Strippers, Drugs and Trust Funds

avatar for LMN

Perhaps my intention of writing this article is a bit of introspection and venting.

I wanted to catalog my experience with strip clubs, strippers, transitively drugs and self destructive behavior.

I had been to strip club once before in my early twenties, and didn't really get into it. I found it a little weird awkward. When I was in my mid twenties, I got into a big argument with my girlfriend at the time which caused us to break up and my friend and I decided to go to a strip club to help me get over the bad breakup.

I should mention - as this is a pivotal part of what has facilitated my behavior - that my family is very wealthy. I always had issues with drugs and authority, since I started smoking pot at 13 years old. I ended up in rehab a few times eventually culminating in a 17 month stay in residential treatment. I have a large trust from my family which is enough that I would never need to work, but a contingency of the release of the trust accounts was twofold: 1) I see a therapist weekly and 2) I get and maintain a job. I was able to mostly fake my way through a good college and grad school, thanks to my family's connections and the occasional donation from my father when I would get into trouble. I ended up getting a relatively prestigious job in private equity after finishing grad school. On paper, I looked very good, in reality I was doing $500+ of cocaine per week.

Anyway, thats the back story. I went to this strip club with my friend. I figured I would need a lot of money, but being a strip club newbie, and basing what to expect mostly off rap videos, I brought a few thousand dollars in ones. By the time we got to the strip club, I was near blackout drunk, very very high on cocaine and just looking to blow off steam over my ex girlfriend. I identified whom I thought to be the most attractive stripper I could find (she also looked about 18) and asked her for a private dance. We went to the VIP room and I asked her how much I could buy. She asked if I meant sex and I said yes. I guess she saw the few thousand in ones I had and quoted me a ridiculous price. Maybe to test the water and see what I would say. I ended up giving her two thousand dollars and had sex with her in the VIP.

After we finished, I was buttoning up my pants and the receipt from the ATM I went to beforehand fell out of my pants and she picked it up and started reading it. This was a withdrawal from my trust account so the remaining amount would be pretty impressive to most strippers. She picked up my phone, without asking me, and texted herself. She told me that we could do this regularly and she would be discreet about it. Sounded good to me and I took off.

About a week later, I was bored at my condo on the weekend, and coked out (as usual). I decided to text her. part of me thought she wouldn't actually respond or it was a fake number. But she responded in about 30 seconds. We agreed to meet up. She asked if she could have $2,000 again but I was a bit more sober this time and knew that was excessive so I told her I would give her $900 every time I saw her and $1,200 if it caused her to miss work. She agreed.

Thus began a regular p4p relationship that was pretty good except I was dramatically overpaying her but given I was blowing through my family's money and I was high all the time, I didnt really give a shit. One day, though, I asked her if she would do coke with me. She told me that she did not do cocaine or any drugs other than pot because she had a bad history of addiction as a kid and problems in her family from drugs. I responded that I didn't want to continue our arrangement unless she got high with me.

This is when things started to go downhill for both of us. fast.

We would meet up, get fucked up beyond belief - usually finishing at least one bottle of liquor between the two of us, an 8ball of coke, pills (usually roxis - smoked), and anything else.

Our sex also started to become very violent and dark. One time, during sex, she told me "you can hit me in the face." I wasn't really sure about it, but I figured I might as well, and did so. She seemed to get off o n it. Another time she asked me to choke her until she passed out. I did it.

I soon found out that she wasn't doing p4p with anyone else, and had only done it a couple times before. I found out that she hates herself for stripping, hates herself for doing p4p and is drunk and high all day to cope with it. The cocaine use that I pushed on her seemed to have opened up a huge can of worms and her drug use got out of control. I was paying her probably $1,800 per week plus paying for all her drugs.

We would get loaded with each other pretty regularly. I wouldn't always pay her. Sometimes I wouldn't. We were mostly just drug addicts, but I would take care of all the financial things she needed. Car, rent, whatever.

She ended up quitting her job stripping and moved into a new place and got a new car while she was on my "payroll."

I ended up snorting a hole in my nose that developed into chronic nose bleeds. I started feeling (what felt like) heart palpitations. I was diagnosed as hypertensive. Keep in mind, I am in my mid 20s.

I started considering killing myself as the ups and downs from the chronic cocaine use became relatively unbearable. In a last effort to try to fix my life, I tried getting back with my ex girlfriend and stopping drugs and seeing this stripper. This could not have come for a worst time for her, because probably 2 days after I made that decision, she got a felony arrest for possession of cocaine. I told her I would get her a lawyer to beat the case... I ended up blowing her off and not returning her calls or texts for months.

Months later, things didn't work out with my ex and I started using drugs again, in full force. I decided to see if she was still around and I texted her. She responded in less than 30 seconds. I found out that she had blown all her money on drugs and nightclubs. She was evicted from her apartment as she was unable to pay her rent, lost her car and got charged with a felony. She said she was trying to make some changes in her life, didnt want to go back to stripping and didnt want to go back to using drugs. She asked me if I knew anywhere she could maybe apply for a job as a waitress.

I told her that I would pay her the usual $900-$1,200 to get high and have sex, instead. She agreed. We are now back in the same cycle. She has been able to move into a new place and get a new car. My nose won't stop bleeding and lately when I get high I worry I may have a heart attack.

Thats where we are now.


last comment
avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

LMN, in all candor, we have heard this one note song before. Are you a parrot?....a broken record?...a RETARD?

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

"the few thousands in ones I had" was slightly humerous tho.

avatar for hotwheels
10 yrs ago

It's not about the stripper it's about you. Fortunately you understand who you are. I am really sorry but as you know it is the drugs that are going to kill you....or not. I despise 12 step programs but the San Francisco Zen center has a place you might want to try. It is called green gulch farms.

avatar for Zdubleu
10 yrs ago

Get help brotha

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

You need to find Jesus – hey – seems you’ve tried everything else – might as well give this a try

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

I'm not really looking for help but thanks for the suggestions. I wrote this in a rare moment of clarity (and sobriety) as some objective introspection and figured I may as well post it here since the subject matter somewhat pertains to this forum/website.

I've been through all sorts of rehab facilities from the kind where you ride horses for "therapy" and get spa treatment all day to the kind where they tackle you and pump you full of thorazine and seroquel.

All they really did was teach me how to be a very effective liar to facilitate my behavior.

I may take some time to go live abroad for a while and see if a change of scenery gives me some motivation to change. Down side is I'd have to leave my job, which would then cost me my trust, so I can't do it currently.

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

A discussion by your attorney with the trustees (may) change the terms of the trust. My ATF entered drug detox today. She's planning on a residential detox/ rehab of several months. It is her 18th attempt at rehabilitation. The first 17 times were at the behest of others (parents, courts, etc.). This time she initiated it. I sat in her apartment with her as she used the last of her drugs today ( well, ok, I helped) she wants to be dependent upon nothing or no one. I wish her the best.

avatar for hotwheels
10 yrs ago

Stay strong. Good luck.

avatar for crsm27
10 yrs ago

I hate to say it.... Cut off your money....and then you will be on your own. That is the only way you will get better if you want to.

because if you cut the head off the beast it will die. The head of the beast is money and your easy access to it. Like you bluffed your way with "daddy's" help and donations through college and grad school. If you fucked up he donated money. So money helped you get by. The drugs and strippers is all because you have the money.

Like gawker stated... Redo your trust so you can go over seas. But do the over seas thing on your own. No help from the trust fund. Then that will see who you are and not the money.

Then if you like the life of drugs, strippers, and destruction. Then that is who you are.

avatar for cbthree
10 yrs ago

Get your ass in rehab immediately and complete after care!

avatar for shailynn
10 yrs ago

Shut the fuck up

avatar for mokaloka
10 yrs ago

Be real.Not only are you ruining your life but hers too...

avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

LMN, Thank you for posting your story. There are all sorts of holes people can all into and destroy themselves. It does not require stripers or P4P, though that is an obvious one. It does not require drugs, but that is often a factor.

I don't think you should necessarily hold any of this against the girl. She is undoubtedly someone who has her own problems. You just gave he a way to play them out.

Anyway, it is good that you are able to talk openly about this. Probably you registered just so you could post your story with people who would understand because they have similar experiences. Thank you for doing this.


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