
How a Strip Club can Survive in Today's Economy

In today's horrible economy, one might think that it could be the death of strip clubs.&nbsp; And for some, that might be true.&nbsp; As someone who's been enjoying strip clubs for years, I'm convinced that smart club operators can survive, or even thrive in this economy. Here are two different approaches for survival for a club: <br />
<u><b>1. Take the High (Roller) Road </b></u><br />
There are still a large number of people doing well in this economy. So go after them, and build loyalty - - keep them coming back.&nbsp; Keep the place well kept, immaculately clean, with good, comfortable furniture, a good sound system, and good, quality dancers who are not only attractive, but are good conversationalists.&nbsp; <br />
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If the local ordinances forbid smoking, find a way to keep both smokers and non-smokers happy.&nbsp; Some no-smoking laws exclude private clubs. If this is the case, you can make people &quot;members&quot; for a few extra dollars, and provide a separate, well-ventilated&nbsp; room where smokers can go.&nbsp; you can separate this room from the rest of the club with a glass wall, so they'll still get to enjoy the entertainment.<br />
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Hire with care.&nbsp; This applies to cocktail servers, bartenders, bouncers, etc.&nbsp; You want them classy and customer focused.&nbsp; These people should focus on making sure that the patrons are well cared for and never feel pressured.&nbsp; They are willing to spend, but on their terms - not the club's.&nbsp; Employees should learn to recognize repeat customers, learn their names, and make them feel welcome.<br />
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<u><b>2. Offer Value</b></u><br />
Even a &quot;local neighborhood bar&quot; strip club will survive if it runs is operation right. Here are a few hints<br />
Don't &quot;nickel and dime&quot; your patrons.&nbsp; When I go to a club,&nbsp; I have a mental &quot;budget&quot; before I go.&nbsp; I like to be generous in tipping the dancers, the bartenders, and the cocktail servers.&nbsp; But, staying in my budget, these people get tipped less if i have to pay for parking, pay for coat check, etc.&nbsp; All too often, clubs try to bleed the patrons with &quot;extras&quot;.&nbsp; Here' are examples:&nbsp; I went to a club in a rural area.&nbsp; The club had an enormous lot behind it, but people couldn't park their own cars.&nbsp; They charged $7 for Valet Parking!&nbsp; In the middle of fucking nowhere!!&nbsp; Sure, you should provide valet parking... just don't make it mandatory. &nbsp; Another club had (I kid you not) a midget who was selling roses for 10 bucks apiece to give to your favorite dancer!&nbsp; Recognize that for many customers, every dollar spent on this kind of crap is a dollar less that they'll spend on drinks, dances, and tips for your employees.<br />
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Just like I recommend for the High Roller clubs, your employees should learn to recognize regular customers, learn their names.&nbsp; Everyone likes to feel special.<br />
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Don't get pushy with customers to buy drinks or to buy shots.&nbsp; I've been in places where I decide to buy a dancer a shot.&nbsp; Suddenly, the shot girl is asking if I'll buy one for her too, and for the two other dancers who've mysteriously just appeared and are celebrating a birthday... and for the bartender.&nbsp; A 5 buck shot suddenly turns into 40 bucks.&nbsp; No thank you.<br />
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So, club owners... This is your way to weather the economic storm and to keep providing &quot;stimulus&quot; to your customers!<br type="_moz" />


    14 years ago
    3.&nbsp; Expand the brand: Open an adjacent&nbsp;day care section&nbsp;so fathers with kids can attend more often.&nbsp;&nbsp; <img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/angel_smile.gif" />
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Sam: I'm going to disagree, in part, with your first point.&nbsp; While that is certainly true of some of the hard core mongers that frequent this site, my observation is that it's not quite so hard and fast for the population in general.&nbsp; Anecdotal, I know, but I've watched too many people go to the ATMs in clubs, and pay for dances with credit cards, to believe that &quot;I have this much to spend, and no more&quot; is true for the majority of strip club goers.<br />
  • macaffluent
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;Great article. &nbsp;Club management would do well to read these articles and listen to what their clientele has to say. &nbsp;I only makes sense.
  • macaffluent
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;Ooops, typo, I meant to say &quot;It only makes sense.&quot;
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