My OTC Career, Part 3: Nearly Perfect Boy-Girl Sleepovers

avatar for MrDeuce

This is the third and final installment in a three-part series of articles on my checkered OTC career. In part 1 I described my unpromising OTC beginnings: two dinner-only dates with strippers and three dinner + BJ (or BJ + brunch) dates with the first stripper to entertain me in a hotel room In part 2 I described an unbelievably bad first attempt at an overnight OTC date, which I called “a veritable shit storm of chaos”. In this final part I will describe an ongoing series of overnight dates with my all-time favorite stripper that have gone so well, especially in comparison with my early attempts, that I refer to them collectively as “nearly perfect boy-girl sleepovers”.


I met B on the day shift of a mid-level club in a Midwestern city in early April. She is a blonde spinner – 5’ 1” and 100 pounds in her clothes if she ever wore any – and is in her early 30s, On that first afternoon we just sat together for hours, talking and drinking, and never even did dances of any kind because I had already promised a VIP to another favorite at the club. The mutual attraction between us was obvious, so I promised B that I would come back the next afternoon when her shift started at 12:30 to take her to the VIP room – and I did!

As soon as we entered the VIP room, which is only semi-private with a bead curtain rather than a door, she straddled me and started French kissing me as if she were my girlfriend. I love this shit! Soon another dancer entered with her customer and B whispered in my ear “Darn! I was hoping to get a little naughty with you!”, to which I responded “I’ve seen D in operation before. If she doesn’t object to her customers going down on her, she certainly won’t mind if you go down on me!”
Immediately she stood on the couch with her cute little ass to my face, bent over, and started sucking my dick. Since her sweet little pussy was right there in front of me, I figured that the only gentlemanly thing to do was to return the oral favor. We came simultaneously, setting the stage for a long series of 69 sessions that continue to this day.

At the end of our VIP time, she hinted that she would be available to meet outside the club for a continuation of our activities. Here’s where things took a frustrating turn: I texted her that evening, asking her if she would be interested in dinner and a visit to my hotel room in about two weeks, and she responded affirmatively. She then disappeared for almost *three* months, failing to answer texts for the next couple of weeks until I gave up in disappointment, expecting to never see her again.

All this happened in early April. Out of the blue at the end of June, almost three months later, I received a text from her saying “I’m back at ___ and today’s my birthday! Would you like to come in for some dances or a VIP?” I dropped everything and drove about 90 minutes to her club for a second marvelous VIP session. It turns out that she has a history of dancing for a few months and then taking 2-3 months off, suddenly reappearing when she needs money and reestablishing contact with her regulars.

For the next several weeks we did several more VIPs, always quite similar: much initial DFK followed by her sexy little body bent over sucking my dick while I ate her pussy. Throughout this time she had a psycho boyfriend who seemed to do nothing but smoke weed and play video games (I know: the stereotypical loser boyfriend of a stripper). The psycho part was emotional abuse, sometimes verging on physical abuse, and constant monitoring of her cellphone. She secretly saved enough money for first month’s rent + security deposit so that she could escape this loser and finally succeeded in doing so in the middle of August.

First Overnight Date

When she got her own place, she let me know on a Friday afternoon that she was available for OTC. I actually postponed OTC plans with “shit storm of chaos” girl by a week so that I could see B as soon as possible. On the following Monday afternoon I drove to her city, checked into a hotel near her apartment, and picked her up at 8. We had a wonderful Japanese hibachi-style dinner at a great place nearby, whooping it up with adult beverages, sushi and sashimi starters, and green tea ice cream for dessert for well over $100.

Then the fun began! We got to my hotel room about 10 and spent essentially all night naked in bed, including engaging in 138 (hint: factor it) at bedtime around midnight and again shortly before 11am checkout. She also brought four sexy new outfits that she modeled for me (though they didn't stay on for long). In the morning we went out for a very nice brunch at Le Peep, also nearby, and I dropped her off at her apartment around 1. I also got a tour of the apartment and an invitation to stay there the next time. She dropped big hints that we can do even more in another couple of dates! I've often said on this discussion board that "I don't fuck strippers", but I started considering it for the first time with B.

She has made it clear that she plans to remarry her first husband when he gets out of prison in about six months. Until then, she seems to be up for as much sexual adventure as I'm willing to partake in. She calls herself bisexual, as so many strippers do, but clearly needs dick on a regular basis.

I am very curious to see what kind of adventures I will have with this free-spirited young seductress over the next few months. I've been resisting the nickname attached to her by some at her club – “Deuce’s girlfriend" -- but it sure felt like it that night and on subsequent dates! She provided the total GFE: dolled up in a sexy little black dress with red high heels, *lots* of French kissing, modeling the stripper outfits (briefly), and cuddling naked all night.

Sunday Afternoon in the Bed

I spent a Sunday afternoon in September with B, including lunch at a sports bar in her upscale suburb. She showed me her parents' house where she lived in her teens and early 20s. Back at her place, we spent some quality time in her bed and I told her at least three things that just shocked her about me:

(1) I have never smoked pot or consumed marijuana in any form
(2) I have never used any sex toys
(3) I'm 62 years old.

She seemed sincerely flabbergasted by all of these revelations. I think she (1) doesn't know anyone who isn't a pot smoker, (2) has *lots* of vibrators and such, and (3) has never been with a man my age (though her second husband was a rich customer in his 50s, whom she divorced last year because he couldn't get her pregnant). Fortunately she likes older men.

I offered to pay her rent for the next few months in exchange for a couple of dates and 4-5 "VIPs" (as we call them) per month, wanting to avoid cash transactions every time we got together because I don't want her to feel like a whore. She was so overwhelmed with gratitude that she smothered me with kisses and offered sex right then and there. I politely declined, stating that I was going to honor her "third-date rule". Besides, she had started surfing the crimson tide that morning. Given her condition, we did a variation on our usual activity that involved her mouth on me and one of her many vibrators on her. A good time was had by all -- simultaneously, as usual.

Second Overnight Date

This sleepover was in most respects even better than the first one about five weeks earlier! I arrived at B’s apartment about 7 on a Monday night in late September. By the time she was finally ready and we got to her favorite restaurant, another Japanese place a couple of miles away, it was 8:30. We ordered a bunch of great food -- miso soup, salad, assorted sushi for two, wine -- and irritated the wait staff by ordering *three* desserts just before 10, which was closing time. I wanted to skip dessert, both because I hate to stay at a restaurant after its closing time and because I had other activities on my mind, but I just about can't say no to this girl.

I noticed about halfway through dinner that her speech was getting really slow and slurred. It turned out that she had been sick for a while and was on a course of antibiotics that made her fatigued but prevented her from sleeping. In fact, she kept telling me that she had had only 12 hours of sleep the last four nights!

We got back to her apartment about 10:30 and I thought we would be on the same schedule as last time: bedtime fun at 11, a good night's sleep, morning fun at 10 or so, and brunch at 11. However, things took a frustrating turn for the next few hours. B’s bedtime ritual, which is not fast at its best, became surreal. She fell asleep sitting on the toilet -- I had waited 45 minutes before I finally went in and woke her up -- and later fell asleep again smoking a cigarette on her front porch. Somehow it took from 10:30 to 1:30 for her to get ready for bed. At this point I was quite frustrated and wondering why I was there. But it got *much* better . . .

After some making out and some oral in both directions, she asked me if I had brought a raincoat -- she had none! Fortunately, always the Boy Scout, I had several, including a couple of ultrathin Trojan Magnums. Weirdly, Deuce Junior did not cooperate and we ended up around 2:30am with our usual 69 with simultaneous orgasm -- a big favorite of mine *and* hers! This, by the way, was already her fourth or fifth of the night!!

We slept from about 2:30 to 9 and then she took absurdly long to get ready for round two, giving me plenty of time to watch the rest of the first Clinton-Trump debate, of which I had watched the first half during my three-hour wait at bedtime. But oh, man!, was it worth the wait!! From about 10:30 to 11:30 we made love, during which she came about three times, and then switched to 69, causing her to come another couple of times. I had to be satisfied with just the two orgasms, one at bedtime and the other in the morning. By my count, she had about ten!!! I actually didn't realize that a woman could come that many times in one night!

This chick is a freak -- she's a very sexual, sensual, affectionate woman who knows more positions than I can even think of and is absolutely determined that I will end up satisfied. I stayed hard for a *long* time while making love, but once again Little Deuce wanted to come in her mouth. I suspect that I have fetishized the 69 position with simultaneous orgasms because that has always worked so well for both of us.

By the time we got to a brunch spot, also near her place, it was nearly 12:30. After a delightful brunch -- and you should have seen this 100-lb spinner put away the food! -- we strolled down the strip mall to a pet store, where she dropped big hints that she wanted me to buy her a kitten. At $100, I resisted, since I had just recently paid her October rent and given her another $200 on Saturday and $300 today. It was actually the first time I ever turned down a request from her.

Third Overnight Date

Three weeks later I picked her up at her apartment, again on a Monday night, and took her to a very nice Indian restaurant a few miles away. For the third time in a row we were still eating as the restaurant was closing at 10. Punctuality on dates is not among B’s many virtues! We returned to her apartment, she asked me what I wanted to do, and I chose our old 69 standby both at bedtime and again in the morning – another night of 138! Truth be told, it took me so long to come in the morning that we had to skip brunch because she had a medical appointment at 12:30.


Our fourth date and third “nearly perfect boy-girl sleepover” is scheduled for next Monday night. I remain as infatuated with her as ever, but compensation is starting to become an issue between us. Though I am paying her rent, she frequently requests additional money because she has hardly worked since late August (two months ago) and is running out of money. Things may come to a head on our next date, but I will request that any discussion of dreary subjects like money and scheduling be deferred until morning – after another glorious night of 138!

However this OTC relationship ends up, whether next Monday is our last date or we keep seeing each other until her jailbird boyfriend gets out of the big house in a few months, B will almost certainly be my all-time favorite stripper. Finding a stripper willing to provide sexual satisfaction, either ITC or OTC, isn't difficult. Finding one willing to provide the complete girlfriend experience is very rare. I should mention that, besides making out with me for long periods of time at bedtime and in the morning, she also texts me almost every day, making copious use of various heart, kiss, and smiley-face emoticons as well as terms of endearment such as sweetie, sweetheart, sweet pea, darling, etc. I know it's not real, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it!


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avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
For what it's worth, 69 remains one of the positions that gets me excited to the point of overexcited... seems like such a high school move, but it's never lost its luster for me. I can hold out waaaaay longer fucking, or getting a blowjob, or even a handjob, than 69
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
"... We got to my hotel room about 10 and spent essentially all night naked in bed, including engaging in 138 (hint: factor it) at bedtime around midnight and again shortly before 11am checkout ..."

Of course we get-it; this is not StripperWeb


I'm not big on strippers asking for stuff like I was a billionaire; but I def have a soft-spot for pets - if she would have hinted at a purse or something I would've not entertained the idea but probably would've bought her the kitten especially if it was just a 100-bucks.

I can't be w/ a smoker - I can live w/ it ITC b/c it's a short time frame I'm w/ her but OTC it's too big a turn-off for me personally.

"... Though I am paying her rent, she frequently requests additional money because she has hardly worked since late August (two months ago) and is running out of money ..."

This is often the problem w/ these chicks; their flakiness extends to not-honoring original agreements - I assume she has given "legit sounding reasons" for not working much lately but often times they get lazy once they get a custy spending well on them OTC and they don't wanna hit the club.

I hit a club in South FL that has private dance-booths w/ a curtain - the chair in the dance-booth is a single-person armless chair kinda like a passenger jetliner pilot's seat - so easy access for the dancer - I've had some of the more flexible girls stand w/ their feet on either side of the low narrow chair w/ their back to me and bend-over while I play w/ their pussy and they suck my dick - others while in the same position will give me a hell of a HJ while I'm finger-banging them from behind thus mutually pleasuring each other and although I'm not too big a fan of HJs these are often fun.
avatar for Bavarian
8 years ago
Very nice read Mr Deuce.

Wise decision in not buying the kitten. First of all who pays for pets. They should be paying me to take it from them! She would have neglected it anyway.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Thanks, Bavarian! I'll pay for pussy, not for kitty :)
avatar for clubdude
8 years ago
Well done MrDeuce. You've given me hope since I'm also 62!
avatar for Roadworrier
8 years ago
I'm in my 50's so always admiring my elders....and so well done with the 138.........though I'm not so hot about the whole sugar daddy-sugar baby thing.
avatar for Roadworrier
8 years ago
I'm in my 50's so always admiring my elders....and so well done with the 138.........though I'm not so hot about the whole sugar daddy-sugar baby thing.
avatar for hump_my_leg_12346
8 years ago
To quote a prolific TUSCLer, don't be a little bitch.
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