
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 128)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not sure what to do about a dancer who disappeared
    Tincan, wtf brother! I just checked your profile and your posts are all about naming specific dancers and asking people if theyve seen them! But you’re here advising me, on a thread where i didnt even name the club or dancer! What the hell brother! Lol...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not sure what to do about a dancer who disappeared
    Tincan I have, i dont know why you call her a snowflake. Her fucking has nothing to do with her dancing unfortunately. Tinczn how do you know she’s getting fucked by multiple people. You mean her clients? Maybe she only fucks her boyfriend? Comon brother, you seem Too angry. I cant go searching for her thats creepy! Another thought, I doubt she would move to another club or anything, she just moved to the area. Doubt shed quit. It has to be her boyfriend or her being deported or going back brazil etc. another dancer already told me, she comes in randomly every few months possibly cuz of her bf
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    CJ Kent I think this is not good, I think you have some stalking tendencies or perhaps experiences or friends, and you are assuming things about people without evidence. Were this not an anonymous board you would be getting sued for defamation for all kinds of things You stated “You need to once in a while recognize that YES, YOU ARE kind of an stalker, who thinks that women consent doesn’t matter. It may be a cultural thing, because in the 🇺🇸 USA, we are aware that 1 in 3 women have experienced stalking victimization at some point in their lifetime. Stalkers nowadays use technology to monitor, track, and/or spy on the victim. Stalking is a crime under the laws of the 50 states, District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, and Federal government.” Good thing i dont use technology to monitor, track or spy on people, instead i just use it to look at hot chicks. And i look at them in person too, and unfortunately its not illegal. Show me a single example where ive said a womans consent doesnt matter. I literally said I would be willing to have the manager hand my number to that brazilian, in which case I would be receiving none of her information whatsoever. Cj kent i think you may be a much bigger stalker than many on this board... Cj kent, speculating what happened to a dancer who made $1000 her first night doesn’t fall under stalking.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    No not always but a deloitte analyst or analyst at consulting firm likely will always be one. There are internal analysts too. If youre a client facing employee at deloitte, you’ll be an employee of deloitte but an independent contractor working for google or whoever your client is. And usually in the client facing position your employer will be charging way more for you than what they actually pay you, thats how they make their money.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    “^ Yes the hiring of consultants Is common, his description of an analyst as an employee provided by one firm to another is a completely different issue, you are saying pretty much what I am saying, BTE is not.” Twentyfive, an analyst is a consultant. Same thing. Bitcoinhodler is saying the same thing im saying... Consultant to employee jump is talking about the deloitte consultant jumping to a google or bank of America employee for instance I havent seen an example with google but i have seen it happen with numerous other tech or finance companies, especially with managers. For instance one person was working with bank of america, and BoA gave them a significantly higher offer to work for them directly. And while it is significantly higher pay for the consultant, BoA would actually be saving lots of money For most of these larger accounting consulting firms, they are charging companies $200 an hour to use their employees, but only paying those employees $40 an hour. So the other company could come in, offer the employee $60 or $80 an hour But it doesnt matter too much since the consulting companies find new people and repeat the process
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Thats incorrect given the thousands of people who get hired by the banks or even government agencies they were formerly contractors for. Maybe its different in construction, and different when it comes to subcontract companies And it doesnt really matter if you want to nitpick when it comes to consultants, there are still car mechanics, strippers, escorts, gym trainers who do this. And sure it isnt allowed by the companies they employ, but thats why its done secretly and many trainers continue their regular jobs while also having private clients. Some escorts or trainers become totally independent if they can attain enough independent clients
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    CJ kent ill make a deal with you, quote something specific I said, not your interpretation of it, or not your rehashing of it, quote me something specific I stated that you think is wrong or excessive, and ill go and get therapy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    Cj Kent, yoire confused. This is a stripper, who i never wanted a relationship with. Your 1. Doesnt make sense. 2. Lol, constantly thinks about, maybe. That’s subjective. There is no love oriented, vengefulness or anger that’s absolute nonsense. Show me where I was in love or anger. 3. CJ Kent, this has nothing to do with rejection, nor did I ever face rejection from this stripper. You seem confused, i got a dance from her, and would like more dances or otc, but thats it. 4. Subjective, i think my skills seem superior to yours. 5. Where do you get this nonsense from? Show me where i was in love with the brazilian or want any kind of revenge. Wtf? Cj kent, i think those traits unfortunately apply to you much more than me. CJ kent, you literally stalk and harass hundreds of random people on internet websites, your problems are much more serious and long ranging than mine. On the other hand, i dont have a single stalking victim, and the stalkiest thing ive done is looked at someone’s Facebook photos or looked at some hot chick on the street while driving. Cj kent, where was I jealous? Was I jealous of her boyfriend? Comon now. You need to get serious help my friend. You’re actively stalking people on random internet websites, which is far beyond even the real life stalkers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    No deloitte cant file a lawsuit are you kidding me twentyfive did you just pull that out of nowhere...? Now yoire just making things up. That scenario with google and deloitte happens everyday, regularly and deloitte cant go after them. No this is how it works ill spell it out since you keep claiming it somehow isn’t applicable or relevant. If your looking for an analyst you can post a listing online searching for one. Or you can go to deloitte or big 4 and get one for $200 an hour. Eventually if you establish a relationship you could directly pay that deloitte analyst and pay just $100 an hour. If your looking for a stripper you could pay her $300 an hour in the club. Or eventually you could pay her directly and pay $150 or more an hour. You could pay golds gym trainer $200 an hour or you could pay them privately and pay $50 an hour. So i dont know whats so hard to understand about this concept twentyfive, you are either arguing for the sake of arguing, or incapable or too arrogant to admit wjen youre wrong. It doesnt matter what industry, or job or anything you’re talking about anytime you have a situation with a middleman where one company is paying one person for something but charging consumers much higher price, you create a scenario where consumers may deal directly with the workers you had. It happens not just with strippers, it happens also with escorts who work via escort agencies, and it also happens even with car mechanics, and consultants, tech workers, gym trainers and more. In fact it even happens with nike shoes, sometimes nike shoes are available much cheaper directly from the nike website compared to footlocker or another retail store. Yeah twentyfive except most dancers wanting money will do both things as you should already know, they will offer OTC and possibly otc lapdances while also remaining in the club. They benefit from the club because they get exposure to new clients, and then they can also do otc with established clients. If strippers or deloitte workers had funding to create their own club or company they obviously wouldnt be working as a stripper or consultant. So the fact is, if the club is keeping a crazy amount like half, or even 25% of a dancers dance fees that will create a potential where dancers will do more OTC and deal directly with clients. It doesnt hapoen with every dancer, cuz obviously the dancers have to trust the client not to expose them, and have to trust the client. So its not about whats legal or not or right or not, but the fact is people will engage in private arrangements if given the opportunity and incentives. It happens very often with dancers, trainers, escorts and everything mentioned before.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Rick i have mentioned previously the reasons for lapdances OTC There is incentive if the club keeps a big portion of lapdance fees. So an OTC lapdance would let you get more time for the same amount of $ or pay less The lapdance could also be higher mileage. In places where clubs require thongs for instance, a private lapdance could be full nude. The car or mall fitting room lapdance has the advantages of convenience, and safety, and no fees Rick, im not a troll
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    Cj kent, You may have been a stalker or creeper in the past or present, but it doesnt mean every man thinks that way does it? I didnt ask for her personal info now did I? I didnt ask where she works, i didnt ask for her address, nor where she hangs out. I didnt even ask for her number, I instead proposed me giving my name number to the manager who then contacts me or passes the info on to her, which purely puts power in her hands to decide. A creep on the other hand would desperately be trying to get her number, address, new workplace, hangout spots, etc Cj kent, me speculating over why a dancer who made $1000 on a monday night suddenly disappeared, is not stalking. You would need to show the information being used for nefarious or stalking purposes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How many times did you see a dancer before OTC came up or was arranged?
    Daily grind, new meat meaning someone you met for first time Or like a new worker at the club
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    CJkent , instead of defining stalkerism, do you want to point out examples of something I specifically said or did, which is stalking? Surely you would habe examples of this? No, Cjkent, you see , if I ask a dancer when she’ll be at club next , if she does OTC, her number, what foods she likes, then I know why im asking those things. There might be creeps on the internet who ask dancers for OTC or when theyll work in order to do creepy shit, but thankfully im morally superior. If I do have a stalking problem, please advise what the stalking problem is and what can be done to correct it. So you’re advising I should never ask dancers about otc, never ask wjen theyll work, never ask their phone number, ? Funny thing is, i have had dancers offer on their own, their number and when theyll work , without me asking! Funny how that works doesnt it , kent
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Georg you mentioned this I'm still in contact with quite a few dancers who aren't dancing anymore. They range from good friends to someone who might fuck me one day. I used to talk to my ATF quite a lot, and for quite a few years, after she quit.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Wallanon im not sure. Her personality is better than most other dancers. How long does it take after seeing a dancer before otc comes up?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    CJ kent, i see your point but you may want to provide specific examples Viewing social media profiles in itself isn’t stalking. Unless you’re viewing them, to try to find someones whereabouts or address to then stalk them further. Asking about OTC, when theyll be at the club next, their phone number, isnt in itself stalking. It depends why the questions are being asked, and what the asker intends to do with the information
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Twentyfive, the value of a club is that clients and dancers have a safe, legal place to meet. The more a client and dancer knows each other the more value the club loses, hence all the OTC. The situation with strippers is almost exactly the situation that occurs with escort agencies. Many escorts who work for agencies, if theu trust the client enough, will give the client their personal number and arrange stuff without the agency so they directly pay the escort. Of course they met through the agencu, but with time and trust they move outside the agency. Its the same with personal trainers, consultants/contractors... contractors many times will start working directly for the company they were previously contracting with Dancers cant afford to open a storefront. Neither can milk companies open costco or target, neither can consultants open up a deloitte. Twentyfive, just to clarify i am talking about dancers where the club keeps a lot of their fees from dances. Like they charge customers $400 and the dancer only keeps half. That is almost exactly like the situation where, deloitte charges google $200 an hour for an analyst that they only pay $40 an hour. Then you see cases where eventually the deloitte employee quits and works directly at google for $100 an hour or something. So if the dancer only has to pay like $20 or $40 fee and otherwise keeps all her earnings from dances, its not so relevant. Clubs are adding value but the value dissipates the more trust an individual client and dancer gain for each other. Clubs main value is providing a safe legal venue to meet.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    “I asked you where’s are you originally from, because different countries have different believes/behavior/cultures, so my question is about your ancestry and if you are first generation or second generation in the USA, and that helps to understand your point of view. However more important is for YOU to know and understand that: "It's not up to you to decide if you're an asshole (stalker who thinks that women privacy doesn’t matter), it's up to everybody else (and the women being stalked)"” Actually, people can feel stalked from anything, ive felt stalked just from someone walking behind me at a grocery store or sidewalk. It isn’t really relevant to what is stalking Unfortunately for your case, im not like the creeps on here or the internet. Im morally superior, to the point its astronomically superior. I dont ask girls where they live, where they hang out The only thing i do which could be considered stalking, is looking at social media pictures/profiles... Asking dancers about OTC, asking for their number, asking when theyll be in the club, isn’t stalking. Maybe there are creeps who ask for OTC because they want to abuse or beat or stalk women. Maybe there are creeps who ask for phone numbers for stalking purposes. Maybe there are creeps who ask when they’ll be in the club for stalking purposes. Maybe creeps ask what kind of food they like for stalking purposes. However, these things in themselves aren’t indicative of stalking.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Its not subjective or debatable, anytime you have one company charging a higher price but paying their employees only a portion of that price, you end up with cutting out the middleman situation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Twentyfive you obviously dodnt read the other examples Yeah and neither would google find consultants without deloitte, neither would people find trainers without gyms, neither would consumers find milk companies without the grocery store, etc... Its all cutting out the middleman and happens everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do dancers and civvies who dont do OTC change their tune if offered enough
    Mr Dugan some women do charge thousands, often its the pornstar escorts... i guess with dancers this varies The thing is some dancers can make $1000 a night especially Friday or Saturday So if you’re asking them to do overnight with you on one of those nights, they may want $1000+
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not sure what to do about a dancer who disappeared
    “So many red flags in the OP's comment. I dont know much about you, but its common for brazilians girls to dance a few times without telling thier husband or boyfriend to earn some extra cash. I'm just going to assume that you are drunk and horned up and not thinking straight. Take accountability for this loss and stop looking for her. 1 its stalking. Dancing isnt a long term career for many girls especially brazilians girls. 2 continuining to pine for a girl when someone told you she has a boyfriend is pure lunancy. Your time would be best spend taking amtrak to boston or jersey where brazilians are common. And before than working on your ability to take down numbers for future fun. IF she was that much fun” What are the red flags...? What does that even mean. Yea i mean on here many claim brazilians dance and cheat etc. i dont have personal experience there. Its not really stalking to ask if she does otc or ask when she’s working. Stalking would be, trying to find her address, tryig to find where she shops, works out, hangs out etc, trying to get her number, etc. wondering why she disappeared isn’t stalking either friend. I dont know what you mean by pining for her, i wanted dances or otc from her, not a relationship...i think people are assuming too many things based on their experience, or assumptions, or something else. Some of these responses wouldn’t happen without assumptions I am sorry my friend but i am way too wary, smart, whatever you want to call it, to enter into a relationship with most of the dancers i have seen...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not sure what to do about a dancer who disappeared
    “Brother if she had options she wouldn't dance in a club in Baltimore. The hottest dancers in the DMV either move to NY or the clubs in DC/Virginia. She danced and changed her mind, next time ask for her Facebook/Instagram as way to keep in touch and not be creepy. Believe it or not, your angel/snowflake is getting fucked right now by multiple people and she doesn't care want your concern. Take the loss and move on, we've all been there” Tincan... what the hell are you talking about? I literally admitted, given her behavior in dances im pretty sure she does OTC. I didnt ask her about otc back then. If she has a boyfriend, maybe she doesnt do otc. Tincan, i wouldnt be so certain she changed her mind. Its more likely that she got deported, fleed back to brazil, or her boyfriend stopped her. I doubt an immigrant making $1000 on a monday quits after one day
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Not sure what to do about a dancer who disappeared
    Jacks4thson, already debunked before my friend. I didn’t ask her any personal questions at all, other than when she would be at the club again. And no, the club has safety in bouncers and managers, so girls who make $1000 on a weekday don’t stop coming to the club just because some creepy guy is there. But hey man, if you want, im almost 99% certain you look and act more creepy than me and probably follow dancers to their cars. Tell me which personal questions i asked her. When she’s working? Lol. Docsavage, the problem is this is the internet and some people are desperate to troll, or just need to take anger out. I didnt take the time to type oit every little detail, and many dont appear to be reading the post either. I am already seeing a different stripper.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    No longer getting dances, but continuing to talk to your ATF in the club?
    Mike, Are you referring to OP , or the post i made to omega If its regarding omegas comments, this may not be ideal for you, but the concept of cutting out the middleman exists in every industry. I mentioned numerous examples. Even high level companies like google engage in this. So everyone is a bargain hunter apparently, even billionaires