The only way to really know how a girl would perform for you is to try her yourself. PLs will have different experiences with the same girls. YMMV is a real thing when clubbing.
Just as in real life, girls have types. If a girl is into a PL moreso than another PL, the PL that is her type will get more action.
What the fuck are you talking about Douchebag? Enough with the acronyms already. What the fuck is a PL?!?!? Some of you assholes love to jump all over someone just for asking how a dancer is in the CR. What the fuck else is this board for you moron?!?!?? This is supposed to be like Consumer Reports for strippers. So if you don’t have anything useful to share shut the fuck up!
last commentIf the Maria of whom you speak is a petite AA with a pretty face and a great body...
Two tries got me nowhere.
Just as in real life, girls have types. If a girl is into a PL moreso than another PL, the PL that is her type will get more action.
Hungry it seems that on this site more information is passed through PM. There are other boards where the information is more out in the open.