
Comments by LuvLatinas (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    First time VIP
    I go with my instincts on what a dancer will do but as a newbie you might get burned that way, so I recommend you be more explicit. Like others have said, she won't be offended (and if she is, do you really want to do a room with a prude?) What happens over time is the dancers talk (just like we share info) so they usually know more about you than they let on, and also know what you expect in a room. This leads to a few things, some of the dancers who don't do that will take themselves out of the pool and the ones that will will approach you, but this dynamic happens over time as the dancers get to know you. Is $300 enough? Maybe maybe not. It really depends. And I second being as prepared as possible.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Last Month of Visits
    I was also there last night and saw few if any curvy or overweight girls. Sky, Alice, Vida, Sam, and Macy were all working of which none are overweight. The only ones that met the curvy description were Selena or Malibu and I personally find Selena quite hot.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
    Once is enough for Miss Nude New England
    ^Thanks for the clarification my brother!
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Still the top club in Rhode Island
    Also could Every be Emory and you misheard the name? I don't think a dancer with the name Every exists unless she is new.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Still the top club in Rhode Island
    Definitely an outlier about that dance with Carmen, she's a sweetheart. Maybe she was meeting a bf or something after, but I wouldn't take it personally.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Electric Mayhem is not just a band name
    Once is enough for Miss Nude New England
    Great review. Few notes, the situation with having to call a bouncer over is crazy. I will say it's a cultural thing with some Brazilians and they are overly touchy and friendly. Ever been to Brazil and Carnival? It may have been an English thing too and miscommunication. Regarding Channelle or someone who talks too much in the vip...this is usually done to minimize contact time because she hates her job or is feeling guilty about what she is about to do with you. Reasons could be many, but the result is usually the same..a subpar performance. Unfortunately, some of these girls hate this job or should not be in the business.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Early Friday evening with average looking dancers
    @ultrasonic It's the upstairs part. Nelly has a great detailed breakdown...quieter atmosphere, better/larger vip rooms, different food. I don't know if lots of the hotter dancers hang out there for a long period. Last time I went there it was 1 dancer with a customer and another roaming around (perhaps doing a vip) The rest came up for a few minutes looked around and left.
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Miss Nude New England
    Imo Kimmy is the best looking one in the group and should have won. She's also a very cool chick in general, I know I'm going against my screen name here lol!
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Miss Nude New England
    I was there Val won.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Desire by Day!
    I was there last Wednesday afternoon and it might have been Kayla I wanted to ask about. There was a blonde who reminded me of the 'lady in the red dress' from the matrix and she was wearing red that day. Amazing energy to her but I was there visiting my go to. Alexis I don't know nor have I seen post on ig. @loper Some of the Cubans and latinas are improving their English, so if you want to chat and have a date like experience it might be difficult but they will do this with Spanish speaking customers, so they are not impersonal so to speak but may hit you with a wanna dance off the bat.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Early Friday evening with average looking dancers
    ^ Naomi said this to me once needless to say I got no dances (not like I do many anyway)
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Great variability, depending on shift
    So if someone really likes Fantasies and Desire is there any reason to go here?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    ah, back again?
    I haven't seen Piper in a while. Last time was a Thurs night a few months ago at least, in June.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Always up, Always fun
    Summer Visits
    Very solid review! Putting one together in a similar format as the high quality ones here.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Resistance is futile
    Rollercoaster Friday
    My opinion is you can and should, tho up to the specific customer. Some dancers throw out an initial high number to see if a guy will go for it but will take less. Remember you tend to get locked in to that rate so if you want to see a dancer again, not negotiating can cost you cash in the long run. I also don't believe what guys say they are paying online. Personally, sometimes I do and other times I don't.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Anyone Seen Cali?
    I read somewhere she left but that may not be accurate. Was she Brazilian?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Day shift on the weekends… Saturday in particular
    One of the first times I ever went it was Saturday during the day, it was really good. It has been a few months.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'm not clear on what some of the posts above are about, but wanted to chime in on the request for more reviews and information. I know guys want to know if certain dancers are worth it to not waste cash, but there's not a good way to know until you engage with them yourself. I see things posted online like a really fuzzy map, that changes all the time, and could be completely wrong. Case in point, I've had good experiences with dancers who were called out as bad. There are so many variables, time of day, chemistry, if she's single or not, mood etc. Not to mention the source of the information. I suspect at times certain negative things may have come from jealous dancers or exes, or just totally made up. This changes if you know the person well. I can trust my friend to give an accurate play by play of a VIP. TL;DR The information is just a map, but to really get the lay of the land you have to hike the territory yourself. It's also way more fun that way, and isn't that what we are here for? Just my 2 cents.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Day by Day…
    I saw V the other night. Description is accurate, very slender and hot Brazilian. I saw some guys call her over and then not get a dance, she disappeared to the dressing room and left soon after. Don't get the Nickelback hate lol.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Safe and Harmless
    ^ you won't be disappointed.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Safe and Harmless
    Is this a new Amy (Amie)? The one I knew was latina and she said was from out west but it's been a while. Remy seems like a cool girl, haven't talked to her much however.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any intel on the following dancers?
    Maria is a tall AA. Hungry it seems that on this site more information is passed through PM. There are other boards where the information is more out in the open.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Rhode Island
    Totally dead
    I counted 3 dancers on the floor in addition to two bartenders. I think the blonde was named Salem. It was totally empty that night. I have been to Desire but need to go more often since it seems it takes time to be accepted into that circle.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Several visits, lame "amateur" night, and a general Providence slowdown...
    Just posted reviews for fantasies and cadillac, same thing. Both were almost totally dead. I don't know if this is an indicator of an economic crash but something is going on for sure.