
Comments by Hunter2019 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Salty.Nutz - This California dime must really be something if she is better than Stephanie at BSC.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Cave Creek, Arizona
    Tuesday Evening Visit 6/9/20
    Heellover, - I have never been to Blue Moon, this Dulce is AA. Also this is not the same Jersey that is currently dancing at Bourbon Street Circus. This Jersey previously danced at Centerfolds. After the incident in Jan 2017 she moved to Bliss. In early 2019 Jersey moved to Xplicit. I hear she sometimes dances at Cheetah's now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I just submitted a review for Bliss which I visited last night.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    The review just got published. I don't know if the review is accurate because this same person wrote a review about this club a couple years ago and said that his tire got slashed. He may have it in for the club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I just read an unpublished review for a Phoenix Club which mentioned a Positive Covid -19 at a club.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Cave Creek, Arizona
    Friday Afternoon Visit 6/5/20
    Heellover - Also be on the lookout for Saki. She is Filipino and gives excellent floor dances.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Cave Creek, Arizona
    Friday Afternoon Visit 6/5/20
    The last sentence was that 2 of her friends in Chandler tested positive. She was not near them.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Thanks Papi
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Can anyone tell me if they see an unpublished review for Hi Liter. I was almost finished with my review and my computer froze up.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    desertscrub - You are right about money is not in the club for the regular dancers. I spent a couple hours at Hi Liter this afternoon. I got several floor dances from Shannon. She told me that she only made $10 yesterday after paying her $30 House Fee and tip outs. She said that she did not recognize anyone yesterday and I was the only one she recognized today.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    The Seenatittie Kid: How I Play The Strip Club Game
    Muddy - Excellent Article, I have learned a lot from you and Papi_Chulo
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I spent about an hour at the Candy Store this afternoon. I had the Asian Dancer "May" tell me that there were no guys at the club after 8PM last night due to the curfew. I asked the DJ if they were closing at 8PM tonight and he said that they do not have to follow the curfew. I saw a very attractive AA dancer this afternoon. I did not get to talk to her because I spent my time with May. I am waiting to visit Hi Liter until I get confirmation that any of the several dancers that I like have returned.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    COVID dancers?
    Meat72 - I agree with your assessment. I have seen less than 20% of the dancers that I normally spend time with at the Clubs. The Native American dancer sent me a message that she wanted to meet me at her club last week, then she changed her mind due to Covid-19.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    George Floyd autopsy
    This is my opinion based on previously having trouble breathing when on the bottom of a football pile or lifting weights without a spotter. The autopsy is probably accurate when it says "being placed in restraint by police officers" I do not think he died from the knee on the side of his neck. Try putting your hand on the side or back of your neck and pressing as hard as you can. You can still breathe. When you are laying on your stomach and don't have your arms under you, it only takes 50-100 pounds on top of you before you have trouble breathing. The 2 officers where applying pressure to his back while he was on the ground being pressed against a hard surface which probably caused his death. I do not agree with the autopsy statement that he did not die from asphyxiation because it was clear that he was having trouble breathing due to the restraint by police officers.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Almost back to normal
    Papi_Chulo - Yes the dancer has to pay $20 for each different customer that she goes to the VIP with. This is why they normally require a five dance minimum. The customer pays a one time fee of $20 which is good for the entire day/evening.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Even slower than before
    Itnolvr, thanks for the quick response.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Even slower than before
    Did the 2 dancers wear a mask. When I stopped there last week, there was a sign near the hostess that said dancers must wear a mask. I did not enter because I did not want to sign the waiver.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    These are the rules that Phoenix Dancers must follow: https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerksite/Documents/ACP%20Brochure%20rev%205-15.pdf This is why BSC Dancers try to avoid floor dances.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I have never been to VLive https://tuscl.net/listing.php?id=4757
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Dancers are slowly returning. I received a text last night from a Thailand dancer. She told me that she would be returning to work on Friday evening. She said that if I stop by the Club, she would add on 2 free VIP dances. What I am really waiting for is the return of the 3 Filipino Hi Liter dancers.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Lone_Wolf - Venus is similar to Shelby. I am sure you remember Shelby. They both have such nice eyes and seem to melt into your arms. Shelby lives in Kingman and would travel to Bliss on weekends in 2018. I visited Shelby at Bliss every Saturday evening for a few months. She stopped traveling to Phoenix when she got promoted to become the Manager at the Subway in Kingman.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    Lone_Wolf - Yes, Venus is from Columbia. She is "So Fine" I would have visited with her if I did not have to sign the waiver. She moved from Cheetah's to Christie's last November to avoid her ex-boyfriend. He works at the VA Hospital and would walk across the street to Cheetah's and harass her.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I stopped by Sugar 44 this afternoon. I saw 6 dancers and about 8-10 customers. Nobody was wearing a mask. Ryan the owner told me that the Floor dances are no contact, but he would not monitor the VIP. He setup a fancy table across from the Bar. It had a white table cloth, flowers in a vase, 2 chairs and a menu that said lunch and dinner are $100. This was needed to open because Sugar 44 is required to provide food per our Governor's requirements. I had a Coors Light and talked to Lauren the blonde from Kansas, London, China, Angel and Trixy. They told me that Mustang is afraid to leave her house. I tipped around $40 for stage dances and then left for Christie's Phoenix. When I walked into Christie's, the Hostess told me that I don't have to pay the $7 cover because they currently have only 1 dancer Venus. She told me that I have to sign a waiver so Christie's is not responsible for anything related to Covid. Venus is really nice and attractive. She used to dance at Cheetah's. I did not want to sign the waiver, so I left.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona update
    I got a text from a dancer yesterday. She said that Ryan told her that Sugar 44 will open on Wednesday 5/20.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Cave Creek, Arizona
    Friday Evening Visit 5/15/20
    Heellover, I have taken all 3 ladies to the VIP at the same time. It was an "Asian Delight"