Strip Game

avatar for Columbiana
When I first started dancing I was very nervous. My cousin bought me my 1st pair of heels and threw me into her club she worked at. No tips. So ima give a few away that I wish someone told me.
My first dance was so stiff I started shaking like crazy, guys were looking at me as if I was an angel and I felt so scared when my turn was over I raced off stage. The strip Game wasn't easy to learn but once I got the hang of it, guys were like puddy in my hands.

Tip#1 When you are called onto stage do not rush take your time especially if you're in a conversation with a customer. If you rush he'll feel like you have no interest in him, and that's the thought you don't want him to have. Especially if he's the one paying your pockets.

Tip#2 Always return to your customer after you've danced on stage unless they leave. If another dancer grabs his attention while you are on stage just let it go. However if he's still talking to her when you're done , do not show anger tell her to go away in a nice respectful way to avoid tension from your customer

Tip#3 If your customer is an older man (50+) and he wants a dance the best way to get him going is take your long finger nail and go downward on his chest lightly, look into his eyes and say something very sweet and seductive. I did this and it made my customer give me more of his time & Money

Tip#4 Do not be intimidated by other dancers that have more on their body than you do. Basically I'm saying if a girl has more back than you do or more breasts do not let it bother you . Every woman is different, and sometimes guys just like different types. However in my club it was all about big butts not so much body type. It made me feel I didn't belong sometimes but customers always reassured me that I am beautiful without so much backside

Tip#4 Avoid drama with other dancers, it can make you leave , or fight or get injured pretty badly. Remember this is your job!

Tip#5 If you are good at persuasion then this is definitely your kind of job. I had to learn this the hard way, you're basically selling a dream/fantasy to these customers. Here's a example of a conversation:
"Hello how are you doing tonight"-Dancer
"I'm doing great and yourself?"-Customer
"Oh I'm good thanks for asking"-Dancer
Etc etc then when they seem to lose interest randomly say"Hey do you like to have fun?" Who comes to a strip club bored? Exactly of course he want to have fun so it's a 50/50 chance you may or may not get the customer . Either you invite him to VIP or vice versa jus get there lol
Tip#6 When you get to VIP always grab money upfront, if they don't pay first do not dance at all that's how girls get ripped off. Always have money in hand it in sight. If he wants to feel on your body be careful with this. You do not have to let the customer touch u if u don't want him to
, You have that right. If a customer gets out of hand grab security and let them handle it.

Tip#7 Even if the night isn't going how you want, walk around,enjoy the music and dance at stages for practice. When I went to stages for practice I attracted customers way more than I did on the main stage (sometimes) . Men love seeing women in their own world as they dance, they enjoy watching from behind of course lol.

Tip#8 Eye contact during conversation and dancing is VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you look elsewhere theu feel you have other things in mind an will probably ignore you once you want to speak. It's about them not you
Tip#9 If you drink, avoid going over the top because if you can't handle your liquor you will either be sent home or fired it depends on your manager. Remember, being sent home can effect your money and you don't want that because you need it.

Tip#10 If you have a boyfriend it's not very easy to be a dancer. Many men get insecure, feel embarrassed and less of a man because sometimes guys feel that if they were to be able to provide for you then you wouldn't even consider to dance. However it's your life so make the right decision for you
If you have any questions about this please comment and let me know
My experience is only 4 months in dancing I've worked in two different clubs in Fort Worth TX and trust me the little 4 months was a real eye opener.


last comment
avatar for johnbrwon001
9 years ago
Great advice!

Speaking from a customer perspective, I've spent time with all types of dancers, and even if I have a specific type, a friendly and engaging personality is probably the most beautiful attribute a dancer can have.

Conversely, I've seen many strikingly beautiful dancers with killer bodies who turned me off with their aloof and bored attitudes.

The suggestion about eye contact is spot on, and reminds me of one of the most memorable dancers I ever saw. I barely remember her body or face, but will never forget the way she eye-fucked me from the stage. Didn't get a private dance from her, but the way she looked at me like a jungle cat looking at something especially tasty was one of the most intimate and electric connections I ever felt with a dancer.

One question I always have is how dancers deal with smelly and/or unhygienic customers. I always make a point of showing up to a club like I would an important date, and a lot of dancers have commented on how nice and clean I smell, leaving me to wonder just how gross the average customer is.

Of course on the flip side I've come across dancers who maybe didn't have time to wipe or deodorize before dancing for me, which I didn't notice earlier but when writhing against each other becomes something unavoidable. In those cases I try to gently position the dancer in such a way that minimizes my closeness to whatever was offending me.

Anyway, thanks for the great write-up and perspective from the other side, so to speak!
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
I like your point of view girl. I think you'll do well.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
You need to post this where strippers are, not herenon a customer site. I'm sure the "dancers" on stripperweb will be all over this. They're a great group over there.
avatar for wallanon
9 years ago
Thanks for sharing. About Tip #2 - Sometimes I want to gently send a dancer off, and an easy way to do it is to snag another dancer when that dancer has to go onstage. If I want to see the same dancer back again the coast will be clear or I'll let her know. For the second Tip #4, that's a good idea. Seeing dancers having a beef almost guarantees I'll avoid them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Yeah, this is a 99% custy-site.

Good for you that that you're working on trying to be the best dancer you can be - a lot of dancers have no clue other than showing-up at the club with a pulse.

You mention you're relatively new to dancing - most things in life are a marathon and not a sprint - often times things start off great but dancing can be a tought and sometimes brutal business:

* dancers often complain about burn-out - it can be tough week after week of dealing w/ customers who may not always be the nicest people & constantly having to prod them sorta speak to spend $$$

* dancing often times changes girls - little by little they start drinking more & more until some become dependent - many also pick-up the nasty & unhealthy cigarette habit, start experimenting w/ drugs, or get talked into pladtic surgery which can at times screw up their looks - the bad habits of smoking & drinking and perhaps drugs will age many of fhem where they'll look 10 years past ther age

Anyway - not saying this is the norm or inevitable, just that it can & does happen quite often & it's best to be cognizant/aware of it vs just thinking "nah no way that will ever happen to me" b/c most dancers don't think it will ever happen to them even the ones that it happens to.

Lasty, often times when a dancer is the "new thing in town" she'll get lots of "new girl attention" and then their good streak may run out (this is typically at smaller clubs w/ lots of regulars) - not saying it will happen to you but something to be aware of.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Two more things:

1) you mention big-butts are a thing at your club, so do you work at a mostly Latina club or mostly black club - and what is your ethnicity if you don't mind sharing

2) be aware that some custies do not like paying upfront b/c they too can get ripped off by dancers & happens all the time - i.e. a dancer may insinuate or even promise more than dances in VIP, take the custy's $$$, then not follow thru on what she insinuated or stated she would do and just give the custy the same dances he would get outside VIP - & even worse some dancers will just outright take off on a custy in VIP making some sort of excuse like "hold on I gotta go to the bathroom real quick" or "hold on I gotta talk to the bouncer real quick" & next thing you know she never comes back and she took off w/ your $$$ and headed back out on the floor or to the dressing room - in the clubs I go to one pays for dances after they are done - and if I pay for dances after getting them then I do the same w/ VIP.
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
in regards to the no touch policy... totally depends upon the norms of the club. say for example... Detroit. Atlanta. Los Angeles. and most certainly Tijuana... touching is a given.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
She mentions she dances in Ft Worth and AFAIK touching is allowed in Ft Worth clubs so that is what custies are gonna expect - touching the kitty is understandably ok to be off-limits but touching boobs and ass is sorta the norm in that area.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
9 years ago
Looks like my browser redirected me to stripperweb. That's where tips go for extracting cash and denying contact. Please take that kind of commentary there. The responses you get there should be of greater value.
avatar for Columbiana
9 years ago
Ok thank you for the comments in ft worth touching is ok jus not the genitals just like I mentioned.
avatar for SuperDude
9 years ago
In Detroit customers pay after the dances. Detroit dancers lose customers by talking on a cellphone during or right after the dance. Please don't do that.
avatar for Columbiana
9 years ago
Sometimes it's irritating when a guy doesn't pay that's why I said grab it upfront. Omg I seen so many girls lose customers by txtin too much, I used to lock mine up
avatar for Jascoi
9 years ago
i always try at least a quick fly over of the holy land. if no air to air missiles then i try another slower and lower pass.
avatar for TaraChristine
9 years ago
The girl wrote an article don't be mean to her, while yes this may be a mostly customer website it is TUSCL not the TUSCL-for customers only. I will say as a dancer I made bank in the beginning, its when its slow and you're not making money that your mental toughness has to come into play. Beware of burn out. I haven't worked in 2 months because of it. Also, theres a reason why most dancers end up dating the bouncers in the club, regular guys just can't handle it, too jealous.
avatar for Columbiana
9 years ago
Exactly i just wrote my experience and people just jumping down my throat nigga bye I made my money and still do its nothing to me I know my skills
avatar for gothamyte
8 years ago
thanks for posting your experiences as a dancer

i'd love to spend like an hour dinner interviewing different dancers. i have a bazillion questions
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
So what if this is a customer site? Are you guys seriously not interested in insights from dancers (assuming she's real)? And again, you all do a huge disservice every time you direct a stripper to StripperWeb. The customer-hating anti-extra over-entitled angry attitudes there are infectious, and it's both a disservice to the stripper and her future customers to expose any stripper to that. You're better off just not giving her advice, than terrible advice that could change her entire outlook.

Regarding the OP, from my perspective I find some great advice most new girls could learn from (eye contact, guys being attracted to different bodytypes, etc). Some of the advice I'd question, "Hey do you like to have fun" is such trite, canned, scripted because-I-think-you're-an-idiot hustle, that those kinds of things are an instant turn-off to me. Perhaps they work on Columbiana's customers, just wouldn't work on me
avatar for Wifey84
8 years ago
I'm completely disgusted that guys would not want a dancers point of view. What type of delusional world are you weirdos living in? I'm a former adult entertainer who now likes to hire girls and go to various clubs with my husband. I joined this site to read reviews about clubs in RI because we'all be visiting there soon. Anyways, I stumbled upon this thread and I'm genuinely shocked that people actually don't care about what the dancer thinks.
Any girl that doesn't get the money upfront would be a FOOL! If you got ripped off then don't go back. If loosing $200 is that big of a deal to you then you probably shouldn't be in a stripclub and should be home paying your electric bill.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i usually like the girls point of view. especially after we start having fun.
avatar for Roadworrier
8 years ago
Appreciate a dancer post, never hurts to know what they're thinking. Personally, I prefer to pay after, but many clubs do require upfront for rooms, especially if the house has to take their share. If the girl does well for the guy in the room, a little extra at the end is fine.

My real pet peeve is gals ruining themselves with too many tats and face piercings. Although some (including one of my ATF's) do just enough to be interesting, other gals who may otherwise be 8-8.5 will suddenly pull off the dress and their entire pelvis and buttocks are covered with giant tats. Others will cover their entire arms, upper body, etc. Others will have piercings ALL OVER their face. Many have all of the above. I'm sure somebody likes stuff like that, just not most people. I'd love to ask "what are these gals thinking"? I know there's plenty of tat/biker/hipster culture (which has gotten way larger the last 10 years or so) even far from the strip club world. Kids destroy themselves in high school or college or whenever, and don't think about what they look like when it becomes time to get a job in a bank or engineering firm, though maybe the idea of not ever working in "normal business" may well be the whole point for some. Working in a strip club, tats/piercings-for-life becomes less of an issue, I suppose.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i do prefer no tats and no piercings. butt i don't let tats and/or piercings stop me from enjoying an otherwise beautiful woman.
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