
Google This! Cell Phones and Strip Clubs

Technology is moving forward at the speed of light, no doubt about it. With all the gadgets and gizmos that one can purchase for either business or pleasure (no I don't mean vibrators) in terms of phones or computers; it can make it somewhat distracting just keeping an eye on things while at a strip club.

This is a recent phenomenon that I have noticed cropping up within the last two to three years now that cell phones are more prevalent. I have even had clients that I no longer choose to dance for simply because I feel that I wish to be the center of attention while with them. They just can't seem to peel themselves away from their phones. I realize that business can and does need to be conducted within the paramters of the club when guys come in during lunch breaks. I also realize that as dancers we encounter a variety of guys from a variety of walks of life.

Certainly, one can argue what better place than to choose a gentleman's club to discuss business. However, there are a small number of gentlemen that aren't very mindful in terms of where they are and ALWAYS seem to be attached at the hip with their cellie or even worse, and I am not kidding laptops. I am not speaking of alcohol vendors, either. I have been told by a few gents that they find 'solace' and peace in clubs which arguably early during the day when the doors first open I could somewhat understand.

Even funnier, for me personally, is walking up to the guy that is wearing a bluetooth but you don't see it because he has it on the other side and at first you think that he is talking to himself. I have actually had that one happen a couple of times. It wasn't a big deal, it worked to my advantage though.

What just absolutely makes me laugh out loud is that some men will actually take phone calls while out on the dance floor with the music blaring straight into the phone with such verocity it would be easier for them to be heard taking off from a C-130 aircraft at 3000 ft going skydiving.

The reality is that technology is here to stay, and that is a fact of life lving in the twenty first century. So next time you go to the club, please just try to be polite and do your best to use etiquette. Remember we are here for your entertainment. If we see you constantly on your phones, we are going to take that as a don't disturb sign! We ladies realize that this works both ways. Guys, please note. If you see an absence of ladies or find that the ladies are in the corner with one another on their electronic devices, they too may be sending messages to try and get business in. Like Vince Vaughn said in The Internship, I am on the line!

Happy Lapping!


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Avalon - You know that I never bring my cell phone into the club but lets be honest. The violations by the strippers far out weighs those done by customers. In fact it is rare in your club to see a stripper walking around without one.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I had a stripper in Quebec ask if she could answer her cell phone bec.ause it was her daughter. The big issue is that she was "dancing" for me in the middle of a song in a private booth and I had two fingers in her pussy. Talk about rude!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I have even had clients that I no longer choose to dance for simply because I feel that I wish to be the center of attention while with them. They just can't seem to peel themselves away from their phones"

    The reverse is also TRUE. Dancers who CAN'T manage to look away from their phones or quit making/taking calls. I guess the only way to get them to stop talking on the cell phone is to have part of your anatomy DEEP down their throats!!
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I'll stop playing with my cell phone when two things happen:

    1. The club quits putting ugly dancers on stage

    2. The dancers get off THEIR phones and actually come over and ask for a dance
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "1. The club quits putting ugly dancers on stage

    2. The dancers get off THEIR phones and actually come over and ask for a dance"

    Don't HOLD your breath motorhead. LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    More often than not; whether it is dancers or civis; it is often women that I see attached to their cell phones as if it was tied to them with an umbilical cord.

    It may be rude for custies to use the phone at a SC – but I think it is extremely poor business etiquette to allow dancers (i.e. employees) to have their heads buried in their phone while ignoring customers for what seems to be extended periods of time (not a quickie message).

    I had not really noticed – but it appears to me that in certain clubs dancers may not be allowed to have their cells on the floor and their heads stuck in it – now that I think about it – there have been a few clubs where I don’t recall this happening at all and a few where it seems pervasive.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I usually keep track of fantasy baseball on my cell while the dancers are outside smoking; in the bathroom; chatting in the dressing room or sitting with other dancers and bitching about no one buying lap dances. Give me a reason to shut it off and I am happy to do so.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    First of all, I am a woman. Second of all, I NEVER use my cell in the club unless it is to capture a dancer's phone number. What I do see alot of is bitches sitting around on their phones ignoring us customers. So you're telling us that they are probably texting their regulars hoping that they will come in. That explains alot. Not only are they probably missing out on the customers that are already in the club, but they are even stupider and greedier than I had given them credit for. A bird in the hand, ya know.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I agree with most of the comments here. Phones can be a great tool or they can cause big problems depending on how they are used.

    I have walked up and sat down next to dancers that are texting and just sat quietly next to them. When they look over at me with that wtf look I ask them if they are sending me dirty text messages. Some say yes...ss
  • JGoose
    11 years ago
    At the local clubs, customer cell phone use is generally discouraged by the management, as the dancers don't want to be recorded, so I really don't see many customers with cell phones.

    However, I see dancers with on their phones all the time. One dancer at Dreamgirls Sodo never gets off of her phone, unless she's going outside for a smoke break.

    So, as many above have commented, don't tell me to not be on my cell if I'm texting my ATF that I'm in the club, when most of the dancers are ignoring me, or are awash in an LCD glow.
  • 59
    11 years ago
    When I'm using my cell in the club it's typically to text my fave - "get off your phone, get out of the dressing room, and stop by and see me - I'm here". Otherwise it could be a considerable amount of time before I see her fine booty on the floor.

  • 59
    11 years ago
    Was just at OG in Vegas on a recent Friday night. See this stripper walking around with her face illuminated by her cell phone screen, totally absorbed with something.

    Mentioned this to my fave a few minutes later. Sure enough shortly after this there she is again.

    Me and my fave didn't find it a flattering look and wondered wtf? Is she there to work or not?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I have no problem with dancers on their phones since they obviously have no problem with not receiving my business.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    well said, Slick.
  • jestrite50
    11 years ago
    I never take my phone into a club. Most clubs in my area have signs up "no cell phones" and I respect that. There is a club in PA that makes you lay it on the floor before going into the dance area.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I understand what the dancer's customers mean when they seek "solace" in a strip club. If you want a drink and go to a regular bar, you stand a very good chance that other customers will try to engage you in conversation. This doesn't happen in a strip club. Further, turn a few dancers down and the rest ignore you. You can now drink in solace and peace. If you feel like company, get a dancer.
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    I got to the club on Tuesday night and was disappointed to not see my fave, or even my backup. So I whipped out my trusty phone and texted them both. As a result, they both showed up 20 minutes later. Without the phone I might have blown my cash on someone less desirable.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    My biggest gripe is when I'm with my ATF in a hotel and she takes a call from her BF. After that happened twice I told her that the next time that happened I was getting up and leaving. Talk about a mood killer!
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I've been to plenty of clubs where the babes won't get off their phones. I personally hate walking up to a lady and asking for a dance, I can stay home and beg for it, lol!
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    Once in a club, cellphones, etc., are "out of sight, out of mind" for me. With my recent expanding my horizons to stripclubsonline.com, viewing dancer dressing rooms are boring in that dancers go there to talk/text on their cellphones/Blackberry,etc. I don't see that much of it on the floor. I'm perplexed that some guys go into a stripclub and spend so much time texting/talking. My first trip into restroom saw one foreigner sitting on the crapper babbling on the phone. On my second trip 45 minutes later, he was still there.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I did see a club in quebec that wouldn't let the ladies play on their phones well working. It was a true blast from the past, I could make eye contact and pull them in my direct super easy!
  • flguytampa21
    11 years ago
    WEll if a girl is on her phone, it means her focus is elsewhere, move on. Dance will probably suck.

    The music blaring. The only thing worse is on the phone in the toilet. (like Minnow said) I make sure I flush the toilet. I would be a little embarrased to explain that to the person on the other line.
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