
Comments by JSmith80

discussion comment
2 years ago
Heavy Metal
SirLapdancealot! That's got to be one of the best user names I've come across. Cheers to you sir.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Trips Vs Strips
I'll definitely check it out. I've always avoided Mexico due to the cartels and the crazy shit that is possible to go down but perhaps it's in my head. What about you? Have you been? Any plans of venturing out?
discussion comment
2 years ago
Trips Vs Strips
wallanon, thank you for your response. "At least they couldn't any more. I didn't get all emo about it, but I did get used to clubbing solo. Unless I'm at the club with my old school buddies or a TUSCLer who knows his way around, me being in the club with other people is just social." You are right. I have also began venturing out and it's just odd in terms of dollars being dropped. As someone who has been to all the main destinations, sometimes the morning after is just too much to handle in retrospect. I've been better adapting as of late but only time will tell. I've never been TJ but I heard it's amazing. I just don't have the balls to that solo. Perhaps, I will have to. Anyway, thanks for your response wallanon. Godspeed. - John Smith, lol.
review comment
2 years ago
Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Breathless Hit ir Miss? Miss this time
This, again, sounds like another AJ. By that I mean dollar trains and blue balls. I hope I am wrong. I will visit and report back. Might just need to save the money and book a flight to Cartagena.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Your body compared to hers
In any strip club, cash is king. With that said, I think in the natural order of things, men prefer to be taller than their woman. Clocking in at 5'9", I'm short and slim. Never had any issues as long as the bills I presented had dead, American presidents on them. As far as lap dances go, there is something to be said for chemistry. Your mileage will certainty go farther if you and the dancer have chemistry; as in if she wasn't stripping and a "normal" girl, she would find you attractive. Hygiene also goes a long way. My two cents. Godspeed gentlemen.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Strip club locations that are actually pretty safe and nonsense free
In my honest opinion, the more "risky" the location, the better time you will have. Not perfect science but in my experience there is a correlation. That said, you have to know your surroundings and blend in.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Heavy Metal
Metallica - Master of Puppets
discussion comment
2 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Miss Universe 2023
Not ugly by any stretch of the imagination. However, as the adage goes, different strokes for different folks. We're in America people. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmiss-usa-2023-i-dont-know-why-shes-receiving-alot-of-hate-v0-n92vb138swca1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1200%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1d04ac95c7e2cf7755ff2614890ff84cfe61690d&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=71cbe58183be37fb5a395a16a644156ab641aa1345405c2eecdbd957de4950bc&ipo=images
review comment
2 years ago
From Dominican Republic With Love.
This place sounds like another AJs; dollar trains and blue balls. Also, in my opinion, the dudes calling this an ad have never seen an actual ad.