Grinds my GEARS.

You know what grinds my gears?
'What is a girl like you doing in a place like this?'
A place like what? This club? Really because you're in here with me too.
A girl like what? So in the 2 mins we've sat together, you know what kind of girl I am.
So you know my whole life story and you're saying I work in a Sugar Honey Ice Tea hole. Thank You.
Of course, we women like to take what men like to say and completely twist and turn it around into what you weren't trying to say to begin with.
And then starts the 2 hour discussion and you have no idea what just happened and why. But in this case, some poor dancer is having a crappy night and decides to haul her baggage on to you, meanwhile your wife was already nagging you at home so you decide to come see some tits, ass, and get a beer.
To avoid allllllll of this, just avoid that line PERIOD. You'll keep the girls out the back (running their mouths on how some guys was judging her and yada yada yada) and next to you.
And this has been my daily dosage of Grinds my GEARS.
Be nice in the comments and leave me some feed back.
I'm Aubree and I'm out !
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last commentAubree, don't yell at me! I'm just a poor pathetic loser.
This is an article? That means it got reviewed and approved by Founder. WTF?
U aint so inosent. I came reading that . Juice wnts to creem your pussy !
Aubrey, no one is paying you to think plus you probably can't get workers comp when you hurt yoursrlf trying to use your brain.
Club Goer is right.
This is an article? Should have been in the discussion board. It kinds grinds my GEARS
yeh, what club-goer and motor said
I can get why that question may bother a dancer and if it bothers the dancer is probably for a reason b/c it’s not that offensive of a question IMO.
When one is dealing/working w/ people; one is going to get dumb questions/comments every now and then if not often. Just come up with a simple answer and don’t get too bent out of shape about it – just say something along the lines of “It’s a job - I’m here to make $$$â€.
And if the PL keeps on with it; just try to take the convo in a different direction (shoving your breasts in his face outta shut him up).
And BTW; we custies get the same ole question almost on every visit – “so what brings you in here tonight?†– I want some pussy – what do you think.
I love dancers that know their gears. I love it when they jam my gears all the way into overdrive
Wow! Misscontent wrote a review for The Pony in Huntsville Alabama. "He" mentioned two dancers - Asia and Aubrey. Now what are the chances that a guy named Aubree would go to a club where the prettiest dancer was Aubrey. He also mentioned a drink touted by the DJ as containing 10% alcohol. Hell wiskey straight is at least 40% alcohol. Big deal.
I've drawn my conclusions about miss, everyone can draw their own.
Dear @ JabtheHUT your conclusion? Well I'll tell you mine; I STATED 'PRETTIEST BLACK GIRL'. YES I AM THE PRETTIEST BLACK GIRL IN THE CLUB. This is a FACT. (**If you question this please come compare the girls yourself...)This is a WHITE club therefore I STAND OUT. OUR best dancer is ASIA. Your conclusion..... 10% alcohol... if you knew anything about the pony, they sell malt liquor at most. MY CLUB. MY REVIEW DONT LIKE IT well quite frankly I don't care. I N N O C E N T not C O N T E N T did you also know I live in NY and frequent AL. Since you felt it was your duty to bring 'something' to light, I felt the need to help you take a seat.
NOTE: Please when relaying information you relay it correctly, but darling thank you for researching me. Next time ask.
Everyone else: my article well if you didnt like this one you'll LOVE the NEXT, lol.
Okay, it is confirmed that you are shilling for the club. You said that YOU were the first girl that YOU met in your review. That, to most reading the review, would lead one to think you are a customer reviewin a club but you aren't.
I agree that you said you are the prettiest girl in the club. That matters not and has nothing to do with you shilling for the club.
I didn't know you lived in NY but now I know you shill for a club up there in East Podunk, NJ.
I've got one question for you: Why didn't the guy from the store say anything when he saw YOU giving lapdances to YOU. I'll bet that was a sight that can't be described.
You are too funny.
anything else?
Yep. Had Aubree been someone other than Aubrey, what "he" said about Aubrey (prettiest girl) might have meant something but, since "he" is you it means diddly squat. Lapdancking could claim all day that he's the best fucker in a bar but it doesn't carry water until someone else says so.
BTW, since most reviewers of the Pony rate the girls 5 - 6, you must be a 6.
As Jackfrost would say....BUUURRRRRR
Family Guy
Whats a hole like you doing in a girl like that?
Your in NY? I'd like to know which club you work at so I can judge myself. A picture only says so much after all
First - it's a discussion, not an article
But - she makes a point here. I've seen dancers do their jobs well and make their customers feel better in some of the worst dives from NJ through Mich, Wyo and Seattle. The line is trite and is a left handed compliment. If she's at the end of a long day, it's probably not the best opener.
It grinds my gears that the ladies can't have a photo section for the ladies that post here.
Shame indeed!
Thank you for the short post. I've never said that but wouldn't have thought about it from the girls point of view if I had. I don't see anything wrong with stripping or strip clubs and agree, that is a lousy thing to say. I'm sure they mean it in a nice way but c'mon seriously. And why do all you guys get upset with her... Article or discussion who cares. You all need to start respecting these wonderful women more.