6 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onOT- migrant caravanLooks like it's 39 seats despite all the gerrymandering on your side. Also it's "rout" not "route."
6 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onWhat do you call a stripper with an opinion?Lol @the free cruises joke!
6 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onGhosted? Why would she when it was so great? Advice Please...I doubt that you're trolling @PhatBoy. My overall impression is that you're a young guy who has trouble dating in the vanilla world. I have a preconceived…
6 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onSS for PLs@Subra: " Seriously -- check that sub out, or find yourself some other arrangement forums, there's no reason to guess about this." ==================== I post occasionally to the sub you're…
9 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onLeavingDear John, Can I use your magnificently cool avatar when you're gone? The one that appears to be designed by an autistic 14-yr-old boy? Thnx, that would be…
9 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onTroll city destroying TUSCL@Call-Me: "I didn't come here expecting a Mensa Society cocktail party." I've been lurking a long time. You might not find any budding Melvilles here, but it's…
9 yrs ago •RichardFcommented onDS II^^^lighten up, micro. John is at that delicate age between manhood and dotage, which makes him an endless source of amusement.