<p>I cannot count the number of times I have walked out of a club smelling like cheap perfume. This happened again to me just a couple of nights ago - a girl I knew from a previous visit snuck up behind me and gave my back a big hug, in the process rubbing her perfume all over the back of my shirt.<p> <p>I am married and my wife handles the laundry, so either I must take it straight to the dry cleaner or, if I am going straight home, must dispose of the offending shirt. I am getting tired of throwing good dress shirts away. And, since my suit jackets are too expensive to throw away, they must be hidden until I can get them to the cleaner.<p> <p>There is one scent in particular that I seem to smell a lot. It is strong, cloying and sticks to your clothes forever unless a good washing is applied. Get this scent on a single jacket or shirt and it is guaranteed to make your whole suitcase stink. I have come to give this scent the unaffectionate name of "Eau du Skank."<p> <p>I now normally avoid doing anything with a girl covered in this crap, but every once in a while a girl gets me before I can back her off. I can only wonder if the girls that douse themselves like this realize that they are automatically disqualifying themselves from a dance or other activities with anyone who doesn't want this stink on them. C'est la vie I suppose.<p> <p>This cost the most recent stinky girl a lot of money the other night as I ultimately ditched on a planned OTC event. Once I got to my hotel and realized how badly I was skunked I didn't want anyting more to do with her - I simply did not want to be forced into a Silkwood shower event after her visit.<p> <p>Every once in a while I come across a girl who puts a nice scent in her hair but not on her body, thereby limiting the smells that rub off on customers. I have come to greatly appreciate these girls over the years.<p>
Definitly agree with the glitter. The scent is a tougher question since dancing is definitly hard sweaty work. The idea of putting the scent where it will be less likely to rub off like on the hair and shoulders makes sense.
The reason it sticks to you is because it's mixed with baby oil. In my travels, I've learned to take a strong (thick) clear plastic bag with me in my suitcase. My dirty laundry goes in there, and if I visit a SC, my suitcase doesn't end up smelling like Eau De Skank.
45 years of breathing hydrocarbon residues has pretty much impaired my sense of smell. And, since I live alone stripper scent on my clothes is not an issue. My dog doesn't seem to mind. Pussy glitter is another story. It is exceedingly rare for me to wear a suit to a SC but I did go once to a SC wearing a tux, cummerbund, studs, and all the other regalia. Of course that was the the night I got covered in pussy glitter. I could have shot the offending dancer!! That crap sticks like super glue.
You must remember the girls dance for hours. Also they half to keep smelling good so they don't stink. And the last thing. Don't wear good cloths to a strip club.
I couldn't agree more. I, too, am married and, more than once, I've had to make alternate arrangements to deal with the smell of perfume after visiting a stripclub or AMP. At least for the AMP, I can stop by the gym on the way home and have a quick shower, since the perfume is on my skin, but it is a real pain to have to deal with perfume (or lipstick) on my clothes!)
Rick, spot on. I believe I know exactly the odor you're referring to. It's the one on my shirt in the laundry basket right now. :( I *did* take a shower after that night, though.
<p/>I'm just glad I don't have to hide them; the wife doesn't like that scent any more than I do, though, so they do have to get washed pretty quick. :)
Don't be too forgiving. Most dancers are not ignorant of the potential consequences. Some years back I met a dancer and we clicked from the get go. On about my third visit she became extra friendly. When I got home, covered in stench and body glitter, I looked in the mirror to discover my face completely smeared with bright red lipstick. I don't know if it was a test (I never asked) but it was most definitely intentional. BTW, she became one of the very few dancers that I agreed to date.
I don't mind a light vanilla scent but I HATE heavy floral scents that smell like the strong odors they put in spray insecticide to cover the stencho of the poisons. The WORST of these heavy perfumes smell GARDENIA-like, and makes me nauseated.
I was on a business trip a few years back and decided to hit a SC before checking into my hotel. When I went to register at the hotel, the check in lady said, "Who's been kissin' on you honey?". Seems I had a spectacular lipstick stain on my neck that stood out like a beacon. Oops. Good thing I was going to my hotel and not home. I now check carefully for any visible (and olfactory) signs of my SC experience.
Dancers wear perfume because it makes them smell sexy. It is all part of the package. When you are in the VIP and they are almost nude and they press their body against yours, you remember their scent. Yes, some perfumes smell bad to me, but worse than this are the dancers who just plain stink.
I was once in Corpus Christi on business. Went to a local club. Found a beautiful brown latina, great body, gorgeous face, probably the best dancer in the club. On the first dance I smelled a terrible odor. At first I thought it was just in our part of the club. But then I realized it was her.
Since I did not fequent clubs while I was chained I have never had hide clothes but, I have had to literaly change shirts in the parking lot from that Ea-Du-Skank to keep it out of the car ( it makes me ill). My ex sister in law (not a stripper...to fat, to UUUUgly, to stupid and to meanspirtited) borrowed my ex's car for a month and returned it wrecked with a mixture of that type of walmart $3 per gallon perfume and stale cigarette smoke in the car we never did get out. The stench was still in the car a year later when I sold it. I think It is a smoker thing that when your nose is fried out by a 2 pack and a 1/2 dozen joint a day habit it smells good to you and they bath in it after every cigarette. But what is worse is the body lotion that burns your skin. One girl in Platinum Showgirls Toledo would rub her bolt ons in your face at the stage and more than one guy at the rail had to go wash his face because their skin started to burn. I made that mistake once and kept clear after that. I always sit and chat with a girl before getting a dance and if she is wearing that crap or smells bad it is a deal breaker. I once had a real looker talk me into a dance and when she pulled aside she bottom to show me her cooch the odor just about made me puke and she was getting ready to remove her bottom at the end of the first song and rub that nasty thang on my clothes when I told her one song was enough. The only thing I can say chat and sniff.
One of my favorite dancers made sure she did not wear strong scents during our dances. She would always go into the back and get cleaned up before she would snuggle up to me. It was great not to get all of that perfume all over me. She would tell me the biggest worry for her by not wearing perfume was smelling like the odors that she picked up from stinky patrons. The last thing I'd want to do is share the sweat smells from the 300lb construction worker that got the last dance on a hot day no matter if it is on the body of a beautiful babe!
My favorite dancer of all time wear no scent at all. She just smells freshly washed and of wet pussy. Nothing better than walking away just smelling of stripper poon. Regardless, I have to agree with rickdugan on this. Stripper fumes are annoying as hell. I share an apartment with 2 very Catholic engineering students that have the nasal powers of a bloodhound.
I guess I'm one of the minority on this topic. I LOVE the stripper smell. In fact, that's one of the biggest turn ons for me during an LD. I smell her and its on. Guess I've been conditioned to like it over the years.
last comment<p/>I'm just glad I don't have to hide them; the wife doesn't like that scent any more than I do, though, so they do have to get washed pretty quick. :)
I was once in Corpus Christi on business. Went to a local club. Found a beautiful brown latina, great body, gorgeous face, probably the best dancer in the club. On the first dance I smelled a terrible odor. At first I thought it was just in our part of the club. But then I realized it was her.
Kinda ruined the whole night.
But what is worse is the body lotion that burns your skin. One girl in Platinum Showgirls Toledo would rub her bolt ons in your face at the stage and more than one guy at the rail had to go wash his face because their skin started to burn. I made that mistake once and kept clear after that.
I always sit and chat with a girl before getting a dance and if she is wearing that crap or smells bad it is a deal breaker.
I once had a real looker talk me into a dance and when she pulled aside she bottom to show me her cooch the odor just about made me puke and she was getting ready to remove her bottom at the end of the first song and rub that nasty thang on my clothes when I told her one song was enough.
The only thing I can say chat and sniff.