ROB vs Flaky. What's the Difference?

ROB is Rip Off Bitch
Flaky Dancer is one who is unable to honor commitments.
Both have undesired results for us. We do not get what we want. In anger we call the bunch either a ROB or Flaky or both. And generally walk away with unfulfilled desires.
In my opinion a ROB is a dancer that does not deliver on her promises "deliberately" (pre meditated).
A flaky dancer is one who had the intent to fulfill the promise when she made - but her life and/or mind is so messed up that when the time comes - she is unable to fulfill the promise - ever so remorsefully.
Obviously we like neither and should move on.
But what if I am fixated and lusting for a dancer and I was let down. If somehow I determine she is a ROB - I should move on because this dancer will always repeat her behavior.
On the other hand, if the dancers behavior is flaky - and I still want her - read on and the offer your opinions.
There a favorite dancer of mine. Her entire body is pulsating with sex. juicy lips, mesmerizing eyes, curvy body, nice ass .... soft spoken. We had OTC sex a couple of times. I need not say how freaky and fun sex is with athletic dancers.
Then I started getting stood up for subsequent OTC setups. Different excuses. I knew it was not a ROB who seek money upfront for their time. I was angry at first - but swallowed it and told myself - she is worth it. I would still get dances from her ITC, buy her drinks and occasionally give her tips (i.e., birthday, housewarming). I learned that when she gets drunk - she becomes frisky and imagines a merry world. Promises flow. At home - reality strikes her. And the club world takes a back seat.
Dancer would work 2 - 10 PM. I told her to leave the club at 8 PM on certain days and we can hang out together for a couple of hours and she'd still be back home the usual time. I'd compensate her well for the time and she could clearly see a benefit. No fine to leave early in this club.
This arrangement is working out great!
ok - it has been only two times. But for someone who has been stood up 3 times for every successful rendezvous with this beauty - that two in a row has got me excited.
If she was a ROB - she would have found another excuse, or would have stolen my money. I took out the circumstances that would result in flakiness and we both have the desired result.
By the way - I have walked away from tons of dancers who I initially liked but did not feel a reciprocating response. I am not a hopeless romantic (although I am a PL). But once in a while one does come across a cheerful, beautiful, party girl that's fun to be around and have crazy sex with. And I don't give up on those pursuits unless something tells me the girl is evil.
Please add your tips on what has worked for you and what has not in pursuit of the girl you want.
How you figured you were dealing with a ROB?
What are the ways of successfully dealing with flaky behavior?
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The flake doesn't end up taking you money.
Unless you pre-paid and she 'flakes' with is just a ROB in disguise.
Vote with your wallet. if they flake/ROB, stop giving them money.
A flaky dancer is one who had the intent to fulfill the promise when she made - but her life and/or mind is so messed up that when the time comes - she is unable to fulfill the promise - ever so remorsefully. "
I respectfully have different definitions here. I don't think intent is the defining characteristic. She's a ROB if and only if she has your money, and didn't deliver what she said she would for it. That's the great part of the acronym ROB -- she's robbed your money. No money, no ROB. Flakey means she hasn't taken your money, but she hasn't come through on her promises, regardless of intent. In fact, very often, a girl who says "yes I'll see you OTC" has no intention of following through (that is, she fails your intention test); but when she doesn't show up, I don't think most PLs call her a ROB. Anyway, all of that is neither here or there, but I enjoy the opportunity for some mental masturbation, and thank the readers of this article for being my tube sock.
-->"Please add your tips on what has worked for you and what has not in pursuit of the girl you want"
Surprisingly, a few times, just a simple clear conversation with a flakey girl has changed her behavior. Oh, she still flakes -- that's her nature. But I find I don't hold it against her as much as long as she communicates with me her intention to flake, as early as possible. A simple discussion, "I totally understand plans change. If I have to cancel, you will know the moment I do. If you have to cancel, I'd like the same courtesy." type of discussion. Many of the girls aren't great and handling life, so their path of least resistance is simply to go radio silent once they know they'll flake, because they don't want to deal with it beforehand. This little talk actually works, with some girls; at least I get a cancellation.
I'm not good at delicate talk - but I can see it being effective. Will work on it.