from others said I should never pay up front. However, it looked like the deal would fall through if I failed to do so, and that she was willing to let our transaction go if I failed to provide payment. I relented; she won that round.

She strips down and comments about being cold. She has a cute little body. B-cup boobs and no tattoos. A quick inspection and she pulls out a condom. I offer her one of my condoms, since I told her at the front desk that I had them available. She chose to cover me with her condom.

Played with her boobs while she started me up with the blow job. When I raised the flag, she applied a liberal amount of lube and climbed on cow girl. She was pretty good at making me feel it with some great hip action. I continued to play with her boobs, until about 15 minutes I popped. She climbed off and got the roll of tissues from the bathroom, offering me a handful to use to remove the condom.

She wadded up some tissue and wiped herself. Wadded up some more, and wiped again. Despite having a shower and sink available, she chose to practically fill the trash with tissue. I lost count of the number of times she wiped herself. She then dressed and left.

So I made multiple classic mistakes. I probably should have walked away at the very beginning, but I was anxious to complete the experiment.

Bar girls cost a little more (between $40 and $100, depending on the bar, the girl, and the state of business at the time). However, the typical window is 30 minutes, some time is spent in the bar carefully choosing the girl, some time is invested in getting to know her at least a little, and clear negotiations can be accomplished with the help of Google Translate or an English-speaking waiter. And most bar girls at least make some effort to live the fantasy that she is doing this because she likes you…for 30 minutes. Sometimes more.

What say you Puta Busters?


  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I have not completed this experiment, but others here have had a better experience than you when it comes to TJ street girls. But if you need more for your experience then just the sex then this does not sound like it's for you.
  • Dblednmike
    7 years ago
    Over the years I’ve been to TJ several times and I have been very tempted to try that experiment. You can usually find some really hot street girls in La Zona. I never have though. There are a lot of reasons, but I think the primary reason is that there is less risk with the bar girls (in my opinion). With the street girls you don’t know if you’re getting set up to get robbed, if you’re going to be dealing with an angry pimp, or if when she takes those clothes off she is covered in lesions. I know that the bars aren’t perfect, but I think the environment is more controlled. Yes. They are cheap in comparison, but ask yourself this, if she hot enough to work in a bar and make more money why doesn’t she?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    thanks for the report. in my 3.5 years of zona norte i've experienced maybe six street girls. one was great... the others ok. i prefer bar girls overall. better chance of gfe.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm confused.

    You paid a cute girl $30 for a BJ and CG fuck that you say lasted about 15 minutes.

    What did you expect to get that you didn't? Herpes? Crabs?
    You should be happy about that and not complain.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Never been to TJ but on avg one wouldn't get much GFE with street-girls and the interactions are usually mechanical with a good dose of up-charging - it's hit or miss with more miss than hit, it seems - if the interactions were good a lot more guys would probably opt for it yet that doesn't seem the case with most reviewers
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Never been to TJ, not yet, but it is to play a large role in my future plans.

    Generally with women and P4P, the most important rule is to never treat them differently than you would any other woman. Never treat them as prostitutes or like money buys them. And try to appreciate their perspective, they are giving what they got for chump change and with guys they will never see again. So if you want them to be different with you, you have to treat them differently than most guys do.

    1. Avoid sex tourism. Instead, go to places that you can keep coming back to regularly.

    2. Find a girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with regularly.

    3. So if she quotes you right off $40 for sex, don't reply to that, instead talk to her like you would a girl you met at a college party. Flirt with her, tell her about yourself, what you do for a living, and why your are in TJ, and how often you will be there.

    4. You might say, "I was going to go into the HK bar. Do you ever dance in the HK bar?" That is mostly a gimmick to flatter her. But it has another purpose, to be able to hand her money without making her think you are trying to low bid a session.

    5. Whatever she says, tell her, "Well in the HK bar we could sit and get to know each other, and in the HK bar they get tips." Then compliment her on something she is wearing, as that does cost her money, and then hand her $20 or the Mexican equivalent. It is a tip, not a contractual arrangement. You want to get her to be accepting money from you.

    6. Have this planned out, and ask her if she has eaten yet. Then if she quoted you $40, hand her $40 and tell her, "I want to take you to lunch". Likely this will surprise her, and this is good, as you want to be getting her off script. Then if that lunch goes off, tell her everything about yourself and try to learn about her without being too pushy. Try to see if she lives in TJ, with who, and you are looking to detect an SO, a Pimp, or kids.

    7. Then eventually invite her to the session, and try to make it an overnighter. She may or may not go for this, but try. She may have other commitments.

    8. Make sure she early on gets your complete contact info, business card to verify your employment and that she understands that you are in TJ for business and that you will be there regularly, and that you are looking to "make some friends", and that you in the Zona because you, "like beautiful women". Make sure she knows everything about you that a girl would want to know and that she, likely coming from a different background, feels that she can relate to you.

    9. With P4P, how well it goes mostly depends on how well the girl feels she knows you and on how GFE you can get her to be BEFORE CLOSING THE SESSION DEAL.

    10. So girls that lead with DFKing is well documented in the bars. And in the Playboy bar they usually do not even give you any choice in the matter. People like the HK Bar, and it is widely reported and video taped that the women are young and attractive. But it is also a more conducive place to makeout sessions than the sidewalk is. Most of the time it is these collateral factors which determine how well the session will go.

    11. Talking with her on the sidewalk, do not get her between you and the wall. Don't box her in. Instead back yourself up against the wall next to her and then plan on pulling her in front of you.

    12. I do not know how far things can go out on the sidewalk. But you will also have the lunch time. You could take her into one of the bars and dance with her. Figure out a way of getting preliminary that makeout session going. You could do a preliminary, then lunch, then a longer session. The key to making it mind blowing is almost always the makeout session. You cannot pressure her into this and you cannot verbally negotiate her into it.

    13. People say that the street girls give flesh light service. But this is mostly because guys treat them like flesh lights. As reported lots of places, these girls do overnighters and are fully GFE, with guys they feel that that is appropriate with. The bars are more conducive to preliminary makeout sessions and the women charge more, so mind blowing GFE-FS will be more common. But it is street girls who are the most free of agents, so one way or another you can get on a girl's good side and be doing all night long GFE-FS rounds with her.

    14. Women are not really the way they come across as civilians. But they also are not really the way they come across in P4P either. You have to have experience with them in both capacities to have any insight into them.







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  • Caracoge
    7 years ago
    For the streetgirls I would say this falls underneath the category of an average session with them. Some are more chatty while others are completely about their money. The amount you paid was about the market price for what you asked for, but for the street girls especially I would just name your price, with what you expect from her and not ask how much extra clothes off would be for example. I used to give in and pay beforehand to some hk girls when they persistently asked but now I just let them walk if they can’t handle payment afterwards. Definitely more “fantasy” experience with the Hong Kong girls. And yep they love their toilet paper, a few wipes and they are back out there selling ass. There’s a popular girl named ximena often dresses in schoolgirl outfit that stands near the hk back entrance that sees more dick than the men’s restroom.
  • Caracoge
    7 years ago
    Also get increased value with pesos, one of the first street girls I brought back to cascadas had bee stings for tits so I didn’t ask for all clothes off, sex, bj, 20 minutes for 250 pesos. Some also don’t get too much business so if you name your price and they don’t bite, start to walk away, had a few accept it then.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Tahoe, sounds like a good experience from what I'm reading, at least the sex part. Maybe you were seeking more GFE, like me, and as you know that can be difficult to predict. During my trip last week, I hooked up with three street gals, only for handjobs, and got some GFE with the first two (nude, caressing, fondling) and zilch with the third one. You just never know.
    It was my first experience with HK street girls. Wasn't worried about being robbed by a pimp, didn't cross my mind, since it was at the Cascades Hotel for the first two and a different hotel for the third, but seemed like a secure environment.
    I'll say this about some of the street girls: They're attractive enough to work at the bars. The three I was with easily could have worked at Hong Kong. Not 10s by any means, but even HK has its share of girls in the 5-6 range and these street girls were better than that. Why they work the street instead of for better money in the clubs, I have no idea.

  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    JAprufrock: Street girls are fine for the younger guys that have a 15-minute recovery time (and similar attention span (;-)). I had to do it once to verify that it is not my style.

    And the girl I chose was easily HK quality; physically hotter than my HK ATFs. I have seen a few SG that have moved from SG to BG. The only reason that I can think that they would prefer SG status is the lack of schedule and commitment. BGs have told me about having to work specific shifts that they don't like, having to be in the bar X number of days each week. Being fined for being late or missing a shift. Having drink quotas.

    I did a SG after she had moved to HK. I had seen her on the street and was tempted, but did not pursue it at that time. I didn't recognize her in HK until after I had a session with her. Delivered SG performance; won't do it twice.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I really think that what you get with these girls will depend entirely upon you stage it. If she can feel that you like her and that you want to be seeing her regularly, then the sky will be the limit.

    But if you're just selecting her because she is under pricing the bar girls, then that will determine how it goes.

    Tahoe, I'm curious, when you are in the HK bar, do you find your girls at or around the main stage? Or do you pay and get into that Miami VIP room upstairs, and is that better, are the girls more forward and open up their?

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Tahoe, just curious, do you take your HK bar girls to a short term room, or do you check in to a room for the night, and do you do longer sessions and TLN's with them?

    Do you partake at any of their other bars?

    See if these work without being logged in to their gallery:






  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I don’t know anything about street girls, but it sounds like you got what you paid for. I’m sure wanted to get back out there, and who knows here her head is while she’s working. SJG, you should try out your method and see how it goes. I really can’t imagine myself.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Being open and honest with girls in a P4P capacity has always worked very well, in our local clubs, in San Francisco, and especially in the AMPs of three counties. It is what the women really want.

  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    san_jose_guy, regarding your question:

    I usually book a room for the night. With a VIP card, two hours short-term is almost the same price as a room for the night.

    I go to the other, unassociated bars. Usually, because I have a room at Cascadas, I use short-term rooms when taking a chica up. That said, I met a chica at Adelita on my last visit that was great. I am scheduled to be in TJ 1/27 and plan to get a room at their hotel for the night, so I don't have to worry about time or a knock. It was her suggestion and she gave me her phone number to work out the details. I am SO looking forward to it.

    Finally, I have access to the HK gallery. It is not often that the girls I see there are seen in the club. Might be a result of airbrushing and makeup that I don't recognize them.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Thanks Tahoe for that info.

    If you are going to see a girl by appointment, they talk on the MLB site about lots of other escort friendly hotels that are about 1 mile south of the Zona. I think that would be better if you want to spend a more relaxed big block of time with a girl, like TLN.

    Again, not been to TJ, but it seems like the street girls have the advantage of being the most free of agents, easier if you are going to be seeing a girl regularly. And more likely to actually live in TJ. But the bars are the more conducive to front room friendliness and GFE auditions, and this determines the quality of that first session with a girl.

    With sex, it mostly is these circumstantial factors which determine how it goes.

    Caracoge, you spoke about a girl Ximena, often in a school uniform at the back entrance of the HK bar, who sees lots of action. Does she get so much action because of looks, or because of sidewalk aggression, and what type of aggression?


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  • Caracoge
    7 years ago
    The ones right outside the hk back entrance don’t really have to be too aggressive because they are the first streetgirls you see and generally are the most attractive so they see a lot of business, as you walk down the alley the girls get quite insistent on you fucking them. Ximena stands out because she is quite tall and has an athletic body and her outfits don’t leave much to the imagination.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So much is written about the bars about the stage side feel ups, and the front room DFKing.

    Does anything like that go on out on the sidewalk? Anyone ever try to steer it that way?

  • Caracoge
    7 years ago
    I definitely will feel up ones im interested in bringing up from the street. Never seen kissing on the street. A case study on the pathogens in a street girls mouth would probably yield some scary data.
  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    No personal experience, but the local (fake) TJ LEOs have been known to use close personal contact with a SG as an excuse to give a gringo grief. In the bars I have been very "demonstrative" with the girls where such activities are sanctioned. On the street, in the open, personally I don't think it is a good idea.
  • Caracoge
    7 years ago
    Ya i don’t do anything too crazy on the street compared to the body cavity searches in the clubs
  • Dblednmike
    7 years ago
    Tahoe. If you’re making contact ahead of time and aren’t tied to a Zona hotel there are some great ones designed purely for hedonistic pursuits.

    Motel Premier

    La Mansion Motel

    Both have awsome rooms at a decent price. They are in better neighborhoods than La Zona. I have booked a room at La Mansion and it was awsome. If you’re looking for more of a GFE this might fit the bill. Motel Premier has great rooms too, including some awsome theme rooms with indoor pools and jacuzzis.

    I’m planning to be down there 2/5. If you happen to find yourself returning that soon let me know.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yes, I had wondered if such friendliness was prohibited, or frowned upon, on the sidewalk. Mexico is actually still a very conservative country.

    As it looks to me, front room friendliness is one of the main advantages of the bars, rather than specifically having better looking girls. And the front room friendliness is what makes the arriba sessions so good.

    Maybe its possible to take a street girl into one of the bars, to get to know her. Not for free, but before agreeing to a session.

    Thanks for the great info.


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  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "local (fake) TJ LEOs"

    What is this? Do you mean fake cops, vigilantes? Or criminals who act like cops? Or do you just mean corrupt but real police?

  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    USA doesnt have street whores like mexico another reason america cant be great
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    :) :) :)

    You can judge a city by how attractive its street hookers are.

    LE does not actually stop prostitution, its actions just drive down the attractiveness of the providers until it gets to where no one would believe that anyone would session with them.
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    Tijuana's Putas whores are Beautiful
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I believe it, I read the posts, and I see the pictures.


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  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    Regarding: "local (fake) TJ LEOs"
    What is this? Do you mean fake cops, vigilantes? Or criminals who act like cops? Or do you just mean corrupt but real police?

    All of the above. Apparently, in addition to the corrupt officials, there are rateros that dress like cops and try the same tactics to extort money from gringos. And security personnel who try to extort money when wandering away from their post.

    Fortunately, I have had only a few encounters with the official police and zero with the unofficials. Funny, the two encounters I had with the officials I am guessing that I was pointed out by dealers that thought I might be running surveillance on them. Crazy place. Cannot wait to go back.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Yipes! Their real police should eradicate these fake police. That is how it would be handled here.

    Thanks for the info.

    Do you see any sidewalk friendliness? Or do these fake police and the real police prevent it? Mexico could very well have rules about such.

    Do you ever see anyone say take a street girl to lunch or into one of the bars?


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  • Tigerr619
    6 years ago

    Your giving advice to people and you haven't even visited TJ.
    Tell these poor saps that they dont need GFE from putas who fuck 7 dicks per day, and average 600 fucks in a few months.
    Get the fuck out of here dude. Your an idiot.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TahoeCruz, thank you for sharing all you experiences. If I understand you, you check into the Cascadas, but you also see girls from other bars, but you don't bring them back to the Cascadas? I guess you are not seeking TLN and wouldn't want to pay any saluda. I would assume that you bring street girls up to your Cascadas room, no saluda with them.

    So many accounts of HK bar girls wanting to hang out with you in your room. I guess it is like that if a place just hires enough girls. If they are with you, they will try to stay with you to get another session, rather than going back to the bar. With each new person there is always a flake out risk. So I guess they figure its better if they can stay with you.

    Sounds like Paradise!

    Tigeerr619, hey if you think the women who work in strip clubs or TJ bars are tainted, contaminated, well that is you problem. I you want to live like the senile Howard Hughes, or you want to wear a hazmat suit, that is your problem. If you don't like the women, then stay away from them. I'm sure that will make them happy.

    Anyone knows that if you want to get to know a girl, want her to open up, then talk and getting to know her are part of it. And then getting her DFKing is a major step. You want good sex, that is how it is done. You want to be seeing the girl after, very important to get her DFKing.

    Works like that sometimes in our underground Mexican Bar circuit. Occasionally like that even in our no touching clubs, when a girl wants to line up immediate OTC.

    You need to go soak your head, try to soak that shit out of it.


    A curious note, earlier I visited a library branch in another part of town. I saw a librarian I remember from about 25 years ago. Back then she was a really cute girl whom I took notice of. But time takes a toll. And now she is wearing a wedding ring. Her face looks much harsher, and she has gained lots of lower body weight. Her temperament seems different, harsher.

    Some of this is time, but also I don't think marriage is good for women or men.
    I could still go for her, but she is not the same. And then that so much time has passed, how has that effected me? For the positive?


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  • TJ_Love_Lifer
    6 years ago
    I have never been a fan of the street girls, more of a GFE guy. I have regulars that go the extra for me, some I have taken to my place for the night. Last visit met a couple Adelitas girls at the restaurant across the street, while I was eating, bought them dinner then did the 3 some after they got off from the club...no charge. It pays to be nice, treat them with respect...some are sharks and some decent girls. I would love some inside tips on getting SG though, always nice to try new things.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    pay a street girl with pesos.
    i got good wham bam service with one for 500 peso. cbj, daty, cfs.
    that’s about $27 us at 18 peso/dollar.
    She set her phone timer for 15 minutes and in mid stroke when it sounded off she pulled away. definitely no girlfriend experience .
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I appreciate what you are saying, but she is also trying to earn a living via a competitive commercial service.

    Did you like her looks, like the way she was dressed?

    Something must have gotten to you, or you'd of just continued into the HK bar, right?

    Suppose you broke out of the box, took her to lunch, took her to LC for dancing and for some preliminary tongue, and always giving her money at HK bar levels. Then set up a longer arriba. Would that all have worked? Seems to me that it would. She would have liked being treated that way.

    And then contact info too, right up front?

  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    Sure, she is just trying to earn a living. However, if her service had been better, I would be more interested in repeating. Just like a restaurant, the food might be great, but I am not going to put up with it being served by the Soup Nazi.

    She was very pretty and standing near the entrance to Cascadas, where I had a room, so I was reasonably sure that she would go to my room, another selling point.

    I barely got within 6 feet of her, we made eye contact, and she said, "it is $20." Had not even said hello, which should have been the flag that sent me in another direction. I have dismissed very attractive bar girls for pushing arriba right out of the gate.

    To your question, would I have fared better if I had taken her to lunch/dinner? Very likely, but that isn't typical of how the street girls work. I have done that often with bar girls with great success.

    The major problem was that I wanted to experience a street girl, I had begun the process, and made my choice before speaking to her at all. A beginner mistake. I felt it was important that I complete my goal with this girl and I looked past the red flags.

    AND I do enjoy the long interview process afforded in the bars. Unlikely that it will remain my only street girl experience. Indeed, I am going back to TJ tomorrow, but we shall see what is offered.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well as I am hearing it, the issue is the street venue, not the street girls.

    Out on the sidewalk is not a conducive place for preliminary makeout sessions. And then out there, the girl's main selling point is just the low price. That and the fact that you get to see her in good daylight.

    They are trying to earn a living.

    But does this mean that you cannot steer it differently? If she tells you $20, and you know that that is too low, suppose you just hand her $40 and then say, "I want to take you to lunch".

    You do this because if you do end up in a long arriba, she needs to be fed. Then talk to her, give her contact info, get to know her. Then more money and off to LC. That should be about as conducive to softening a girl up as you would find anywhere.

    Then set up the ariba with her, TLN preferred.

    I mean, you pick the girl you like. For me those kinds of choices will always be highly influenced by how she is dressed, and just my overall impression of her. And the objective will be to be seeing a girl regularly, and outside of the zona.

    Since one does not know the girl, there are lots of things about her which would influence how things are likely to go, which one does not know. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained.

    Sounds like with the HK bar girls it will be easier to make things go right off. Better venue.

    But the street girls are more independent, doesn't have to answer to anyone, maybe a bit older, maybe more likely to actually reside in TJ.

    This is how it sounds.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So you are walking to the HK Bar. But you see a street girl making eye contact with you. So you decide to session with her.

    Are you selecting her because you like her, or because she is cheaper?

    She is just trying to earn a living.

  • PutaTester
    6 years ago
    SJG I was specifically looking for a street girl, on a mission to have a street girl experience, because I had read so much about them. I choose her because she was pretty and standing near the entrance to my hotel.

    I could do all those things you described, but I want a GFE, but not a girlfriend. The bar girls often deliver that in the first session.

    I was in TJ for two days this week (3/27/19j. Met a girl in HK for the first time and had a great session with her. She asked to come back to my room after her shift to spend more time with me. Had a great second session and hung out for a few hours. That afternoon I hung out with another HK girl I had sessioned with three times before, total GFE. That night I had a TLN with a HK ATF I have been seeing for over two years. We had a fun session, went to dinner, visited other clubs in the area, had another great session, slept, had another great session. Went out for the morning. Still had a few hours before my flight, so we had another great session. Three girls and three GFEs, all with HK girls. Street girls might be good for others, but I have had the best success with the BGs for just a few dollars more.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "I could do all those things you described, but I want a GFE, but not a girlfriend. The bar girls often deliver that in the first session. "

    Well, it sounds like the SG, being in a competitive market, emphasize low cost. Maybe what I was suggesting was more than you would want to do. But maybe there is still someway that you can get her out of discount service mode, and more into a GFE mode, more like what the bar girls do, and at comparable cost.

    The gist of what I am saying is though, no cause for finding fault with the girl, she is after all just trying to earn a living.

    Seems like if you want to see a girl regularly, she could come from bars, street, or massage. But SG could have the advantage of being their own bosses, and being more likely to reside locally. So the difference from the HK bar is just that the street is not a good venue for GFE, it is not that the girls themselves are somehow less.

    Anyway, glad things are going well. Your TJ accounts always do read well.

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