avatar for GoatSign6

Comments by GoatSign6

review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Johnadums
No Bueno - Lección aprendida
DAMMMN!!!!!! You got GOT!!!!!!! $300 for a tease???!!! I’ve seen the black girls in there and most are Magic City and Blue Flame rejects. To your point though stick with the Latinas in a majority Latina club or rock with the white girls champ.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Cravemybbc
Bucket List…Check!
This dude said “I so want to give the details but won’t,” then says “the meat was juicy.” Lmao!!! That’s as detailed as it gets.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Birdie_Boxxx
Cuban Drizzle Crisis
The title is dope lol
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
Vivide Winter '23 Update
@Morbuxxx… Talk your talk man. I appreciate the info no matter how long or short *pause.* The more info the more it helps what to look out for and how much cash I will spend.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for JoeyB13
Worst SC value in US
Said it once and I’ll say it again: VIRGINIA IS NOT A PLACE FOR STRIP CLUBBING!!!! Save your money and make the trip to ATL or MIA/TAMPA. $150 will get you a long way down south.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for GoatSign6
You’re Only A Customer
@Buck… Yo an HJ is a big win for this place lol. Man I was happy just to get an actual lap dance and for her actually being into me. There’s no way I’ll do VIP in this place but next time I go I will indirectly beg and plea to see if I can get a date with this chic lol.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Jigsaw1225
Vivide could be Follies 2.0 if ran right
You went during a shift change my friend on a Tuesday. Bad move.
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for fla_funmeister
Miami Florida
God, I miss Follies
Fantasy is gorgeous. Great choice.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for GoatSign6
Caught Up
@will42…. Hell yea it was. I left a little after 4. Definitely a huge crowd.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for spidersense
Know When to Fold ‘Em
@Evasparkling…Lmao!!!! Oh no doubt I remember. It’s just this review reminded me of a couple you wrote once upon a time that’s all. They’re always entertaining.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for spidersense
Know When to Fold ‘Em
No disrespect but this is some funny shit. He named all the songs with the artist lmao. I’m starting to think this is Evasparkling or if not his long lost brother.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for steveee_
Afternoon at platinum!!
@Will.. “Dick Out” dance lmao. Y’all some wild dudes
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for STnR
Little Havana. Platinum Infused Vivide.
*It could be* sorry for the typo.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for STnR
Little Havana. Platinum Infused Vivide.
@gold…Lol good point but this is internet/street talk my friend. I could be trafficking or something that went down prior to their earnings at the club. The liquor license story appears to be more credible because that’s always been the issue with Platinum and apparently Follies too.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for STnR
Little Havana. Platinum Infused Vivide.
Platinum got raided. Word on the street is that there was suspicion of some Latinas fresh off the boat may have been minors. Also, apparently the owner for Diamond and Vivide got pinched for embezzlement. Not sure how true this is because it’s street talk but don’t be surprised if all these spots get shut down and find it’s way back to life at another venue.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for RockAllNight
Excellent Ratio of Dancers to Customers on a Thursday afternoon
@Rock…Just some advice my guy, you could have just said she called you the “N word” and we would have comprehended. You could have gotten a “very minuscule pass” if you had spelled it with ending in “ga.” All in all… be careful with what you say or repeat in these ATL streets. Them boys be clappin’ and that’s not slang for standing o’s or stds smh.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Manthedan
Decent visit with a good ending
$300 for an HJ? Smh
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for PrinceC
Hit or miss
As much as I can’t stand demeanor I gotta go with Dessert on this one. All strippers are hungry for cash. That’s the objective lol
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Debabakeh
Afternoon;good/great, late night; say your prayers...
Tattletale is the best night spot but if you're looking for AA women forget it. Beautiful bunnies and latinas though. Oasis is a good night spot also but depending on what you're looking for in VIP be careful.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for dawgman
Not for me
I gotta side with Dawg even though I understand Shadow’s point. Vivide to me personally is the better venue (not sure why everyone is tripping over couches) but Platinum has waaaay better talent and action on a consistent basis.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Why do most strippers consider kissing more intimate than sex?
Women (dancers or “common girls”) are the most confusing creatures on this planet. My ATF kisses me nonstop when I visit and naturally it’s misleading but considering she’s taken I realize it’s still just a business mixed with some favoritism. As some have said I think some will do this to show appreciation for not treating them as if they are only a sex object and others do it to manipulate. Mr. Sparkling’s post just gave me an idea for a topic related to this one. Good question sir.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
My 80th birthday bash.
Happy Birthday Shadow. Capricorn team all day. I read in the discussions you’d be out there and wanted to drop by and buy you a drink but been tied up with work. I’m sure we’ll cross paths eventually.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for GoatSign6
Viva Las Vegas
Desertchump is the Skip Bayless of this forum. @TFP… I wanted to check out that “Rhino” place but the cover charge is $50 and not messing with that. May peep it next go round depending on how much I win or lose from gambling lol.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for GoatSign6
Viva Las Vegas
@Papi…Happy New Year OG. This was a spur of the moment trip. I went in there playing it safe because $25 for a dance is a bit steep but once I scoped the place out I ran with it. Believe me in the A I’m already prepared lol.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Garfield84
Tattletales From the Crypt
@Garfield. Well written sir. It’s been a while since I chilled there but I have to 2nd your comment about chics ignoring you for their regulars or just ignoring you period. It took me a few tries and eventually I found of few of all shades to come rock with me every time I go. It can be annoying but compared to Pony, I’d go TT all day.