Strip Clubbing with Baby PLs (and other ramblings)

avatar for theDirkDiggler
I know that Hi5 wrote a similar article fairly recently, but i thought i would share my own experience and observations with clubbing with virgin and near virgin kids. There's a kid i work with that turned 21 not that long ago, actually maybe over a year, but only very recently tried a strip club for the first time. He's already married with a young kid, so it's a bit harder for him to steal away from the wife and hide the funds. Anyway, he knows i like to go and wanted to go again but with me this time along with a few of his other younger friends (a little bit older than him though) that have never been to a strip club before, to his club of choice. Which was a busy, well run, non extras high end club but with decent mileage and value IMO, at least sometimes anyway.

So we go to the club on a late weekend night just a few hours before closing (we got a late start as it took a while to herd all the cats). We actually took separate cars, which worked out as i did not want to be stuck with them should i want to leave earlier as it did happen that way. The club offers free cover with a text that i already knew about but all of the kids also knew about it without any input from me, so i was little impressed by their "resourcefulness". The coworker did get hustled/ROBed a bit on his first visit. The club offers dances for $20/$30 for topless/nude, and the ROB (a not too attractive girl and the first girl that approached him) started in the middle/end of a song and went right to a nude dance without asking and charged him $30. He learned from that mistake quickly and i'm sure he made sure to tell his friends not to do the same on this visit.

I think with this new culture of immediate and easy porn and smart phone sexting and snapchat and IG, just being in a topless (for the stage) club was hardly exciting to them. Or it seemed that way; i don't know what they were really thinking. But i've seen them ogle clothed civilian women like horndogs in real life (like hit their buddy to look at a girl bending over or something) and remembered thinking how sad that seemed and that they could see much more and better at a strip club. But they certainly weren't all wide eyed and bushy tailed like i might have been on my first or second sojourn into strip clubs nearly two decades ago. They were quite chill for the most part. To be fair, i think i was a little underwhelmed myself the very first time i went; i was expecting a more life changing experience for some reason with seeing (and back then it was just seeing as that was my only real expectation) true hotties completely naked in the flesh for the first time. I was already too desensitized to naked women even then, although i guess it did change in the long term as i'm now a hardcore PL.

Contrary to what many on TUSCL may think, my experience with going to strip clubs with young (even younger than your average millennial) has not lead me to believe they are all foolish chumps bound to lose all their money easily. Yes, they can get ROBed pretty easily initially and scammed/hustled as well, but generally they're pretty tight with their money (children of the Great Recession) and try to get the most out of it so i can see why many dancers (and waitresses) are wary and generally not interested in this group. They have a quick learning curve and they exchange notes very freely and quickly. They also rarely come alone so group think tends to be more common.

The young fellows are quite aggressive. Even trying to cop feels on the waitress which is generally frowned upon at this club and can even get a bouncer right in their faces if not even kicked out. The waitresses there tend to be high hustle and tend not to put up with a lot of that behavior. The "leader" of the group (the previously "devirginized" kid) paid for the first round of drinks but didn't tip a single dollar, smh. I know the beers are overpriced, but that's a quick way to get bad service for the rest of the visit. I did talk to the kid a bit telling him of his rookie mistake and gave the waitress a few dollars shortly afterward, but not before his friend tried to tip her between her tits which she didn't like at all despite flirting with him earlier.

The kids were actually quite restrained in spending money on dances, although for whatever reason (looking like babies might have played a part), girls weren't that aggressive about asking for dances. However, the guys were quick to holler at any hottie that walked by to get their attention. I guess the holidays are a very slow time, but even for this club, there were not a lot of girls for a Friday late night, probably less than 40 compared to as many as over 100, so between the 3 stages that were all being used and girls getting dances in the back, there were not a whole lot and even fewer quality dancers on the floor. Apparently there was a holiday party including open bar the previous night so a lot of the girls may have been MIA the next night because of that. But the guys still had vulture vision (not that different from stripper vision) and were constantly on the lookout for the girl they wanted to take back. Every hour, the club would announce two-for-one dances and bring the girls out, at least the ones that were available (all 15 of them or so compared to the usual 50+ that do the stripper walk on and off the main stage during weekends). The guys would try to wait until this time to get a dance with a girl, although this strategy isn't very effective if you're set on a particular girl.

Mind you, these are not regular PLs by any stretch. They try to hook up with girls and "side bitches" all the time IRL and bring that "game" to the club expecting "that" to work. To be fair, their real world game is half-way decent or effective and they became all the more confident ITC because the girls are more beholden to the dollar and will put up with much more than IRL, and the kids knew it. It was still however, amusing to watch, as they overestimated the "value" of their relatively few dollars.

For instance the "leader" would sit at the stage and hold his "huge" stack of 20 singles out for the dancer to see and then "sprinkle" all of three dollars onto his girl of choice. I'm sure that left a big impression. One of his friends would wait by the stage entrance steps for one of the very few bad bitches (9+ girl) after her set and asked her to dance with him or come to him later. He wasn't familiar with how that club worked and the girls have to go to another stage directly after the main stage, one of them being a VIP stage which isn't accessible to just any PLebe in the club, so she couldn't oblige him, not that she necessarily would otherwise as he didn't give any indication that he would be worth her time. The leader and his aforementioned friend both separately tried to get with the one other bad bitch (IMO) working that night but they failed to hustle her into a dance as she had a bit or quite a bit of GPS. Only did $30 dances and only allowed full boob touching after multiple dances (but no nipple sucking or mouth action) and preferred to sell overpriced rooms. I was actually familiar with that particular dancer. While she's not a true ROB, her actual dance is only about average for that club. They wisely both didn't bite.

I found that i actually took on more of their tight spending behavior (although i generally don't waste money anymore), and probably spent a decent deal less than i might have if i went alone. This is mostly a sampling club for me as i have very few favorites/regulars there and not a single one was working that night. So i only danced with a couple girls for minimal damage and spent maybe a quarter or a fifth of my average budget compared to a third or half or more which is usual at this club.

The leader actually did find a decent looking girl (but not to my interest, especially when i compared her to my ATF which i tend to do at clubs now) that was GGG in terms of mileage and contact to take to the back and he seems pretty good at finding them. He found one on his last visit (and he was definitely talking her up to the other guys providing all the details), but she wasn't working that night to everyone's disappointment. I was actually in the chump station at the same time as him not far from him (the chump station at that club has very open and communal bench seating) and i actually heard and saw the bouncer chew him out along with that girl; girls seem to get in bigger trouble than PLs nowadays for breaking rules. I remember when i first started doing this, i had a real fear of the bouncer. Like i thought he might try to physically tear my arms off if i touched a girl (at a non touch club). Even now, if a bouncer reprimands me (an extremely rare occurance) or the girl does (slightly but a little more often), the energy and feeling during the rest of the dance is just bad and unpleasant for me. It just tends to mess up the experience and it takes too long to get back into the fantasy again if i can get into it again assuming i was able to ever get into it in the first place. But the bouncer's words just seemed to roll off of him like water on a duck. I mean he listened but he didn't stop altogether and was just more careful and vigilant as he should be at that club.

He did actually manage to get that girl's number. I had to set him straight and let him know that getting a girl's number ITC is not the same as IRL. It was probably just a way to set up ITC appointments than to meet him OTC. Listening to him, he sounded like he really wanted to do her for free as opposed to pay4play. Hey, let the guy dream if he wants. Shortly afterward, they called last call and last stage and dance and turned up the lights. The kids were caught a little off guard by the early close (we did get there late and were only able to spend a little more than a couple good hours there) and they all still had some money (out of much smaller budgets) left that they wanted to spend. I knew that was my cue to leave and beat the valet rush, but the kids wanted to chill and finish their drinks and hang out a bit, but i was done, and that was it.

Conclusions and observations:

As this was a weekend night, the club clientele skewed younger and more casual. Even so, while strip clubbing may have become more mainstream, it's still not at all at the same time. For most people, they have to keep it mostly on the downlow. They might tell all or most of their guy friends but they usually won't tell a single girl because that sisterhood definitely does not see things the same way. Basically they have to steal or sneak away to go, especially with social media now and they can't turn their phones off due to suspicion, often planning these visits even weeks in advance. And their funds are definitely more limited than the regular older PL. I and another mutual coworker (who is also more of a seasoned PL) vastly recommended going to this club on discount Tuesdays when dances are $10 less, but their situations make it hard for them as they are all attached.

Also strip clubbing doesn't seem to be the right of passage it once was. All of those kids waited a little bit or even quite a bit after they were 21 before going for the first time. SCing just doesn't seem to have immediate appeal or value to average young kids. But these are the customers/PLs of the future and they're not going to get more wasteful and high spending when they are already getting most of what they want (although not what they "really" want) for how "little" that they are spending. There might still be some hardcore millennial or younger PLs or future PLs in the making, but the new guard is definitely different and i can't see this not having a major effect on strip clubs and the new strippers that will work them. It may not be in the immediate future, but not that distant either. Heck, i think of how much strip clubs and to a lesser degree, dancers, have changed in the last two decades, and i only imagine how much they will change in the next two or more or however long i keep on doing this (detailed in one of my recent discussions). Did i learn anything useful from the kids? Maybe a thing or two. Did they learn anything from me? The kid that had already been there once probably thought he already knew everything or at least enough. Needless to say, there's a whole world of SCing that they don't yet know about ;)

Like my last article, this could have worked as a club review, but i thought it worked better as an article as it was more about the current and future state of PLs and clubs. However, if you are familiar at all with this club, it shouldn't be hard to figure out which one it is.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Only read half.

My 2-centavos.

Young guys don't have a lot of $$$ so they are often wary how they spend-it so kinda harder for dancers to take them for big $$$ like they can an older (50+) SC virgin that can often have much more disposable income - plus many young guys are often happy/satisfied w/ just looking.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I became a somewhat regular SCer at age 30 (pre-TUSCL by a dozen years) - I took some newbs on a couple of occasions but most were not in awe of the hobby as much as I was.

Had a similar situation to the OP - in my mid-30s and w/ a few years of SCing under my belt, a co-worker whom was in his mid-20s w/ 3-kids (he gotten married around 21 also) had told me about a SC he had gone to for the first time (alone) a few days prior and it had not gone too-well and it was kinda a dive SC.

I told him if he was gonna do it (SC) he had to do it right and I invited him to the best SC in town (Baby Dolls in Dallas, when I lived there),

We get to the SC one early-eve after work - we sit at a table and for w/e reason I was getting more attention from the dancers than he was - after 30-minutes or so while I was distracted w/ a dancer at our table he decided to venture about the club on his own since for w/e reason he wasn't having too much luck w/ me by his side.

A while later I spotted him sitting a few tables away w/ a dancer on his lap - he seemed to be having a good-time so I let him be.

Big mistake - he eventually came by my table about 2 hours later telling me he had to go b/c it was late.

Next day at work I try to get the 411 about how it went after he had left my table and poor-dude got ROBed.

The dude had been having issues w/ his finances and his marriage and basically what he wanted was just some kind of escape from his troubles; basically someone to talk to and a pretty-girl at the strip-club seemed to fit that bill - the next when I got the details of what happened he told me the dancer had told him that if he wanted her to sit w/ him and talk that he had to buy a bottle and tip-her; which he did like at $300 a pop - an he subsequently bought 2 more just to get her to stay talking to him - and that is all they did - her sitting on his lap listening to him - DAMN - dude had walked in w/ about $1k not for clubbing but b/c he for w/e reason had that cash on him for some repairs he needed to make on his car; and the dancer ROBed him of pretty-much every penny - my PL-jaw dropped when he told me and I could not believe it.

Unfortunately the guy had issues and not too-long after he got divorced and left the company - life can be rough at times.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Damn, if you're going to spend/waste $1k, at least get some action. All he did was buy bottles (probably the most expensive ones) and tip on them? He and the girl (probably the girl mostly) drank 3 bottles in two hours? As a non-drinker, that's just unfathomable to me. I hear about people spending hundreds on alcohol sometimes just by themselves at clubs. The most i've spent in one visit was about $40 or so on some thirsty bitches/favorites, and $20 i spent on some black civvie hustler ROB for drinks where i was hustled almost like by a panhandler. I also don't pay bitches for "company" either. I know people do, but i just don't on general principal. There's just something that seems more pathetic about that, like literally burning money just because you can't engage a girl on your abilities. If she doesn't want to talk with me, she can beat it or ask for a dance.

I'm not too worried about these young fellows wasting money like that or getting ROBed.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
papi... that guys ROB experience takes FIRST PLACE!!! i've never heard of a bigger rob experience.
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