If you been able to read my articles in the past then you know I bring a different style of writing and I also go to the clubs for a various set of reasons one being I suffer from depression and I find it a safe place as well as a place for me to escape and get my mind off real life much like we all do. We all need an escape, some find going to a local fishing hole an escape or a Golf Course while others may enjoy a casino. I enjoy going to a club.
I've never enjoyed the outdoor life of hunting, fishing, camping etc. That was my dad and I am definitely not him. My dad also enjoyed following a golf ball around. I enjoyed not doing that. My BEST experience was also one of my worst on the Golf course when as kid my dad allowed me to sit in the drivers seat of the cart. Little did I know the seat also acted as the gas if you didn't keep your foot on the break the entire time and I put the cart in the water. I never went to a golf course again.
As you know from previous articles I started attending clubs at age 21 and I am now in my late 40's. I enjoy the interaction with the dancers and the staff once I get to know them much like I have at my Home Club now. I don't come on this sight to bad mouth people, places or talk about a bad experience I may or may not have had one night at a club. I always try to find the positive in everything. I suffer from depression remember? I try to make others happy to make myself feel better so when I get attacked by others it kind of hurts. I have to be strong and take the advice of Motley Crue and Shout At The Devil so when I get down I write.
Today my home club, myself, and my favorite girl were verbally attacked. It hurts because I care. I care about people and I will defend them until I die if they reach a level that I have in my heart. You can't see it you just feel it. Think of it as someone attacking your child, your family. These people are my family. I work in Social Media so I have to deal with a lot of crap from people and in my 5+ Years I have had to learn to not feed the trolls. I was told that I was a PL which I've seen this term before so I had to look up. If I am a PL and you yourself are attending the club doesn't that also make you one? None of us should be this term because we are all there for a reason. Perhaps a Great Escape.
I love being able to see a beautiful woman perform the art of dance. I love hearing their stories whether they are real or not. Once you get to know that person you always find out the real story. So if I am a PL so be it but I will never call myself that nor would I anyone because we are all there for a good time and for a GREAT Escape.
We are nearing New Years Please remember to use Uber, Taxis, Designated Drivers, Bus whatever you have to just don't Drink and Drive. The Entertainers want to see you again and so does your family and the other families that have loved ones on the road. Tip Your Waitress. Be Kind to each other and have a Very Happy New Year.
My position is that the last thing anyone needs is escapism.
As far as strip clubs, some may use them for escapism. If they do that, then it is yet another addiction.
A place where you can go and engage with dolled up hotties, verbally, emotionally, and maybe more is just being completely wasted if you turn that into escapism.
I view them as an Escape. Probably much the same way that I like to go to the Movies. Makes you forget about the pressures of the real world for a few moments. I always leave my cell phone in the car when I go to SC's so no one can contact me for a while.
And don't worry about being called a PL. I didn't like the term when I first started coming on this board. But you have to be able to make fun of yourself sometimes.
"... Little did I know the seat also acted as the gas if you didn't keep your foot on the break the entire time and I put the cart in the water. I never went to a golf course again ..."
LOL - that s*** was funny - would've made a good entry for the TV show "America's funniest home videos"
"... Today my home club, myself, and my favorite girl were verbally attacked. It hurts because I care. I care about people and I will defend them until I die ..."
Depends on what was said - if it's an honest critique then one needs to be able to accept criticism
Yeah - for a lot of custies, the SC is often an escape from the "real-world" - strip-clubs are for the most-part "make-belief" world (kinda like Disney Land for adults), a place w/ attractive and nude/near-nude women, dressed provocatively and dancing/acting provocatively, and for the most-part they are all accessible - def titillating to the senses and appealing, and satisfying, to our most basic desires as males (easy access to desirable females).
For some it's purely the sex (and maybe something different than what they have at home; and sometimes they don't get any at home from their S.O. or very little) - and for others it's to fill an emotional void - for others it's just a fun diversion from the normal stresses of life as an adult.
But yeah - not exactly sure how to accurately describe it but a SC is often a great way to get away from the "real-world"; and in a good strip-club one can spend 4-hours and usually not have anything else on one's mind other than what's is happening in the SC.
I think it would be an interesting experiment if scientists measured the brain-waves of guys when at a strip clubs.
If strip-clubs help you deal w/ life's problems then better than not being able to deal w/ them at all - but I think you are overestimating or giving strip-clubs too-much credit seemingly b/c you have no other recourse - strip-clubs should not be put on a pedestal as bastions of good.
I'm going to give an example of what I mean. As you know I just had major eye surgery and have been stuck at home for nearly 2 weeks. My favorite girl knows me so well and checks on me every day. Last night she called rather than sent a text because something told her I needed her. I had a very bad day and wished to good or whoever heard me that she would call. When she called she said get out of the house for a bit and come see me so I can take care of you and your eye. Bring your last set of drops for the night. So I did. For 2 hours I felt no pain. For 2 hours I felt safe. For 2 hours I felt on top of the world. I still can't see well with the setback but last night I didn't care because she took care of me. She helped with the drops. She and I talked not always about work but about life. I had the Great Escape. How can I ever thank a person for that but paying tribute to them every chance I get. The club made me call them when I got home so they knew I was home safe. No club does that that I know of. That goes along way with me.
> I don't come on this sight to bad mouth people, places or talk about a bad experience
Dude. You are seriously missing out.
> My BEST experience was also one of my worst on the Golf course when as kid my dad allowed me to sit in the drivers seat of the cart. Little did I know the seat also acted as the gas if you didn't keep your foot on the break the entire time and I put the cart in the water. I never went to a golf course again.
This is some real shit! When I was 6, my grandma had me drive the golf cart and luckily she grabbed the wheel in time so her friend walking in front of us wasn't seriously injured.
> I have to be strong and take the advice of Motley Crue and Shout At The Devil so when I get down I write.
It can also be cool to tell your demons to suck a male camel's dick with Hoisen sauce
I love the NFL but this just takes my mind off things for a couple of hours. Especially when you find the right person and the club. Thank you for reading and agreeing.
good article. for most of my life, the most accurate predictor of whether you would find me in a club or not was how much stress i was feeling at work, so i definitely can identify with clubbing as a Great Escape. perky tits are wonderful stress relievers!
Stress relief is a key part of getting away. When I first started going before I picked just one girl to visit the music alone was also helpful for me and to a point is today when my favorite girl is assisting others who want to enjoy her company. Thank you for reading and the positive feedback.
SGJ How do you unwind? When you have a hard day and need a break what do you to take your mind off things? Read a book? Fish? Go for a drive? Whatever the answer may be that is how you escape. No matter what word you prefer to use that's what it is. I go to the club to escape the day to take my mind off things. to see my girl if she's working otherwise I'll see her during her free time over a lunch or coffee but that too is an escape. That is my point we all need to do something to take our minds off things or we go crazy.
I really have worked to live an integrated life. So I really don't unwind per se. I try to make it so that I don't need to. Most of all, I don't try to take my mind off of things. I try to make the decisions that I need to, and then implement them. I make the best decisions that I can, knowing that I will have to live with the results. So I am more like a commanding general, or a politician running for office.
I read lots of books. No fishing. Driving is something I often have to do, but I greatly prefer bicycling. I like going places like Viet Coffee, but it is not an escape. Mostly I think and I read. And my reading is always intensely driven, out of necessity, I need to keep learning so that I can penetrate into situations even more deeply. I am always writing political messages, trying to drive situations. Bicycling helps me stay in my body. And of course I practice my own Westernized version of Buddhist Mindfulness.
But I am never trying to escape. Really, I am trying to stay grounded and become even more sensitive. I am involved in intense political conflicts 365 days a year. I am trying to put people out of action, close businesses, get people fired, and sometimes even get people criminally convicted. And this is only the beginning. I am fighting the battles that I know how to fight, that I might later be able to fight even bigger battles.
I see needing escape as evidence of a pathological approach to life. So if one finds this, then there are problems that they need to solve. Not all problems are solved in the short term, but they still will need to be solved. And I have endured situations running long and hard such that the only solace I could find was in identifying with Jesus on the Cross.
I find that when lying down to sleep and when waking up in the mornings are when I have my greatest insights. And I try to interpret my dreams too.
I am always looking for more insight. And so I know that drugs or alcohol, or any other kind of escapism would be a huge negative.
I need this more insight because I am always re-strategizing in the various campaigns I have going. I have big, intense, and long running projects in play. I having to re-evaluate strategy on a regular basis.
Basically it is about how to win wars, but off the battle field. In the movie '13 days', about the Kennedy White House and the Cuban Missile Crisis, they quote the books as saying that 'wars are won in the temples'.
Well I though about this some, is there a Western equivalent? Yes there is, it is the Bible. Properly understood the Bible is a book of guerilla war. And its central narrative is the Exodus. So when things get tough I will read that, like from the Call of Moses, through the journey back to Egypt, and then going before Pharaoh with Arron, and the 10 plagues, and the most curious marking of the door lintels, until finally the Hymn of Moses and Miriam.
It is a story, it is a book of magic, and it helps one stay grounded. And staying grounded is the most important thing when your life involves stress and conflict, and when you don't want escape, you want victories. And it is in staying grounded that one finds the courage to attempt things which most people would run from.
Long ago I was a member of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC. Right off in their teachings they tell you about avoiding escapisms and instead learning to be more sensitive.
I took to this fully, because it was already my own personal approach to living.
And then with sex, that is never an escape for me, it is a tantric ritual of intensity, and it can also be a form of magic. It is something you are doing with a partner, not something unilateral. And it is in this bonding with the partner that another kind of space is opened up.
I allow much time for feeling my feelings, each and every day.
And I am working to build an organization which will promote all of this.
And this likely is why many women, in strip clubs, really do like me, once we get a little chance to talk.
This book here, explains how people are taught to containerize life into Education, Work, and Play. But instead they show the benefits of breaking down these containers, and at its highest, one has complete seamless integration.
Well I have always known that such containerization is wrong. And so I have worked long to get beyond it. And I am very close to this complete seamless integration now.
They encourage you to calculate how much your job pays you. And then to calculate how much it costs you, like all the decompression and vacation time, and any alcohol or anything else, and the vacations, and the clothes and the transportation.
Many people find out that there net hourly wage is negative.
But also, even at early elementary school age I resisted the idea of 'go along to get along', like following the herd, or following parents. Never went along with the idea of trying to get grades in school. Always did my own things.
As an adult in the work place it has often been difficult. But little by little I've always been able to work it so that I have my own things and my own turf. And now I run my own affairs completely, and I am working to build an organization which will promote all that I have described.
And also our members get 365 day per year stripper grade pussy saturation, along with lots of other benefits.
My job can't pay me... Long story. My school years proved to be difficult as my 1st grade teacher didn't want to help me with my disability and rather shut me up by locking me in the closet. Marriage scares the hell out of me because of what my mother went through but that doesn't mean I don't want to give it a try with the right girl... perhaps the girl from the club someday. That's how special I find her. I am NOT my father and I would NEVER Treat any woman like he treated my mother.
Thanks for sharing that. Sounds like things which all get into controversial areas, like especially this idea of disability.
Please share more, in posts or PM's, if you feel so inclined.
Myself, I am involved in campaigning against Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, the Recovery Movement, and the learning disabilities industry. These are all a perpetuation of the bogus sciences of Social Darwinism and Eugenics. I am a children's rights activist, and I want some parents and some doctors incarcerated, even if it has to be done by Crimes Against Humanities Prosecution in the International Court.
Is also feel that our nation's capitalist economic system is extremely wasteful of human talent, and just plain wrong.
I have no objection to disability money being paid out. I think such payouts should be expanded in scope and quantity. We are in the latest stage of industrialization. But our politics is completely driven by scapgoating the poor, plus minorities and immigrants. We are dividing into a two tier society. Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and the Recovery Movement are simply resurgences of the bogus sciences of Social Darwinism and Eugenics. If we expect our democracy to continue, then we absolutely have to move to Social Democracy.
But I am very critical of disability identities. And generally I feel that access to disability payments is being used to coerce people who are already marginalized into accepting a disability identity. No one should be subjected to such coercion. And in my observation the disability identities are usually flimsy and more the product of abuse, injustice, and social marginalization. Accepting such an identity merely exonerates perpetrators.
It will never change so long as people ask for pity. Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, The Recovery Movement, and Born Again Christianity are all based on pity seeking. Things will only when people organize and start fighting back.
There is one thing and one thing only which ended slavery in this country, the fact that 180,000 black men refused to be Uncle Tom's, and instead trained with rifles and bayonets and served in federal uniform. If this had not been so, we would still be practicing slavery today.
last commentAs far as strip clubs, some may use them for escapism. If they do that, then it is yet another addiction.
A place where you can go and engage with dolled up hotties, verbally, emotionally, and maybe more is just being completely wasted if you turn that into escapism.
Beyoncé - Sweet Dreams
Beyoncé - ***Flawless (feat. Nicki Minaj) (On The Run Tour - Paris)
And don't worry about being called a PL. I didn't like the term when I first started coming on this board. But you have to be able to make fun of yourself sometimes.
LOL - that s*** was funny - would've made a good entry for the TV show "America's funniest home videos"
"... Today my home club, myself, and my favorite girl were verbally attacked. It hurts because I care. I care about people and I will defend them until I die ..."
Depends on what was said - if it's an honest critique then one needs to be able to accept criticism
For some it's purely the sex (and maybe something different than what they have at home; and sometimes they don't get any at home from their S.O. or very little) - and for others it's to fill an emotional void - for others it's just a fun diversion from the normal stresses of life as an adult.
But yeah - not exactly sure how to accurately describe it but a SC is often a great way to get away from the "real-world"; and in a good strip-club one can spend 4-hours and usually not have anything else on one's mind other than what's is happening in the SC.
I think it would be an interesting experiment if scientists measured the brain-waves of guys when at a strip clubs.
Dude. You are seriously missing out.
> My BEST experience was also one of my worst on the Golf course when as kid my dad allowed me to sit in the drivers seat of the cart. Little did I know the seat also acted as the gas if you didn't keep your foot on the break the entire time and I put the cart in the water. I never went to a golf course again.
This is some real shit! When I was 6, my grandma had me drive the golf cart and luckily she grabbed the wheel in time so her friend walking in front of us wasn't seriously injured.
> I have to be strong and take the advice of Motley Crue and Shout At The Devil so when I get down I write.
It can also be cool to tell your demons to suck a male camel's dick with Hoisen sauce
> I work in Social Media so I have to deal with a lot of crap from people and in my 5+ Years I have had to learn to not feed the trolls.
Working in social media, you should seriously consider upping your game and feeding the trolls a panda bear's spermy nutsack.
> If I am a PL and you yourself are attending the club doesn't that also make you one?
Dammit, I thought you weren't going to badmouth us.
> I love being able to see a beautiful woman perform the art of dance. I love hearing their stories whether they are real or not.
That sounds cool and all, but at some clubs, they show their twats!
> The Entertainers want to see you again
This is obvious SS.
I have long diverted my fun money away from NFL, NBA, Nascar, Golfing, Wrestling - over to strip clubbing - the best contact sport on earth.
It doesn't happen all at once, it takes time and deliberateness.
Oh, SJG give the guy his space and stop trolling him.. Jeezus
I read lots of books. No fishing. Driving is something I often have to do, but I greatly prefer bicycling. I like going places like Viet Coffee, but it is not an escape. Mostly I think and I read. And my reading is always intensely driven, out of necessity, I need to keep learning so that I can penetrate into situations even more deeply. I am always writing political messages, trying to drive situations. Bicycling helps me stay in my body. And of course I practice my own Westernized version of Buddhist Mindfulness.
But I am never trying to escape. Really, I am trying to stay grounded and become even more sensitive. I am involved in intense political conflicts 365 days a year. I am trying to put people out of action, close businesses, get people fired, and sometimes even get people criminally convicted. And this is only the beginning. I am fighting the battles that I know how to fight, that I might later be able to fight even bigger battles.
I see needing escape as evidence of a pathological approach to life. So if one finds this, then there are problems that they need to solve. Not all problems are solved in the short term, but they still will need to be solved. And I have endured situations running long and hard such that the only solace I could find was in identifying with Jesus on the Cross.
I find that when lying down to sleep and when waking up in the mornings are when I have my greatest insights. And I try to interpret my dreams too.
I am always looking for more insight. And so I know that drugs or alcohol, or any other kind of escapism would be a huge negative.
I need this more insight because I am always re-strategizing in the various campaigns I have going. I have big, intense, and long running projects in play. I having to re-evaluate strategy on a regular basis.
In China they have a book known as the Art of War, written by Tun Szu.
Basically it is about how to win wars, but off the battle field. In the movie '13 days', about the Kennedy White House and the Cuban Missile Crisis, they quote the books as saying that 'wars are won in the temples'.
Well I though about this some, is there a Western equivalent? Yes there is, it is the Bible. Properly understood the Bible is a book of guerilla war. And its central narrative is the Exodus. So when things get tough I will read that, like from the Call of Moses, through the journey back to Egypt, and then going before Pharaoh with Arron, and the 10 plagues, and the most curious marking of the door lintels, until finally the Hymn of Moses and Miriam.
It is a story, it is a book of magic, and it helps one stay grounded. And staying grounded is the most important thing when your life involves stress and conflict, and when you don't want escape, you want victories. And it is in staying grounded that one finds the courage to attempt things which most people would run from.
Long ago I was a member of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC. Right off in their teachings they tell you about avoiding escapisms and instead learning to be more sensitive.
I took to this fully, because it was already my own personal approach to living.
And then with sex, that is never an escape for me, it is a tantric ritual of intensity, and it can also be a form of magic. It is something you are doing with a partner, not something unilateral. And it is in this bonding with the partner that another kind of space is opened up.
I allow much time for feeling my feelings, each and every day.
And I am working to build an organization which will promote all of this.
And this likely is why many women, in strip clubs, really do like me, once we get a little chance to talk.
This book here, explains how people are taught to containerize life into Education, Work, and Play. But instead they show the benefits of breaking down these containers, and at its highest, one has complete seamless integration.
Well I have always known that such containerization is wrong. And so I have worked long to get beyond it. And I am very close to this complete seamless integration now.
Mdb2203, thanks for asking. Not trying to give you a hard time, just stating my own deeply held convictions.
Jefferson Airplane, Rooftop
Fat Angel
Rev William Barber
I would never want to go thru life as 'alienated labor'.
Also this:
They encourage you to calculate how much your job pays you. And then to calculate how much it costs you, like all the decompression and vacation time, and any alcohol or anything else, and the vacations, and the clothes and the transportation.
Many people find out that there net hourly wage is negative.
But also, even at early elementary school age I resisted the idea of 'go along to get along', like following the herd, or following parents. Never went along with the idea of trying to get grades in school. Always did my own things.
As an adult in the work place it has often been difficult. But little by little I've always been able to work it so that I have my own things and my own turf. And now I run my own affairs completely, and I am working to build an organization which will promote all that I have described.
And also our members get 365 day per year stripper grade pussy saturation, along with lots of other benefits.
Yardbirds, Anderson Theater 1968, I like the girl on the cover:
I see marriage as the surrender of one's citizenship and the entering into a a state similar to slavery.
Please share more, in posts or PM's, if you feel so inclined.
Myself, I am involved in campaigning against Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, the Recovery Movement, and the learning disabilities industry. These are all a perpetuation of the bogus sciences of Social Darwinism and Eugenics. I am a children's rights activist, and I want some parents and some doctors incarcerated, even if it has to be done by Crimes Against Humanities Prosecution in the International Court.
Is also feel that our nation's capitalist economic system is extremely wasteful of human talent, and just plain wrong.
This is not the South, its NYC.
But I am very critical of disability identities. And generally I feel that access to disability payments is being used to coerce people who are already marginalized into accepting a disability identity. No one should be subjected to such coercion. And in my observation the disability identities are usually flimsy and more the product of abuse, injustice, and social marginalization. Accepting such an identity merely exonerates perpetrators.
It will never change so long as people ask for pity. Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, The Recovery Movement, and Born Again Christianity are all based on pity seeking. Things will only when people organize and start fighting back.
There is one thing and one thing only which ended slavery in this country, the fact that 180,000 black men refused to be Uncle Tom's, and instead trained with rifles and bayonets and served in federal uniform. If this had not been so, we would still be practicing slavery today.
Led Zeppelin, Earl's Court, 1975
The Myth of Osiris: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
Embodying Osiris: The Secrets of Alchemical Transformation, by Thom Cavalli (2010)
A couple of this guy's books are in libraries, but not the above.