A Dancer Point of View

avatar for jennyrebel
I have been dancing for a year now and have worked at a few different places. After some time I have come to a realization. Yes the economy is not what it used to be so our earnings refelct that. I have learned that all kinds walk through the door each night and I must say it takes all kinds to make the world go round.

I wish all customers who have the thought that as a dancer we are there to make money. Very often we have "kids" coming in for a free show and some laughs. I can say it gets on my nerve at the end of the night when they believe any one of us dancers are going to go home with them. When I work, yes I am there to make money but I dont make it just about the money. I believe in getting to know a little about a person because we all are people and not objects. I can say I hate it when people come in there just to hang out. Can you seriously not even spare a couple of dollars and tip at least one dancer.

At two clubs I have worked at we had pool tables. And yes it is anothe revenue for the club to make money but my gosh it can be a bad thing at times. Very often I see fellas coming in just to play pool and drink. All i can think to myself is "you would rather play with balls all night then to enjoy the rather good looking half naked females around you". I just dont understand why it is that they dont do to a local bar to shoot pool and drink. They are wasting our time and we work for free when we spend time talking to someone with no intentions. Yes when it is slow and nothing to do i love to enjoy myself a round of pool. Even some nights i can hustle money out of playing but not enough nights.

Oh and the females, where do i begin. It is a tough work place to know true friends. Lucky enough i have a few true friends to get me through each night. I am not one to have many female friends since growing up as a tom boy. But as i have gotten old i have been trying to become more of a lady. But i have met some triffling catty woman. This is a good fun time but not something to make soley a career. Its hard to keep a sane mind if you stay in so long. It is a very easy place to burn yourself out. It would be nice if every dancer would take a 101 course before starting to teach etiquette. But one could only wish. But i will always be the nice girl when a new girl comes in because i too was once the new girl. I can only wish that most girls I've crossed paths with would think like me.

That is my point of view as well as little rant. Maybe with some time it might change and i will have something else to write about.


last comment
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Not a bad article. I would like to read more from you.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
If there is a pool at the club I assume there's no lapdances. Probably why nobody pays attention. Straight stage shows ALL night do get boring after a while
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Your points are well taken – but I would imagine any other type of salesperson (or working on tips) would have a similar gripe.

Any job dealing directly w/ people will often be a tough job (sales clerk; nurse; customer service; etc) and the hardest part of the job is often dealing with the customers.

It is what it is. You are not the 1st dancer to complain about this and won’t be the last – I seriously doubt the paradigm would change no matter how you complain or believe in the validity/righteousness of your complaints.

First of all – you often have women dancers dealing with male customers – that already is a big difference in terms of thinking; behavior; expectations; etc. You can’t expect a guy to think and expect like a woman and vise-versa. At the end of the day, it is up to the service provider to give and adjust to what the customer expects, not for the customer to adjust to the desires of the person or business offering the service. Add to the gender divide by throwing in lots of cash/money; hormones; and alcohol; and you should thus not expect it to be much better.

It is what it is – it’s a tough business/job for sure – but I doubt what you described will change any time soon if ever – one either adjusts to the business realities or gets out of business.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… I can say I hate it when people come in there just to hang out …”

As long as they are not breaking any club rules – individuals (you or the custies); are free to do as they wish.

We here on the customer/TUSCL side often complain about dancers that “hang out” with themselves talking and smoking; or in the dressing room; or with their head buried in their cell phones; and paying no mind to customers with money to spend

“… Yes when it is slow and nothing to do i love to enjoy myself a round of pool …”

So it’s ok for you to decide when you want to chill and play pool – but it’s not ok for the custie to decide when and where he wants to do the same?

Every dancer wants money from every customer – but that is unrealistic just as it is unrealistic for a business or salesperson to always make the sale. It is up to the dancer to provide a good enough service or package for the customer to want to spend on a particular dancer(s). Just b/c you are there doesn’t mean the customer has to spend money on *you*.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I've seen dancers put their tops back on during their stage set if they felt like there was too much freeloading going on.

The cost of one or two dances could be rolled into the cover, with tickets for free dances (that the dancer would cash in). But, the problem with that, you'd lose the guys who come in for a drink or a game, then change their mind cause they like what they see.
avatar for rockstar666
12 years ago
The OP has only been dancing a year so the fact that lots of people who go to clubs aren't spending like a drunken sailor might still be a surprise to her. I would worry less about the people who can't make me money (the freeloaders) and concentrate on those who can. Perhaps with more experience she'll get better at telling the difference between the two.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
The "kids" that come in to hang around.. I have been to a lot of clubs where the dancers go hang around with the "kids". They go onto stage and dance, take tips and then go back and sit down with those "kids" that are not spending any money. I was recently in a club where there was a group of kids and dancers sitting together and over the course 2+ hours I was in the club I did not see one get a lap dance, tip at the stage or buy a dancer a drink. I was with several different dancers for a couple of lappers and drinks. The waitress was miffed at them because they were hardly buying anything and did not tip.
My question is: If dancers do not like hanger arounders why do so many dancers sit with them trying to get these broke youngsters to buy something and ignore paying customers.
avatar for hizzle
12 years ago
I have to agree with tiredtraveler. I go to clubs and see many cute girls parked for the night on a justin bieber broke ass yo boy while I end up walking out with three champagne rooms worth of money in my pocket. It goes both ways. For the people who come to stare, take it as a challenge to crack open that wallet. Not everyone will be charmed by a dancer, but you should be able to convert one or two of them to proper club manners if you try. I agree if you go out you should tip your favorite dancers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“A dancer’s point of view” from a customer’s point of view.

From a recent review by a dancer visiting a SC as a customer:

“… I don't understand the walking around the room asking for tips. I understand that you have to do it when you're dancing on a stage that is behind a bar but you can physically walk up and give a dancer tips, there's no bar in front of the stage.

I'm a female and a dancer who enjoys patronizing clubs on my days off. I understand how much all dancers need money but I don't think being pressured to tip every single girl whether they did a good job or whether you like them or not is a good way to get a customer to come back.

Most of the girls weren't very attractive and did the bare minimum onstage which is even more irritating because I'd rather tip somebody who's at least going to try to do their job well, not do nothing and then expect something for it …”


avatar for scvbn
12 years ago
I also agree with tiredtraveler I have left a club many times with plenty of cash in my pocket after being ignored
avatar for mcswaindang
12 years ago
You Should Find A Club Without Pool TablEs....To Me Tha Immediately Says Bar/Hang Out Spot And Would Not Be A Great Club To Work In. Try More Upscale Club.
avatar for runnoft
12 years ago
I think the answer to this author's problems are to work during the day shift. Yes, there are less customers during the day, but most of them are interested in getting private dancers from the ladies, not just to hang out and not spend any money.
avatar for benjy
12 years ago
Some guys are just cheap. Some are just wary cause they've been ripped off before. That being said I would never play pool in a strip club... you could do that anywhere.
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