
Comments by MeNotYou2 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Proper etiquette outside a club. And inside
    Oh that was never an opritunity…. The regret was not hooking up with the sister but that was never an opritunity either. As we never were single at the same time. No about the only regret I have goes a lot farther back and has to do with someone different… Mostly I was just wondering what folks considered proper…. And I was curious to see if I could get a bit more activity going on the forums. Back in the day I used yo be active on a bee forums that have long since gone the way of the dodo. Ah good old twosheds….
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Proper etiquette outside a club. And inside
    Yeah, I can see how things could very. And while I don’t advertise I don’t have to worry about fallout. My work and my family and friends would not be adversely effected. If anything it would maybe prove which side I play for… :) And yes she was pretty hot. About 5-10. Curly auburn hair athletic figure. And the sister was pretty nice but the dancer was more ummmm. Bitchy. That was how I knew which was which. That being said I would have taken a ride if offered but she wanted to avoid me so I didn’t push it. Oddly my ATF tried a couple times (I had hinted that I was acquainted with her, and apparently the dancer told my ATF that she new me OTC. And mrt ATF had a minor thing for girls e dry once in a while so so she wanted to get together just the three of us but that never happened.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    “Of course, he ended up using a public restroom in New Delhi, and they had to cut off his leg. Heh. But he got there cheap.” – Eurotrip
    I remember when the VIP was open air. You tried to get the smaller section to the right as you went up as it was a bit more secluded. Or the extremly far left. Of course the DJ Booth was not down by the stage then. The downside was the public viewing the upside was you could get a really good idea of what a dancer allowed. And back then that was an issue as it ranged from no touch to anything goes. I have not been to Boggies in a couple years with family issues and the covid mess, but now as things have changed I will have to try it again. I wonder if the bouncers are the same they were like a fixture in the place. Had been there for years and years and years. Heck the bouncers had been there longer then some of the Dancers…. :) But the diamond in the rough is the big point of this place. You try and actively avoid some dancers while looking for the diamond. Often you get a dancer that is either just starting out or who is just passing through. Back in the day you also got the good looking dancers that were to “dirty” for other clubs. Turn that does not seam to be an issue now. I on e encountered an 18 year old dancing here. She was a spinner and very new to the game (I think I met her on her second night ever) but she was very very enthusiastic. So miracles do happen. Just not often
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Proper etiquette outside a club. And inside
    I mostly tried to ignore the sister at the club, but being as i was a regular well before she started dancing I figured that it was up to her what to do. Just because she wanted to dance there was not (imho) reason enough for me to stop going yo my favorite club. Also by the time she was dancing at the club I was no longer working with her sister or really even talking with her. And being a single guy I could care less who knows I go to the clubs. So I never had a worry about that.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dating "civvies" vs strippers....
    First off most women “cost money”. Movies, dinners, candy and flowers all cost money. And divorces are expensive. And some states after you get divorced you still have to pay them and not get to sleep with them. I sometimes think women dislike prostitution because it brings down the value of sex… I know a guy (reasonably well off) who was married about 8 years and figured out it would have been noticeably cheaper to have hired pros for sex then the cost he ultimately paid… As for dating dancers…. I have a buddy that when we were younger dated a couple dancers. One he met in the club and a couple others he met though various folks that he knew who were connected to the clubs. But invariably the dancers were all horrible at managing money and burned through cash like it was water. They were always asking favors of him and anyone else they thought they could use. I avoided going out with one dancer who wanted to because she was always hitting up everyone for favors and or so called loans. I figured that even though she was a hot gorgeous spinner. It would ultimately be cheaper to just pay someone and not have to deal with the Bagage was a bounus. That being said a couple other friends had relationships that were pretty much just as bad. So I don’t think the issue is being a dancer make them bad people or bad partners but that a lot of women that have qualities that are undesirable in a partner get into dancing. If you understand what I am saying. But that is the opinion of MeNotYou.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What are the chances of dying while taking a crap?
    I had a neighbor that died while on the thrown. So it does happen. He was in his last 50s.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    I don’t really care what you call it but there are a fair number of folks that have similar issues. The scale ranges from socially ocward to extremely shy to having trouble interacting an all the way yo can’t hardly function. These folks often share similar trades such as a tendency to have issues with some foods from a taste or texture perspective to having increasing level of trouble communicating. And so on and so forth. At this point in History they are often referred to as Autistic or being on the spectrum (a reference to the extreme range of oh effected folks are by this). At one point Apsberger Syndrom (sp?). Was the preferred term. We are seeing NeroDivergent starting to be used more. Does this mean we understand what is going on? Probably not. Frankly psychiatry is a long way from truly understanding anything much less this. But that does not mean that there is not an issue. Just because mankind did not have our knowledge 1000 years ago did not mean that gravity didn’t exist and that atoms were non existent. You fell off a cliff a thousand years ago you still fell. And just because we don’t understand why these people have issues does not mean they don’t have issues. In WW1 they knew nothing about PTSD but folks still suffered from it. I know way to many people on various ends of this spectrum to just write it off as not existing. But to the original point. It would all depend on the person in question. I have a few friends and coworkers who have kids that have problems with noice and light so if the person has that then stay far far away. But if the person is mostly just having relatively minor social issues that is a bit different. I am highly functional with most social issues nit understanding subltle clues and that kind of thing and I used to be a regular at the clubs. As the post far above said it can really help as in a club you don’t need to interpret “clues “ that I usually either miss or miss interpret. But from the way the OP describes the person my guess is they would be a bad fit.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Dependable, keep your expectations in check
    I have never figured out the point of the tickets. I messed up once a few years back and lost the ticket and the waitress acted like I had kicked her cat. I was a regular back then, and the other waitress told her to leave me be but I still don’t get the point of the ticket..