Strippers who rip off customers

Over the course of five days there have been two articles regarding customers who refuse to pay for dances. I maintained when commenting on both, that I have never done that, nor have i ever witnessed it. That doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. I understand this. But, what about the other side of the coin? What about strippers who screw guys over?<br />
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This has happened to me twice out of 50+ (maybe 100+ dances), so I cannot really say I am a disgruntled customer. I am pretty non-confrentational so I let these things roll off my back. But that doesn't mean that it hasn't created a good number of disgruntled customers. I am merely defending the guys who pay their hard earned money.<br />
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My first experience getting ripped off was back in 2005 during my very first visit to a strip club for my 19th birthday. I was pretty naive back then. I was in a private booth with a girl and gave her the money for the dance. She claimed I gave her too much. I asked how much it was and she said a dollar. I didn't give a damn about a dollar, so I let her keep it. Turned out when i got back i had given her an extra $20. Live and learn I suppose.<br />
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Second time getting ripped off was more recent. I was considerably less naive, but just didn't give a damn to argue. Plus the girl was fairly new so maybe she wasn't in tune with the 2 for 1 rules.<br />
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There is no question as to why a stripper would do this. It is all in the name of money. And even though I understand it is soley in the name of money, I still wonder what is the point? I liked what HottieHeidi said, telling girls to be honest. After all, it is the strip club patron who pays for your car, your apartment rent, and for some, your drug habit. But honesty is a good thing, and I commend HottiHeidi for going that route. But for every honest HottieHeidi there are 20 girls who will not think twice about ripping some poor schlub off.<br />
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I also would like to point out that management isn't going to go to bat too often for the patron. A stripper who rips off a customer is FAR more prevalent than a customer who rips off a stripper. Not saying one is right and the other isn't, but I am willing to bet that bouncer won't take a stripper out back and beat the living shit out of her for stiffing a customer (absolutly no pun intended). Maybe it is far more dangerous to be a strip club patron than it is to be a stripper<br />
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This is my first article so i apologize if it is horribly bad. Also if there are other topics you want me to write articles on, feel free to let me know</p>
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last commentOR
Perhaps the various hustles, cons and other rippoff techniques are talked about so extensively around here that we (1) did not feel the need to write an article about it; and (2) if we were going to do so, it would have much more meat in terms of some of the actual ripoffs rather than simple general whining about the fact that it happes.
Just a few things to consider...