
The couple's decision to go clubbing

Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:55 PM
First, it is really, really hard to find out information about strip clubs as far as reviews, etc. We just moved to the tri-state area 6 years ago so we didn't know where to go and where not to go. We were really happy to find a few websites that had some (if outdated) reviews. PLEASE submit reviews-I'm sure that considering clubs to go to is a fairly easy prospect for single hetero men...when it's a couple it's a different story, especially if this will be the woman's first visit to a club with her husband/boyfriend. One avenue to try = ask your local adult store employees/management. Especially if they seem to carry alot of dancer clothing, they would have a better opinion of clubs in the area possibly. We wanted to attempt to go to a popular, large club that (hopefully) would offer variety in dancers and also be a comfortable atmosphere for me (the wife) We decided on one of the larger clubs in WV- we were not disappointed. From a couple standpoint, there was plenty of room to either be next to the stage or sit at a table further away but still be able to see the action. Surprisingly there were plenty of other couple's there- which made me feel less of a freak. Growing up, it's not like girls talked about going to a club- period. Times have changed a bit, but still, this was new territory and I didn' want to be the only chick in the place. The staff was friendly, the dancers also friendly, and usually approached me, the wife, first. That goes a long way with me as far as respecting the dancers- and we were able to sit back and enjoy our experience together! We've gone back several times since, and always had a great time- at Vixen's


  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Any dancer who approaches couples knows to approach the woman first - it's the female in the couple that will be setting the tone for their evening. They've got to make the woman comfortable before anything else. more dancers will learn this as more couples start frequenting stripclubs. After a few years of solo clubbing, I'm quite used to being the only woman customer in the club, and it has never made me feel weird. AAMOF, on the rare occasion that I see a couple in the club I get a little nervous wondering if the female half really wants to be there, and if she will give the dancers a hard time. I've seen it happen, and it sucks for the dancers. It is the reason many dancers don't approach couples in clubs - they don't want any drama. Looks like you had fun, which is the whole idea. Congrats on popping your SC cherry!
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    some advice go to a real gentlemans club the more upscale one they are a little more respectable and accepting than a regular city block strip club that has rounchy girls in it. i took an old GF to a city one and it didnt turn out too well as the strippers gave either dirty looks to her or wanted to push her limits by eating/get eaten by her. and the ones that danced for her did it a lil more than she would have liked - too much grouping. when it came my turn the dancers gave what i consider good grindage but of course too much grindage for my gf to see or her liking. go to a gentlemans club that doesnt get down like that and where the strippers are more entertaining than crouch boppers
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    As one of those "single hetero men", I have a few things to weigh in on. Firstly, if I may, I'm genuinely curious about your motivation for going to clubs with hubby(and him with you). Do you go as a curious observer? Or to "partake" in the various offerings? Occasional night on the town thing to do? Or a place to go to be seen? I've observed all categories in my years of club going. Regardless of motivation/bias, one still has to read between the lines to discern if the club is really what you're looking for. IMO, Tuscl is the best of all the sites out there. Main caveat being that it is written by customers for customers, and will often reflect the reviewers own bias/focus to a certain degree. Most of the reviews are written by hetero males looking to "partake" in the offerings ( eg- have a hot attractive scantily clad female in close quarters contact with you, and then some). In your/hubby case, the private message feature here on tuscl is one resource for you, as you can pm like minded reviewers ( those few reviews that are written by one of the halves of a couple).
  • bmoreshowgirl
    14 years ago
    From a dancer's perspective, it's always difficult deciding whether or not to approach a couple. It's hard to tell if the female half is comfortable in the situation...and even when we think they are, sometimes they're really not. I love couples who are very clear about what they expect from their visit and, let's be real here, it's a ton of fun giving a lady a lapdance if she's there for the full experience!
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