Don't Party Outside the Law in NYC

avatar for Estafador

I not speaking about an article I read, I'm speaking from experience. Just got out holding after two overnights because these police are OUTRAGEOUS these days. They WILL do anything for a quick bonus. I mean they really would. I got arrested in a john sweep and I'll tell you what happened. Asked a woman for the time, as I was walking down a path, whether known or not, for its prostitution and drug activities. I was just going to a friend's house and was passing through but I didn't have a watch and I recently lost my phone so no time. Asked the woman, she told me, and she looked relatively clean so I thought I can try and hit on her and see if I can get some digits, but she started asking about what I wanted to do and immediately I felt like she was a whore. Didn't want to be bothered with hoes for a while as I'm trying to save money and actually get a girlfriend so I told her I was broke and couldn't help her. As I'm trying to walk away (I'm 10 feet away from her at this point), she asks me if I have a place around here. Definitely a hoe I thought and told her I don't live around here I live on a far off street. Then she suddenly tells me to be cool and out comes three cop cars and I'm arrested. Didn't even ask how much stuff was nor did I pull out my wallet and I'm getting arrested. I even told her no thanks and I still get the cuffs.

I had to see two lawyers. The first one told me right from the jump that the police are making illegal john sweeps and aren't following police procedures as they are looking for that quick buck like I mentioned. They oddly enough target a lot of white people, but mostly target foreign LOOKING people and African/African-Americans. I could believe her because I was rounded up with 5 other "potential johns" all from another country; one from an African country that started with a "b", two from Mexico and someone from southern Asia (who spoke very little English, very easy target). Apparently they tried to do these two white fellows in a truck after they were approached and denied a hooker, in but since they knew their law better than I did AND they were from Harvard, they were let go. My first lawyer's words were that they were straight up white-washing when it came to locking up johns. Apparently my lawyer never put the case through immediately as I had to stay overnight again just to see a judge. Didn't see one till evening and had a different lawyer who actually insulted me and called me ignorant and stupid. Told me that according to the police report I attempted to try to pay for sexual activities. I could have fought it, but after my last dealing involving my word vs the cop, I wasn't going to chance jail and just paid the fine. Not sure why, but they allowed it to be considered disorderly conduct in public and I had to pay a $120 fine.

I even hear that in some club areas (probably mostly Manhattan), they are stationing DAs everywhere to catch johns & strippers. If you're doing your online sex ads, be very careful it isn't a sting operation. I wouldn't put it past the NYPD to create a fake account (or multiple ones and create fake reviews for an escort that is actually a sting operation man). And don't think you're safe if you don't drive your car for your activities. So unless you are like me and don't mind the simple thrill of a clothed lap dance and NOTHING more, don't come to NY State. And since NYPD has extended their services to Suffolk county now, I can bet you it's just as bad out there and upstate as well. Best of luck out there fellas, don't talk to strangers and stay safe.


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avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 yrs ago

I've heard of this same crap being pulled in the Phoenix area. Cops arresting dudes for merly talking to the undercover whore. Get near her and say anything - busted.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 yrs ago

That's outrageous, getting busted when simply trying to make a civilian pickup. That's clearly entrapment! It's like trying to make sex illegal.

I've been in San Francisco and apparent hookers offer a "date". But other women, doing stuff like carrying a bag of groceries into their front door, ask me where I'm going and if they can come along. I don't know if they are off duty hookers, or if they are just friendly girls who have adapted to the vibes of the neighborhood. Some day I've got to ask some of them. Probably they'll just tell me that they can be whatever I want them to be.

I didn't notice in your article if they have a recording of the verbal exchange. Of course if they have it your private attorney or public defender can get it through discovery. But I hope you can sue them for lots of money, and I hope this whole matter get's news coverage.

You know, most of the police excesses are directed against alleged hookers, not johns. So it never gets publicity. Sometimes the women will have a record, but that alone does not make the bust or a shake down legitimate.

This is of course always going to be the problem with prostitution busts, that to make them they have to shred the constitution.

Please do keep us posted. And you were most certainly not "partying outside the law."

Back when I first joined this forum, I talked much about San Francisco DA Terence Hallinan

Hallinan is known for sending the message that they aren't going to enforce in strip clubs. So while Jim and Artie Mitchell always prohibited FS and fired girls who violated, when Hallinan came in, Market St. Cinema and New Century started building these totally private rooms and the word was out that anything goes.

It was also Hallinan who took the same posture towards AMPs, so while San Francisco has always had great AMPs, now they proliferated and the girls got bold and brazen, and they started dressing the way I like, slutty.

Now the successors to Hallinan and Mayor Willey Brown have not continued his policies. But there was still more to Hallinan.

Recently I was reading some of:

I learned something I had not known, that it was also Hallinan who went to new extremes in cracking down on street prostitution, and especially in going after johns. Hallinan really destroyed the street scene.

People here on TUSCL have talked about the difference between liberal and conservative politicos here. What I have read in multiple places is that conservatives see the prostitute as a criminal and social menace. I believe that if you read the news articles posted here about the actions against Platinum Plus in Greenville South Carolina, this comes across. And I've seen things like this closer to home too, in San Mateo County. LE talks about having "dancers under investigation". What they don't say though was that to conduct this investigation that LE was bringing their own condoms.

They see prostitutes as criminals. But in a more liberal jurisdiction like San Francisco, they see the prostitute as a victim.

In John Hubner's "Bottom Feeders", it explains who it was like this when they prosecuted Jim and Artie Mitchell.

So Hallinan was taking a harm reduction approach, seeing that AMPs and SCs were indoors and hence safer than the street.

Okay, but the street is more politically bothersome to other people, when they have their noses rubbed in it.

So in a way, Hallinan was just vindicating those with prejudicial attitudes. And those on the street tended to be those women without the looks for SCs or AMPs, and the johns with less money. So he was locking up the bottom end, and this is usually how it works.

But the way he was able to go after johns with an unprecedented ferocity was by using this pretrial diversion program, a re-education program.

Named after this Norma Hotaling, a former prostitute become morally righteous anti-prostitution crusader:

But of course what this amounts to is just a gimmick to make alleged johns and hookers decline to fight their case. And so there is never any political cost to it.

Thanks for your article.


Joe Bonamassa

avatar for 72_os
9 yrs ago

Damn that's fucked bro..feels like a police need to move...

I herd Detroit can't afford cops so maybe its safer their..funny to even say that

Im a southern boy so yea i say give me my AK and my land out in the sticks...cops dont bother with ppl out their....well not yet

Thanks for the warning and story mang

avatar for chessmaster
9 yrs ago

Damn. That's messed up. Of course new York cops are dirty. Fucking corrupt police.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

idiots - you paid a $120 fine but to go in front of a judge, and spend 2 days in the clink, costs the city a lot more than $120.

avatar for rickdugan
9 yrs ago

So to summarize, you started by walking down a path known for prostitution. Then you decided to stop and "ask the time" from a girl who was just hanging around on this known prostitute drag. Then, you further decided to hit on this girl hanging out in a place where prostitutes hang out because she looked "relatively clean" (interesting standard to use for a civvie girl, lol). Does that just about sum it all up? ;)

Now look, I'm on your side. I think the prostitution laws in this country are a joke. I also trust the NYPD about as far as i could throw the fattest patrol officer.

But I have to say that you didn't exactly make it difficult for them to stretch the story just a little in order to justify the arrest. Honestly dude, and I say this with nothing but good intentions, you need to protect yourself a little better than that, especially in this day and age.

avatar for Clackport
9 yrs ago

Sorry to hear that, fuck tha police! They are some corrupt ass motherfuckers.

avatar for Estafador
9 yrs ago

@rickdugan well I regularly, venture down this street. I'm not going to avoid it just because hookers and drug dealers patrol it. It's actually a residential area so people actually live there and drive their cars in and out of their garages all the time. ANd there do be hoes that be "looking" clean, so its a tricky situation to just assume one is a cop. And some of these hoes do be younger than expected (not below 18 of course). I just never met a trap before is all. But I probably will just stick with the strip club for a very long time.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

Estafador is his early 20s so he does not have the advantage of life-experience many of us do; still he got done wrong.

Unfortunately – as it often happens in many cases in America; justice is only as good as the justice one can afford – if one is guilty but has a good lawyer; one can get off; if one is innocent and does not have $$$ for a good lawyer; often times one may not have a chance.

I'm no lawyer but the f'ing police needs to have proof a crime happened and talking to a person on the street does not constitute a crime as far as I fucking know – police are often stupid as fuck – they do too much shit to fuck-over the community especially the least powerful – everyone knows a lot of the shit they get away w/ in poor neighborhoods w/ poor people no fucking way they can get away with in middle-case and upper-middle-class neighborhoods – they know they can step on the poor and defenseless and thus they do it – if Esta had the means to hire a decent lawyer; no f'ing way they would find him guilty of anything.

avatar for ime
9 yrs ago

Doesn't seem to have a lot of common sense, and the asking for the time thing sounds fishy. He's also talked about getting street hookers before so that doesn't put it outside realm of possibility he could have asked for more than the "time". Better just avoid that type of situation and just kerp walking, you dont want to end up like LDK exchanging hj's with a tranny hooker.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 yrs ago

Need to be a law that the cops need to get you on tape for this kind of a bullshit case. No excuse for them not to.

avatar for Jascoi
8 yrs ago

damn prudes. and hypocritical politics.

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