Over the past 6 months, I have visited a string of new clubs and have really enjoyed myself in those clubs. To me, something feels different when you enter a new club and recognize all the new bells and whistles that define a particular club. I have created a list of the qualities, characteristics and benefits that turn a strip club house into a strip club home. <br/><br/> 1. Clean EVERYWHERE-If I have to visit another club with a bathroom that looks like a 1920s outshouse, I might have to just puke. Women take off their clothes in this business;the least club owners could do is keep a clean bar, stage, bathroom etc. <br/><br/> 2. Friendly People-While the dancers usually show how nice they can be for the money they take from us patrons, a great club has good people working for it at every level. The bouncers welcome you with respect, the bartenders smile and show you respect, the waitress smile and show you their boobs, just kidding. The main thing is that everyone who works in the club knows they are in the fantasy business and treat you with the respect you deserve. <br/><br/> 3.Specials-I don't mean buy one get one free ld, I am talking about drink specials, door specials, amateur night specials etc. A great club knows that a person will walk into a club for a number of reasons. That same person may want a cheap domestic beer on a weekday night with his hj/bbbj in the VIP. A great club knows that a slow Tuesday can change with a half off all rail drinks and no cover before 8 specials. More clubs should realize that getting someone in the door with cheap drinks, no covers and fun prizes will encourage those same customers to buy more stuff one they enter the club. That stuff includes dances, more drinks, more money for the club. <br/><br/> While this list is far from finished, the last six months have proved illuminating in my effort to find a new club to regularly visit. When I rule the strip club world, these rules will define my time in office.
I recently thought I had found a "home base" when I visited a club for two consecutive times over the course of two months (a first for me), but on the second visit found the experience slipping into "routine" and have since been reminded that half of the intoxication of the SC experience (for me) is the sense of walking into a place as a stranger, not being familiar with the layout, the drive there, the ladies that I'll meet, the degree of fun they'll offer, etc., etc. It's nice to have "go-to" places, but I plan to keep venturing out since that seems to be an integral part of the thrill for me.
I rotate through about a half dozen clubs on a regular basis. It helps keeps things new & interesting, and provides alternative places to visit in case any one club proves to be too much, or if any particular dancer is getting too possessive.
The entire reason I go to SC's is to get some "strange". I agree that its nice to have a "go-to" club but most of the fun for me is the sense of adventure when going somewhere new. God I wish I had the freedom and finances to indulge that adventure more often! Now I'm depressed :(
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