
Comments by ahhhhhvocado (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    Sorry, what’s stripperborg hive mind?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer adds your social media or phone number?
    @Papi, wrt to your first comment, yes I do get social media and/or #’s OTC from non-strippers. With that said, it’s usually after building some type of rapport or trust, even at the bars/nightclubs. With some women I’ve had to build more rapport, with others less, it all depends
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Slow weekend, very little interaction, but amazing dancer
    I agree with you Scrub, the clubs here are ass compared to the mainland, there's no denying that
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should I submit a new review or add comment to existing one?
    Club 939
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should I submit a new review or add comment to existing one?
    Thanks nicespice! And thanks again, Papi! I’ll submit a new review today then
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Busy, party SC on a Saturday night
    @Papi_Chulo, Thank you for that explanation wrt club mileage, extras, ROI, etc. It makes more sense now why YMMV in all the clubs here. That's a bummer wrt the Atl clubs. I'll make sure to check TUSCL first (or ask the bouncer/door-person if I don't have time), then confirm the house price with the dancer rather than asking. Yes, I agree, pretty sure there are no extras at any of the clubs here. Maybe once in a blue moon, but I guess it isn't common bc of so many tourists coming through? Who knows.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Busy, party SC on a Saturday night
    Yes, I used the term "mainland" bc I was raised in HI- that's what we call the states. Many of my friends born and raised in the contiguous 48 states refer to it as the mainland too. Anything else?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    Ah, that makes sense. Yes, I agree, that’s probably what’s happening with the HI clubs.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    @Papi_Chulo, Here’s an article that explains it better: https://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2004/10/11/focus1.html Note, this article is from 2004- at the time lap dances were not allowed but you could get a private dance as long as the dancer was 18 inches from the ground and you did not touch the dancer. It’s much different now lol.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    Sorry for the confusion. A PD in Hawaii is a lap dance. All the ones I’ve had here have involved intense grinding, some topless, some nude. From what I know Hawaii had this law that didn’t allow for any touching during dances, both on stage and private. I think it was just air dancing for the longest time. However, I just found out recently that the state is more relaxed about it now and LDs are in every club on the island now. Latinlover69 did a good job of explaining it in his review for Club Femme Nu. But yea, sorry about always using “PD” to describe them, I’ll use LD from now on
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    @Electronman, I forgot to add I wouldn’t be surprised if that thing I heard and read about mileage (no extras) going further here than the other clubs is true bc this club does not have a bar
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    @Electronman, Stage show is fully nude after a few tips. Nude on stage happened here after I tipped ~$8-10 worth of 1’s. All the major clubs in HI are fully nude on stage. As far as LDs, I can’t speak to that as I did not get any. I definitely plan on getting one soon though when I go again. I’ll add a comment about it’s pricing and mileage to this review once I do. However, from what I’ve heard from friends and read on TUSCL, the price may vary here (and is slightly more pricey than the rest on the island) and the mileage here can go further than other clubs (no extras though). Again, this is only what I’ve heard and read.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Busy, party SC on a Saturday night
    Just wanted to point that out in case anyone else thinks I’m a promoter or troll
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Busy, party SC on a Saturday night
    I know the rest of y’all probably can tell I’m legit and not a promoter or LE. But @desertscrub, like I commented in a previous HI club review I am a legit custy who just got into clubbing a couple weeks ago. I’m based in the mainland (first east coast, now Midwest) but family is in Hawaii, so I’m wfh here currently
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    @desertscrub I just joined Tuscl a week or two ago and all of my reviews are of Hawaii clubs bc I’m from here and am currently living here. I’m based in the mainland (East coast and Midwest at one point) but am currently working from home in Hawaii. Once I go back I’ll make sure to go to the big clubs there and review them.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    High-end party, smaller than most SCs, unique vibe
    Oh shit, my bad. Thanks for that, Papi. I was hesitant to use LD bc LDs are illegal in Hawaii whereas PDs are not… go figure. But I’ll use LD from now on
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Busy, party SC on a Saturday night
    Thanks for the tips. Within the PD itself, I've always gotten 2-WC (with permission from the dancer) and can touch anywhere except for the kitty (idk what word crosses the line on TUSCL when describing that area). However, one of the dancers told me that it depends on the dancer- that many dancers here do not allow touching- hence YMMV. And no kissing or FK/DFK, at least from my experience. I'm not sure about extras. I wouldn't be surprised if there are no extras since most of the customers here are tourists and do not come here more than once or twice (or the duration of their stay). Thanks for that advice about the tip rail, that makes a lot of sense. I've always tipped there but it's fun to sometimes just sit in the back and see many tourists get heckled by the DJ for milking the show. One thing I noticed in all the clubs was whenever I would go up to tip a dancer of interest (~$5, mayyyyybe 10, no more) and immediately go back to my table/bench she was more likely to come up to me and strike a casual, no "buy me drinkie", conversation and would take much longer to push for PDs and drinks. The few times I have stayed at the rail (in any club) and tipped dancers ($30+), every one of those dancer have not come back and move on to other customers. Yea, as far as price, cover charges for Hawaii clubs are relatively cheap ($10-13) but everything inside is very expensive. I think club 939 dancer drinks are $20 per but the rest of the clubs do $40 per. You mentioned club price- what's the best way to find that out? Just research on TUSCL/Reddit beforehand?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Slow weekend, very little interaction, but amazing dancer
    Dude I promise you it’s not a club ad. Why would I write about the negative aspects. You can ask me anything here or in private message if you want me to prove that I’m a customer who went there
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I had a bad time
    Good review. Dude, $20 per dance is very affordable. Here in Hawaii the minimum price is $40. It’s higher at the more upscale places like 939 and Ballarinas. And drink service is king here, so another $40 minimum (excluding your own drink).