
A Different Experience: The Flip

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 12:00 AM
"Ready to flip over?" Because Elaine had advertised in the "Therapeutic Massage" section of BackPage, and because she'd specifically called out her credentials and certification with the city government, I hadn't really expected anything in the way of a "happy ending" up to this point. Speculated, yes. Hoped, yes. Prepared with a tip, yes. But this was the first time I'd seen her, therefore a risk for her, and a couple of reviewers had mentioned that her sessions got better as she grew more comfortable with you, so I was prepared to go away without release, and without complaint, if the massage was good enough, which it most definitely had been to this point. There are numerous examples of "body rub" girls in Louisville who will get mostly naked, do a good rub, and leave you to finish the deed yourself if they have any qualms about the customer, so it wouldn't have surprised me in the least if this episode ended up the same. So, rather than turn over with a raging hard on and risk being explicitly turned down, I said, "Give me a minute," and laid there thinking of ice cold winds blowing across glaciers and through the holes in my parka to turn my skin blue. Obviously aware of the effect she'd had on my, she actually tittered and told me not to worry about it, that I could cover up if I wanted to. So I turned over, using the towel she handed to me to keep my erection covered, and laid back down on the table. Whereupon she lifted up the towel, ran her index finger slowly and languidly up the length of my penis, and set the towel back down. So, that's how it was going to be. I can't say I was disappointed by the prospect, even if it turned out that I was self-servicing. She began at my head, massaging my shoulders with her hair hanging down over my face. She paused to take hold of my hands and placed them on her breasts. "Don't squeeze too hard," she said, "my nipples are sensitive right now." She continued the massage up and down my torso, allowing and encouraging my hands to roam around her body, telling me that "anything uncovered is fair game." She gradually moved down my body, mostly matching what she'd done to my back, but this time concentrating on the light circular motions, and still using her hair and nipples, and also occasionally using her entire torso to rub me. However, this time, as she came closer to my crotch after massaging my legs, she didn't avoid my erection. Instead, as she approached, she moved the towel away, saying, "We don't really need this, do we?", but without waiting for an answer, set it aside. She'd brush my penis with the back of her hand, then briefly cup my balls in one hand while running the other up and down a couple of times, then move back to my chest or legs for a few moments. She repeated this a few times, varying the precise motions and grips, gradually increasing the time she spent on my penis until at least one hand was on it at all times. At some point, she started including her breasts in the routine, sometimes rubbing me on them, or pressing me between them, or wrapping them around me and pumping me "Russian" fashion. She paid exquisite attention to my reactions, sometimes speeding up, or increasing the pressure, then relaxing or slowing down when she sensed I might be reaching the point of no return, repeatedly bringing me to the brink, and then backing off. Finally, after a seeming eternity of teasing and moaning on my part, she wrapped one well lubricated hand firmly around my shaft, used the other to coax my balls from between my legs, then leaned down and lightly flicked her tongue across them while pumping my dick like a piston. I could only hold out against that sort of treatment for so long, so I warned her and asked her not to stop. She kept up the motion for a just the right amount of time after I started cumming; not stopping too early so I miss out, and not going too long when everything gets to sensitive. She disengaged and I lay there, gasping for breath while she retrieved a warm, wet towel from somewhere and proceeded to clean up my chest and genitals. After she'd cleaned me up, she climbed up on the table and sort of snuggled up next to me for a few minutes. "It's a good thing you don't fuck or suck anymore," I said, "if you did those as well as that, you'd kill me." She laughed, thanked me and said, "I get a lot of practice." It was my turn to laugh. After a few minutes of very relaxing cuddle time, I swung my legs down off the table, and set them on the floor; they were trembling. I asked Elaine if she had something I could wipe the excess oil off of my self with, and she told me that she had a shower I could use. So I went back into the bathroom, where she pointed out where the soap and towels were. I got into the shower, and being me, I had to quip, "Scrub my back for me?" To my surprise, she said, "Sure!" and promptly dropped her panties, and climbed in after me. She did scrub my back for me, but when I jokingly inquired about the front as well, she said "Sorry, only one 'happy ending' per session." The smile she gave me took any sting out of it, though. I finished my shower, dried off, got dressed and got my wallet out to pay her. I gave her the fee, and then added the tip. She looked a little startled when I gave it to her, and asked me if I was sure about the amount. That surprised me a little, because my research suggested that the amount I'd given her was pretty "standard" for that level of service in this town. But, since it was definitely worth it, I assured her that it was indeed OK, and after a hug, I left. After 30+ years of strip clubbing and having sex with strippers, this was definitely a worthwhile change of pace. It won't replace chasing strippers, but I'm certainly not going to forgo this sort of pampering anymore.


  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Sounds like a great experience and not too much different than some of mine. But your story sounds much nicer due to Elain's expertise. Lucky man.
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    . Enjoyed all chapters of your story. Thanks.
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    Great follow-up to the story. Maybe I will consider a body rub massage from Backpage, after all.
  • HootnHal
    12 years ago
    Great read GM. As per my infrequent posts, I'm seldom "out" but ya got my wanna go a going! If time allows, I'll sometimes hit a massage either before or after a club visit. Mostly regular, yet good massage, some with hj., but with family & usu no cover readily available, usu. don't seek much more.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Belongs in Penthouse Forum Excuse me for a bit....
  • glen_livet
    12 years ago
    Excellent series, GM. Thanks.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I enjoyed reading your series of articles, georg. I must say, however, that in the end it was just a hand job. You really would like the massage parlour subculture out here in western Canada. A hand job, no matter how fantastic it may be, would never cut the mustard in a massage parlour in Alberta. It is curious how the sex industry manifests itself in different parts of North America. I like the SC culture in some parts of North America (definitely not Alberta) and I like the massage parlour culture in other parts of North America (most definitely in Alberta).
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @snowtime, @HootnHal, @motorhead, @glen_livet: Thank you gentlement. I appreciate the kind words. @corvus: Lucky indeed. But sadly, about a month after I saw her for the second time, she quit the business. I can only hope the recent rumors of her return are based in fact, and not just the wishful thinking of a bunch of horndog mongers. @HonestT: I tried a couple of the body rub girls on backpage; good ones, according to the opinions of the same group of people who led me to Elaine. However, while they certainly were up for more than Elaine was, I found them no better (or, to be fair, worse) than a stripper would have been. No comparison whatsoever with regard to the sheer eroticism of the encounter. @farmerart: While "just a handjob" is completely accurate, it's a little like saying that a medium-rare Fillet Mignon is "just a steak", or that a glass of Princess Mary is "just a whisky". :) I got at least forty minutes of the absolute best massage, and one of the most erotic experiences short of full sex with an enthusiastic partner, that I've ever had, followed by the single best hand job of my life. I don't remember the last time I got off with just hand work (aside from my own). I'll take her "just a handjob" over a significant fraction of the blowjobs I've had any freakin' day of the week.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    The use of the hair and the slow and deliberate touch and the sensuality of it all--sounds like a damn good handjob to me. I think I'd be satisfied if there was the illusion that she really wanted to be doing the things she was doing. On the flip side, FS or a BJ with a woman who really wants to be somewhere else and it shows--that's not all that much fun. Gmd, isn't that about the way it always goes? You find a keeper and then they are gone.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    hopefully she does come back, i was going to ask if she does women too...
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @carolynne: Well, she's sometimes back. Hard to get hold of, though. As for women, massages only for the fairer sex, I'm afraid.
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