
A Different Experience: The Main Event

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Thursday, August 9, 2012 12:00 AM
"Let's get started, shall we?"

"But before I start, I want to warn you, I don't fuck and I don't suck. I did some of that when I was stripping, and I don't want to anymore, and I've found that I don't have to. If that's what you're here for, I won't be offended if you get up off the table right now."

Though I did feel a pang of disappointment (after all, I'd hoped...), but I *was* here for the massage primarily, and I told her so. And stayed put on the table.

"Good," she said, "I don't think you'll be disappointed, even so."

She started by spreading some warm oil on my back and lightly kneading the large muscles there. As she did so, she asked me if I preferred conversation or to just lay there in silence. I responded that I didn't mind talking, as long as it wasn't politics or religion. Those topics wouldn't be very relaxing.

I asked her how she'd gotten in to the massage field from stripping, and she told me that she'd been dancing for about seven years, and had quit about ten years previously, though she had her own pole that she still practiced on. My superb math skills led me to the realization that this put her, at a minimum, in her mid thirties, assuming she'd started stripping no earlier than it was legal for her to do so. That made her appearance even more striking; I'd pegged her as mid to late twenties, only a few years older than her pictures, in which she appeared to be about 20 or 21, but if she wasn't feeding me the masseuse version of stripper shit, she was at least fifteen years older than she appeared in those pics; she didn't look it. She took my incredulous look, and comment about taking care of herself, as a compliment.

She'd worked just about full time as a stripper for those seven years, and used the proceeds to go to massage school (there's at least one right here in Louisville) during the day. Between stripper drama, a little trouble with the law, and a couple of loser boyfriend she finally jettisoned, it took her about four years to complete what should have been a two year course, but the day she did, she quit her stripper job, used some of her saved up money to rent an unused apartment in her building as a "studio", and put an ad up on Craigslist. The rest, as they say, is history.

She was apparently one of the relatively few who paid at least *some* attention in "Stripper Finance 101".

I've had physical therapy massages before, but this was in a different class entirely. Her strokes were far more sensual than any therapy massage, and at least one hand was on my body at all times. I didn't detect more than a couple of times when both hands weren't stroking, probably when she got more oil. She also must have been using her forearms to stroke, because there was more than one occasion when she had more surface area under pressure than could be accounted for by even two hands. She also incorporated her hair into the action, lightly brushing my back with it once in a while, a very interesting sensation in combination with the movement of her hands.

She continued stroking up and down my back, and in circles, gradually becoming more and more firm, alternating the long, strong strokes up and down, with lighter circular ones. Sometimes she stroked top to bottom, sometimes bottom to top. Her movements around the table were so fluidly smooth and silent that I could only tell that she *had* moved when she started working on an area that would have been difficult or impossible to reach from her old position.

As her work continued, I became more and more relaxed. Our conversation waned and she responded to my shorter and softer responses by not talking as much herself. The music playing softly in the background had just enough structure to be interesting, but not enough to make me have to think about it. It just sort of wafted over and through my consciousness, relaxing my mind as her hands relaxed by body. I don't really know how long she worked my back; my eyes were closed and I was zoning out, just wallowing in the sheer physical pleasure of the pressure and movement.

As she completed my back, she gently took my arm and unfolded it from where it had been bent up near my head. As she unbent it, she slid my open palm briefly over her bare butt cheek before laying it down next to my body. She then started working my arm in the same way she had my back with the long strong and light circular strokes. She even massaged my palm and each finger individually. She repeated this, including the butt stroke, on the other side.

Gradually, I felt her hands moving down my sides, past my buttocks, and down my legs. Again, she started lightly with long strokes, and gradually increasing the pressure on the long muscles of first one leg, then the other. From there, she progressed to my feet, massaging the sole and each of my toes individually, just as she had for my hands. She gradually worked her way up my legs again to my buttocks and the inside of my thighs, all the while maintaining the occasional light brush of her hair on my legs and butt. As she moved up, her fingers would occasionally lightly brush my testicles, which, with the sensation of her hair on my skin, was beginning to cause a distinctly predictable tingling.

Elaine moved her body back up to my back, only this time she was brushing my back very lightly with her fingertips, her hair, *and* her breasts. She was holding her torso over mine, and I could feel her ample bosom sliding up and down the middle of my back while her hands were at my sides. This served to further arouse me, to the point where my entire body was tingling, and I was becoming slightly uncomfortable as my erection built underneath me.

She continued this treatment, alternating firmly pressing her body and breasts against me, with gentle caresses from her fingers, hair and nipples, completing my arousal. After a few moments, she raised up and said, "Ready to flip over?"


  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Looks like TUSCL cut off the story as it was getting good. Must not have paid my bill this month.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Perhaps gmd meant to continue the story on a subsequent installment?
  • steve3000
    12 years ago
    I can't wait for the next installment. But she better not turn out to be a tranny... That would be a "different experience"
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Nothing wrong with massage parlor sex. I did that prior to going to Strip Clubs.
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    A few weeks have gone by, please post the next installment!
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I posted the last one two days afte this one went up. Founder has been very busy lately, and finds the articles easy to get behind on, since there are so few.
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